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Everything posted by тυcкєя

  1. RISE OF THE SPARTANS Hey guys! Tucker here, and today I would like to focus, on just one topic. Today I will be talking about the YouTube episodes, RISE OF THE SPARTANS. It's kind of like Red vs. Blue, but everything they do in episodes are normal. So they use all of the things in Halo: Reach to create these amazing episodes. There's comedy, action and great war scenes/battles. if you are ever bored, you should try watching these series. I believe there's 9 episodes. There are a variety of characters in these episodes, they are all different in their own way. Make sure to leave you feedback on what you thought of the episodes on this topic! if you have already watched these episodes make sure to tell everyone what you thought! -Tucker the Cookie Monster OVER AND OUT http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzNnvdfk8qs Enjoy!
  2. Wow! This is a very good, creative, amazing map. One of the few, that are not actually copied from other peoples creations. I like how there's orange in the map! Just some advice, if you plan on making another map, try to make it a little brighter, not to be a rude or anything. Everything else on this map looks right on target. Keep up the good work! Later on, today I might consider on downloading your map and trying it out. But I am real busy with homework, like jammed packed. Well, have a nice rest of your day .
  3. This would be a great idea! Because my friend got the Play Station 4 for Christmas, because he thought I would get it too. But I actually got the Xbox One, so if this happens I would be so happy! Me and my friend playing Destiny, with each other on different consoles .
  4. On the forums we do a lot of custom games. Most people seem to show up, so you will probably play with a wide variety of people on the forums. Me and my friends play a lot of custom games on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Because we get out of school. If you ever want to join me and him, just let me know. Btw, I will add you when I get on my Xbox, it may be a while so, if you want to add me my GT is listed below. Gamertag: Kool Halo Kitty
  5. So, i'm guessing Bnus already won? Or...
  6. This has happened to me quite a few times. I believe you were banned from Matchmaking because you quit too many games. So if you don't want this to happen again, try to stay in as many games as you can. If you don't like who your playing with, just back out of the game and then you can search for a new game. If this is not the reason, then I am not sure. Good luck though ! P.S. Oh and if you need any further assistants then my dear horse, Jimmy can help you out.
  7. Wow this is great news, I can't wait to play with a lot of community members in these play dates. If you can make it and you have no plans please try to show up, the more the better. I've only made about 1 or two events, because I have to keep my grades up in school and I do sports. and The thing is usually, my brothers are playing on the Xbox all day, or when I even get a chance to play I don't have Xbox Membership. But either way, this is real great news. Thank you RedStar !
  8. Wow, that looks like an amazing map! I usually like bright and colorful maps, but this one is really creative. My favorite part has the be the bit of darkness added to the map, and how it's made and set up. Really nice job on making this map. You should totally make more! Keep up the great work dude .
  9. Jesus! This game looks amazing. I can not even tell you. I literally can not wait to get this game, it looks legit! But I honestly think Halo will still be a better seller. Thank you for sharing this !
  10. When did seeing a glimpse of someones face become the end of the world? It's not like it ended Halo or anything. In the books we are told what Master Chief looks like, if you ask me seeing just a glimpse of his face was actually kind of cool. Seeing him without armor might come as a bit of a surprise, but I honestly don't think you needed to take time out of your day to make this ridiclious topic.
  11. If that happened then I would have no choice but to go to one of the 343 producers home with a bat and beat 'em down. What if Master Chief was never in Halo before ?
  12. I might not be able to attend this event, because I don't have a gold membership quite yet. But I will try to. I hope to see all of you guys attending this event. Gamertag: Kool Halo Kitty
  13. Just chill out bro, it was just a slight error in the game. I'm sure your campaigns levels will come back soon enough. But if not then i'm not sure what you can do.
  14. Well I really enjoyed being Master Chief, but I think the Arbiter was also a real great character. I like how you can kind of take side in the Arbiter's point of view as a elite, rather than a spartan. It was a very enjoyable thing. Also Cortana was a really awesome character as well, she was very well made as a video game character and she has a strong take in Halo.
  15. ! Awesome, job on getting MoM this month, you are a great pick for this position. ENOY YOUR MONTH IN PINK! MEN WEAR PINK. Maybe one of this times I will actually be able to be awarded MoM.
  16. Well first of all I would just like to say, thank you for joining 343 Industries community, and I think that's awesome you already attended a playdate. If you ever want to play Halo: Reach, Halo: 3 or even Halo 4. Just let me know, I am always up to play! If you have any questions you would like to ask just ask me or any other community members. I hope you have an amazing time here, and last but not least, WELCOME TO THE FORUMS!!!
  17. It would be awesome to have re make of Halo 2. But I don't think that 343 Industries, even though they own the 'Halo' title can remake any of the games Bungie has already created. But then again I am not certain.
  18. Awesome ! Can't wait to be there with everyone else Gamertag: Kool Halo Kitty
  19. Now I have requested 3 times never got my signature .
  20. Family Guy, Walking Dead and that's it.. There's not really legit awesome TV shows that are worth 30 mins of my life.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ShockGazm


