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  1. That's the problem, I don't like this "Submitt" and "Vote" system, cause it doesn't giving other players the oppurtunity to keep their map open to "Drop in/Drop out" without ruining the server. (Kind of selfish of me, but I don't want my map in line with others, rather instead, have it open in a list of servers for many to see).
  2. Title says it all, I mean it is proven on console it can be done in Far Cry 3, or better yet, Battlefield 3 proven you set your own rules and online server match at all time. (Please don't start fanboy war I'm not saying which is better) Which of course they're even multi-platform. And Halo is Xbox 360 exclusive,maybe they could intergrate some form of server browser coding on network today? But of course, while you can keep match-making for competiviveness on dedticated servers. For those loving "Percise and Prey" (Yes you DMR/BR lovers) I truley enjoyed the Map Forge and custom game set up, but felt so limited by fact you can only do that by "inviting friends only". But I want to show my map creation, or better yet, browse through other people servers of their custom game, their own map creation. And if someone is actually not team player or trolling, include an actually "Kick/ban" option power to the host of maps. Perhaps if "you are not there" to host to keep server running, maybe we could fund through microsoft points trasaction (With the exception YOU DON'T HAVE TO PAY TO CREATE, only pay if you are offline and want server to keep going), for players to check out your sever you set up, and maybe they'll download map or add server to "Favorite Server" list. That's all that's top of my mind.
  3. Really?!...you have no idea months ago there are so many DMR users that used to OP BR users...
  4. Because too many annoying brats online these days...but hey...at least it's not Call of Duty fanboys trolling online halo 4 players.
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