First of all let me just advocate that I do think that Halo 4 is a great and successful game. But with that said I'm noticing a some glitches and just some general multiplayer problems out there and I wondered if anyone else has come across them too or if they felt the same. Here are some things that I've had happen:
1. An Extraction game started but no extraction points came up during the whole game. The teams just ended up killing each other but never got any points. Over ten minutes wasted and the game just ended in a tie. And nobody wanted to quit because no one wants to get penalized.
2. I found that sometimes when I'm shooting my gun and running across another gun it will automatically pick that up, giving the player that I was shooting out just enough time to take advantage of what happened and kill me. It's happened multiple times.
3. Several times I've been placed in a game where the score was 200, and the other team is around 600, and you're automatically put on the losing team. I understand trying to choose players to fill in spots but isn't there a better way to do that? Wouldn't you think it's a little unfair to automatically put people on a losing team. Shouldn't you just close that game off so other people can't join and mess up their stats?
4. I was at a level 79 with only a hundred points to go to rank up to the next level, I earned a 30,000 point commendation and made it to level 80, but the rest of the 20,000+ points were used when I choose my next specialization. I feel like that was a total waste and that should somehow still transfer over.
5. Ummm tanks anyone? I know the castle map pack is coming out and it's suppose to be large maps and vehicle orientated but shouldn't that have been in some of the earlier maps? I'm not a big fan of the map, Exile but I know a lot of people play it and I think it's because it's one of the rare maps you can get quick access to the tank. I know the mantis is cool and the banshee's and ghosts are there, but I would gladly substitute one of those for a working tank. Or even bring back the old Heavy playlist you had in Halo 2, sometimes people just want to blow stuff up with some awesome explosions. I mean, tank beats everything! (Halo 3 quote)