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Everything posted by тυcкєя

  1. Welcome to the forums mate. Have a good time.
  2. I can record. But, it depends on the game you are playing. I might be able to act.
  3. Maybe it was a bug. Because, if you get to level 50 you should be able to pick what you want.
  4. No, I do not have it, yet. I am hoping to get it next week. But, I can still watch it on Netfilx xD. I think that the movie should have been longer but, overall I loved it. It had the amount of action and it had what I wanted it to have so, nothing really was horrible about it.
  5. I use most of these tips. If I listed my own they would probably be similar. But, thank you very much for sharing this with us. I'm sure this will help all of the members that struggle in matchmaking on Halo 4.
  6. The Retorn Rifle which has a knife on the front of the gun. To kill an enemy with this gun you can either shoot them or run at them. Running at the enemy will make the knife go through the enemies stomach. This gun will have a body kind of like the Assault Rifle and will have some of the power of the SaW and Assault Rifle. Chain Gun, this gun has a chain saw on the front of the gun. This gun will have the power of a Spiker and will look like a SaW. To kill an enemy you can shoot at them or chainsaw them. It will rip apart the pieces of your enemies corpse. But, it will not be that bloody. For a new vehicle, the name of this will be Knight. the Knight will be a dark typed vehicle. I was thinking that maybe it would have one front wheel and one back wheel. the Knight will have a booster pack. When you use the booster it will shoot out black ink typed smoke. If you are behind the vehicle you could die from the inked smoke. They should also add a swimming ability to Halo 5. But, this ability could only be used in water maps. So you cannot fall off the map and survive. A cool map to have would be a water map. So, they will have like land but, they have tunnels under water. You can fight either on land or water. On this map you have to have the water ability. This maps name will be called Hanet.
  7. I actually have a few Halo 5 ideas. For a helmet, I thought maybe they could do like a knight typed helmet. But, only do one knight helmet so people don't think of Halo 5 as like as a knight war. For this helmet's name I was thinking Medieval Time's because, it's a bit of a change. So here's the armor I know this isn't the helmet but, just look at the armor. It will have the same name as the helmet, Medieval Time's. I actually have gun ideas, armor abilities and new map ideas. Gun ideas: I didn't really make up this gun but, I did name it and how it would kill the enemy. It's a gun that will have the Assault Rifle and SaW combine. So it's very powerful and automatic. But, you have to have skill to kill an enemy with this gun you can't just shoot and hope for the best. This guns name's Chain Gun. This here is a gun that has a knife attached to the gun. So, to kill your enemies fast just run at them and this will go through them. This gun I decided was going to be a Spiker. With a different body so it will have the same power as the Spiker, only just a different style. The name of this gun is Retorn Rifle. For those of you that don't know what a Spiker is it's this gun. This gun was in Halo 3. I'm not sure why Halo 4 excluded this gun. I actually was a very big fan of this gun. It was a powerful automatic gun. Armor Ability: I came up with an idea to have a swimming armor ability. Now this ability will only work if you are in a water map. So, if you happen to fall off the map into water you can not use your water ability to survive. I gave this a simple yet epic name, Swim. Map: For a map I was thinking making a water map. You could like go on land or fight in tunnels underwater. You can not have any other armor ability other than swim. Because, if you tried to go into the water you would die and no one would want that xD.
  8. I thought it would be a really good game. Considering what I have seen in the game. I really think that this game could be good, maybe better than Halo. You never know.
  9. All of the Halo games are awesome. But, if I had to pick one. It would be Halo Reach not sure why I just love the feel of the game when I sat on there for hours and hours non stop.
  10. I have a capture card just not the same KB but, if I did have the same one I don't think I would be able to help. I have a terrible explaner.
  11. You know I see mistakes in Halo 4 but, I see potential in this game getting better. In order to do this we need everyone I mean it including you sir to stop hating.
  12. No, actually you are not. I was thinking the same thing. Like cause I just play Halo 4 most of the time so I just go onto Halo Reach and I actually have a good time. No doubt about it Halo 4 is a wonderful game. But, i'm not sure. I think I like Halo Reach more. Going back to the classics <3.