      Have you seen season 4 of the Walking Dead? :) Nah, I've been watching Samurai Jack on Netflix, ahh good times. Yeah, there were some terrible children shows back in the day, well they're still around. I watched Deputy Dawg, Pingu, Topcat Pokemon and Yu-gioh. Also, my first Anime's I got into were Outlaw Star, Big 0 and Cowboy Bebop. Those shows were the best, Pingu, Topcat and Deputy Dawg were watched at an even younger age but still great. I didn't watch documentaries but I...

    3. ShockGazm


      If you want some new TV Shows to watch, I recommend, The Mentalist, Dexter, Burn Notice and as of lately I've been watching Farscape is that's you cup of tea. :P

    4. ShockGazm


      Damn it my paragraph was cut off, can't remember what I said. I think I said I got more into shows like Stargate back then, loved it. But, I was more into Video Game, so TV wasn't a big deal to me

  21. Lets be real honest here.. The Wii didn't even stand a chance against any gaming platform. I don't think Wii U can beat PS4 or Xbox One. Wii U is more of a pathetic gaming platform, nonetheless it looks like a stupid little idea. I won't have my hopes raised for the Wii u platform, probably just crumple to ashes like all of the other lame creations.
  22. I know Xbox One has already been in stores for a little while. But, I would like to know is it really worth getting? I mean it seems really cool, but I don't want to go wasting all my money on some console, that might even not be that great. I could probably buy more things then just a console. So below, I came up with a few questions so I could kind of get the idea of the Xbox One and make my decision as to either getting it or just to save my money up. So if you have a Xbox One, or know someone that has one or you know a lot about it please answer these few questions listed below: Why did you get Xbox One? Was it worth getting? At what number would you rate it (1-10)? Do you honestly enjoy these console? Why is it such a good/bad console? Well that's all I would like to ask. -Tucker
  23. I think they should kind of make the weapons more fair. Like holy crap, in Halo Reach the Assault Rife did not even kill that fast. But in Halo 4 you can shoot like 5 bullets and they are dead. Maybe add a few more weapons. I thought it would be cool to have like a pistol with a chain saw, but when you chain saw a person it won't be very bloody. Also, I think they should make the maps more colorful, rather than being all dark and spooky like. It's fine to do some maps dark, but most all Halo 4 maps are just plain and simple. I want creative! The armor needs to be more creative too. Some of the armor is just terrible.. I want them to be original. Every now and then there would be that one armor piece that looked legit, but barely any. In Halo: Reach and Halo 3 the armor looked well pieced together and original. Making a piece of armor should not take 5 mins, it should take time.. For me all they need to do is make the weapons more better, add some more weapons, make the maps more colorful and creative and finally make the armor suitable for the Halo universe. If this improves then you might just see me in the store getting Halo: 5 on the first day.
  24. If freaking Halo 3 actually comes to PC. I'm just gonna freak out and be like :
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