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Everything posted by hmhm70

  1. Gamertag: hmhm70 Map: Parasite Gametype: Parasite Screenshot: Link (This screenshot doesn't do the map justice) Description: I created this map, although it says created by DDez Drol. DDez Drol makes modded maps for forge to expand the budget, which I used as a canvas, thus saying he is the creator. This is an 8-16 player flood map using the game variant Parasite. It is based off of a small town which gets less domesticated towards the flood spawn point. It is better with more players than less. The number of flood is a simple math problem. Divide the number of players by two, and subtract one. If there are an odd amount of players, round down. This map took me about 5 hours to make and I tested with friends yesterday. This is my first flood map and it turned out great. I made it as un-campable as possible and tweaked the gametype so it is fun for both flood and humans. The weapons placed on the map are shotgun, railgun, and sniper rifle. The shotgun is the most powerful although the zombies can easily overpower anyone with the shotgun. You spawn with an assault rife as humans and a magnum. There is a warthog, but the road is collapsed (jump) and there is debris all over the road making the warthog not so campable. There are lots of fun places to go on the map, and it will have you running and shooting like crazy.
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