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acually, the music was awsome, but the diadact part is soooo true. the flood abilities is fine in my opinion, and your not suposed to be able to survive flood anyway. while the maps are small, they eliminated the problems with Reach, thus improving play, but they forgot to add forge world AND make it more accesible by pulling back the kill zones a bit on the land side, but pulling them in on the ocean side if needed. i hate any one of them being unequally over or under powered, and the ballance is there in this game type as they are both over and conversly underpowered in an apealing way the 117 soundtrack when flying throught the treanch was as awsome as flying through the treanch. it was epic. i mean all the starwars games with the trench did it wrong because the real trench wasn't like that and it wasn't a big deal to keep it like the movie, but have a time limit and have to boos the entire way while dodging bulets instead of structures that wherent in the way in the movie. it's awsome in halo, because its the same but different as well as a better take and improvement on the concept. after the crash, flying through the structure by gravlifts was eaqually impressive and gave me a scifi fps halo orgasm
Okay, so there are some things i liked about halo 4, and some things that they made even worse than reach. Vehicles: They are too week. Vehicles are what make halo stand out among the other shooters. There fun and are necessary for when you want to mix it up for a while. The counter argument that people will abuse vehicle use is useless and unfounded, as well as counter productive to the halo series to not have or have weaker vehicles. What's with magically punching a vehicle and having parts from random pieces break off? It's unrealistic and doesn't make you feel any better about defeating a vehicle because its too easy. In reach, killing a wraith was a skill, here no one cares. Plus, you should be able to hijack a vehicle by breaking only the cockpit protector and killing the occupant. This will keep the balance of the one who got there first has an easier time staying alive, while the new occupant is easier to kill. You should be rewarded for doing something hard, not a watered down you get nothing for doing something boring It degrades the experience and will give cod and battle field more players- bad biusiness. However, the grenade thing was a good idea. I also think that instead of busting the tank if you have no grenades when you hop onto the back, you should be able to climb up onto the gun and cause damage to that. if you hop onto the side, it should take just a bit longer to get to the front How to fix it: patch the punching crap, I consider it a glitch and it was annoying enough in Reach Fire arms: Nice job! I love the amping up of the covenant weapons and making them farther, faster, more accurate, and more painfull. I don't need to comment on the foruners as everyone likes them. Forge: Bad job, discraseful and shameful job. The maps are smaller, and they should have kept the tin cups old traits because it slowed some objects when dropped from the sky, so you could bury them in the ground and have the only succesful drop pods that didn't kill you and without the other tacky, second-rate solutions. Marketing scam in dominion: I don't apretiate being lied to about dominion, I only bought halo 4 before hearing critics because there was a comercial with the buildings actually building form the ground and they mentioned strategy, which seems to be abandoned and watered down to just plain shoot'em up with a slight twist. Vehicle selection: Lazy half-*** job guys, bravo. Cut the crap and add all past vehicles into the forge and make the hornet control like the pelican and have faster ascent/decent and straif. There was also hype about being able to fly serefs, pelicans, and scarebs in forge and custom games. you guys disapointed us by being so failure-oreinted. Campaigne: Great job with few issues. cortana's death was un-emotional, thus defeating the purpose of killing her off, though if she survived again I would have been iritated also, because it would defeate the pourpose of her death being an issues. As a side note, I would like to note that the cut scene with the scientists was the sadest part because it was more emotional, and you could feel so bad for them. I was glad they were killed because now they don't have to suffer emotionally their whole life, making me feel like it was justified. diadact ship: epic diadact last fight, but dum ending. the fight was epic, but the nuke didn't make any sence. It didn't even detonate when triggered, and chief got teliported after it should have exploded. it was also unnecesary as the the ship was no longer a threat even though it was still firing. It would have only been firing on the same city it already composed, and the composer could have been taken by the unsc and been usede as a political weapon against the covanent. plus, the fact that the librarian is still alive could have been exploited in that she would inherit control of the ship (as long as she didn't murder him, of course). Earth assault: the covanent could have destroyed the earth, but were probably told to leave as the diadact had an ego the size of a planet, thus making sense, but i would like to note that earth is no longer the strongest planet, siince it has already been over runned, and humanity also has other planets, which would be easily upgraded as earth's demand for resources was lessened do to the masecre Elites and covanent: makes sense. the profits obviously want the elites back in to end their alliance, and they only would have to honour them for saving the covenant and put them back into power to reastablish control. The more ***-kissing they do, the more control they have. For the brutes, there is no reason why they shouldn't have been replased shortly after their rise to power, since they failed and were and unstable society. All they were was a tool for the new covanent party anyway, and it was the elites that saved every single one of them, and even though they rebelled and were independant for a while, their future reloyalty was highly likely anyway. They only joined us to save life, but they rebelled because they were replaced. if they were only replaced, they would still have rebeled and not allied themselves with us. Forge nuances- problems and good things: obviously the magnet and quick dupe was a great idea and i'm sure user data is too, once it is understood enought to be used. however, the physics where you put things on normal and they become fixed after a while has prevented many good ideas in forge on reach. We could have easily made psudo destructable ship wars where the buildings stayed on normal physics and when the bariers and explosives would hold them up until destroyed. forge ideas for the future: bbesides needing all the vehicles, as well as fuel rod gun wraiths and fuel rod gun shade turrets and those blue flack turets in fogre, there needs to be a few more options. You need to be able to: glue pieces together so they act as one building (when paired with my persistant normal phisics idea) and beable to de attach after enough force is applied. we need to beable to set some destructible objects to triger events in buildings such as physics change and destruction, and noncolide so parts can fall through them map and get deleted, thus saving data. buildings need to be modable to where they can take damage which would be user specified and the type of weapons efect it diferetntly. there needs to be some sort of shield thing (in halo 5) that can be alloud to cover buidlings, and air locks need to be scripted so efects like from Reach's map anchor can hapen. imagine how epic the experience would be if the environment changed, even just a bit, when damage is dealt. Why the developers need to head my advise: because you need to keep your investment interesting so you get your money back and gain a profit? DUH! halo is already on the downhill slope, so you need to act now. dont save the changes for later, because it may already be to late one example is given by nintendo. The reason why they are failing is because they banned the cod franchise so long that people like me had time to save up for an xbox (finally) thus deleting the interest i had in the wii. I loved the wii more than xbox because i could easily become more coordinated with the game by using my eye hand coordination skills to make me better faster. I was headshotting people with the most inacturate guns accross the map within a few months with the wii, but the xbox anologue stick makes no sense whatsoever and thus needs years to get a fraction as good. plus, the new kids would like the ease of being able to skill up faster. An extra tip for developers: theres no reason you can't change your halo 4 game now and fuel the interest in the series. patches already are constantly addes so i do't know why things cant be addressed, now before your customers jump ship. I had an idea for the connect of how to achieve the wii effect without having to get new controllers, but i don't want to give my idea away. as soon as i can pattendt that idea, I'm going to sell it.
probably a haxor
i like those ideas a lot