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    UNSC Infinity

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Brute Chieftain

Brute Chieftain (6/19)



  1. I think that it should just be a clear wave, like a shockwave from an explosion.
  2. Or if a vehicle is heavily damaged, then it can be repaired and brought back into the fight
  3. As Forerunner vehicles, though, they would fit
  4. That makes sense. And it would be awesome
  5. I agree with J113, the Hardlight Shield should deploy instantly
  6. Maybe it patrols a key area, and actually fires a sentinel beam
  7. SM295


    That's exactly what I was thinking of, wildfire
  8. Thanks, I do try to post relevant things
  9. The Autosentry idea is definitely a good one, but when you think about it, it's designed for defence. I like using it mainly as an alarm system when I'm defending. Just putting it down to detect when an enemy is approaching. Also, if you have an extra gun on-the-go, that's kinda OP. The Hologram idea is epic. Better hologram = more poeple using it. And it doesn't do damage, so it's kind of impossible for it to be OP. One thing I'd like from it is that if you have a marker above your head (from the flag/ball/Last Man Standing in Flood/etc) then the marker is also above your holograms head.
  10. SM295


    Yeah, but in this case it's about actually surviving, not just fighting. It'll also be for a much greater period of time. And besides, you can never crash a massive ship too many times.
  11. Seems kind of pointless. Surely an AOE EMP would be better.
  12. I like Halo 4's armor customisation system, but having more choice is always nice. I think that the chest pieces should stay, but have the emblems on them. Also, pistol holsters = epicness
  13. I agree. No real point to it unless the Flood dig in under the sea. Besides, then we'd need underwater vehicles.
  14. It wouldn't work with Halo. Spartans are designed for combat on-the-move, not aiming down the sights to aim better, which slows you down. The 5x visor is also one of my favourite things for recon and scouting. ADS just won't work with Halo.
  15. Thruster Pack defo needs to take you further, that'd make it actually useful. Reach's Jet Pack had a little extra fuel for a stable firing platform, which I loved, so I agree with you there as well. As for your shield/gravity idea, it sounds to me like the Maelstrom power in Force Unleashed, which, judging by my extreme overuse of said power, is extremely OP. Promethean Sword? AWESOME!!!
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