  13. I was thinking a little something that was like the Assualt Rifle except it would either have a knife on the gun or a chain saw kind of like this. I got the idea from Gears of War but, still xD. So here's the one with a knife on it. So you just run at the enemy and it goes into the enenmy but, it won't be that bloody. It would be like that only an Assualt Rifle. I come up with a little name for this gun. Retorn Rifle. Basically it's a very skilled gun and can kill anything. I was thinking maybe it would be like a SaW Assualt Rifle combine. Here's the one with the chainsaw. So, you just go up on an enemy and chainsaw them done. But, maybe if this gun was in Halo 5, they could make it kind of bloody just not like gushes of blood coming out of the enemy. Because, that's not the Halo we know. I was thinking Maybe to have it like a Brute Gun. I think that's the name or something like that. So it will be a very powerful automatic gun. I came up with a name for this one too. It's Chain Gun. Here's the Brute Gun. It's actually pretty powerful. Well, was I should say because, they don't have it in Halo 4.
  14. Welcome to the forums! Make the taco force be with you.
  15. I have felt this way too. But, I think that the reason you get on the losing team is because, at the beginning of the game the other team starts winning badly and some players on the team you get on are too scared to play the game, they quit. But, usually if I get on a losing team, I figure out that actually they weren't that hard. and We win yay! But, sometimes I will be put into a game that's just starting, both teams are tied or I just get to pick the map and start like all of the other players.
  16. Wow, I can't wait till this comes out. But, that's a while away. *sigh* and Yes, I was thinking the same thing, Absolute Dog.
  17. Well, everyone says this. But, do you really think that 343industries will make the same game as Bungie. Umm no. Excuse me while I explain to you that these are both different game makers. So, you are trying to tell me that they will be the exact same no. I don't want to get mean but, when people on this community complain about Halo 4 it upsets me. Now, if you don't like the way 343Industries made the game which I think was very great then stop playing the game. That simple. Now, Armor Abilities: They are a great thing to have in a game, they are not trying to ruin the game but, they are updating it. Pretty much what you are telling me is you don't like new things you just want to play the same game, Halo 3 with a name Halo 4? Loadouts: First off I see no reason to even speak of loadouts. How are the weapons un-balanced? Of course all of them are going to have the exact same power no, they are not. Each gun has their own power. Like the DMR and BR they are alike, they shoot far. But, why would one be called a DMR and BR, look different and have the same exact power? Maps: How the crap are the maps like CoD, I proudly do not agree with this theory. CoD maps are like, real life maps. Halo 4 has way more colors to it. Adding way more beauty to each map, un-like CoD. Sprint: Sprint is actually a wonderful thing to have added to Halo 4. Because, would you like to jump around, to run away from someone or run away? Hmm probably run. Because, like in Halo 3 you had to jump around to get a "fast" escape. Ordanace: I see no reason to discuss this either. Yes, it did end the struggle to get a gun. But, you have to ask yourself this. Does it take skill to get an ordanace drop? Yes, you have to kill an amount of enemies you don't just get it for no reason. Now, your reasons are alight. But, all of these updates are making the Halo universe way better. So, ask yourself these few questions, please. and You should change your few theories. ~Tucker, the wise man~
  18. Well, I don't think that Halo Reach was really a place holder. In some thoughts yes but, not really. I think naming the next Halo game, Halo 5 would be ok. But, I think they should do Halo UNSC, or something. So then they could do Halo 4.
  19. Welcome to the forums. Have a nice time here, like the rest of us. If you want to be friends, play xbox together or just ask a question you can just PM (Private Message) and I will get back to you real soon. Bye for now, hope to talk to you soon.
  20. Well, it's good to see someone a legend again. Congrats, I will look up to you. Have a good time being a legend.
  21. тυcкєя


    Hello guys I will be leaving for 4 weeks. Because, I have summer school at 8:00 am and each class is about an hour and a half so I take two and I get home at like 11:50 am because, I take the bus. On top of all of this when I get home I have to do chores, babysit and just a whole variety of things my parents throw into my face.. As well as this I have football and soccer games on Saturday, two of them and they are both about 2 hours or so. I also have to deal with my life, I have to go visit my girlfriend and take care of her and go see my best friend in the hospital. For some awesome reason me and my family are going to Disney Land or World for like a couple of days. I will try my hardest to come and visit for a little and say a friendly "hello" to all of you active members. I am not leaving forever to say the least but, I will be gone for probably 4 weeks or so maybe more depending on what's going on. Thanks for being great friends!
  22. I will workout trying to maybe be on the team. Sounds like fun. and Indeed with Fishy we cant lose ever. Really never.
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