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  1. Destiny is one of the easiest games I've ever played. I took 3 different character classes to level 32 like it was nothing. I was doing both raids, weekly's, nightfall on Tues. It would take about 5 hours. I was downing Atheon on one port. I didn't play after Tues, and would wait until Sat until Xur showed up. This got boring after getting every exotic and every trophy in the game, so I simply sold my account for $600 to some guy in the UK.
  2. Halo MCC is the worst game of 2014. It's been 3 months and still there are players that can't find an online game with and open NAT.
  3. DeepCee has no friends, and has never had a friend in his entire life. He can't possibly comprehend their being more than 1 user per Xbox. Also, why would you care about being banned on that site. It's filled with adolescents that have no clue about what they are talking about. Please release the names of the devs that couldn't properly port a 14 year old game and are responsible for making people like the creators of halobugs.com take time out of their day to create a site like halobugs.com to point out the mistakes that the devs made. People like playing games, not having to waste their personal time to encourage devs to fix their mistakes which should never have been there in the first place but yet 3 months later.....
  4. There is clearly a host advantage in matchmaking, and I know when I have host instantly after the first few kills or so. Also,not sure if you've seen this: http://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/2q2609/master_chief_collection_community_bug_list_please/ Halo CE was not at all a broken game. Halo CE on the original XBOX was never designed to be played online, only in a LAN setting. Thankfully, XBC enabled players to play online, but there was always a clear host advantage. It's the product of a competent team of game developers like Hardy Lebel. http://www.hardylebel.com/2014/09/video-game-design_universal-truth/ Halo MCC on the other hand: Bottom line is that the technology is 13 years old. At this juncture, any competent developer like Hardy Lebel can take such an old game and make it playable online without so many problems, but this is 343 we are talking about here who chose to outsource MCC instead of focusing on it. All they had to do was bring in the right consultants from the original bungie team and also feedback from Halo CE pros and we wouldn't be dealing with all these broken mechanics. Instead, they gave us an unfinished game.
  5. I'll take the opinion of a halo pro player as to what should and should not be contained in halo game from a competitive standpoint over a casual any day of the week. To NOT do so is very short sighted, because a pro player understands the game to a much greater extent than any casual ever will. This is due to the fact that they have put in much more time into the game and are PAID to play it. Now as far as non competitive play is concerned, anyone can weigh in. The term "dedicated servers" regardless of the technical explanation behind them, is marketed by gaming companies such as 343 to indicate that the connection and overall experience will be better, and that everyone would essentially be on an even playing field, with no one having a "host adv". Instead of delivering on this selling point, 343 made halo MCC such that in matchmaking, one person is the host, and everyone else who is playing experiences more lag than the host. Do you know what the current # of XB1's and PS4's sold post Christmas is? Not that it matters because I'm not even sure how Microsoft vs PS4 is relevant to my statement of not buying games from broken companies like 343.
  6. There are several Halo players who post on the Team Beyond site that are the best players in the world. This is not an opinion, it is a fact based on the results of tournament and LAN play over several years. Because of this, their opinion as to what constitutes competitive halo is more valued that the opinion of a casual for obvious reasons. That being said, 343 is a business to make money, but they are also liars. They claimed that MCC would contain dedicated servers and that the "experience would be just like original halo, just as you remembered it." Any sensible consumer isn't going to pre-order much less purchase Halo 5 simply based on the feedback that the halo community has given on MCC. I can't even join a game where at least one of the people playing doesn't have a clan tag along the lines of: "343 ruined halo" or "343 killed halo" Since 343 didn't make the right decisions regarding MCC, it contains tons of bugs. See halobugs.com Also see: http://www.forbes.com/sites/insertcoin/2014/11/22/microsoft-is-losing-xbox-one-momentum-due-to-343s-halo-master-chief-collection-misdeeds/ So really at this juncture, caring whether or not halo 5 has sprint or doesn't is laughable at best. Feel free to have an opinion that isn't shared by any sensible consumer. Buy into the hype, get the game, or be wise and don't purchase games from a company that makes broken games. Halo CE 13 years ago wasn't broken. Incompetent companies of today can't even correctly port 13 year old technology, and I'm not even talking about the online aspect of it. The port simply contains so many things wrong with it that was never an issue in the original game!
  7. This is actually a factual statement. You wouldn't have to buy another game. Anyone who disagrees is under 20 years old and can't appreciate the greatest game to ever be released on console. This coming from someone who's played more games on more systems than most have. NES, Sega Master system, Sega CD, Sega 32X, Genisis. Neo-Geo, SNES, Turbo Graphix, TurboDuo.....Atari Jaguar, Game Boy, Xbox original, Sega Saturn, 3DO, Nintendo 64, Dreamcast, Game Cube, PS1, PS2, PS3, Wii, Wii U, 360, Xbox One, PS4..... the list goes on. I honestly could care less about any game on any of these consoles that I have played so long as halo 1 on xbox plays like LAN. I tried to find a game that was better on all these consoles. I really did, but they sadly didn't make the cut. Maybe in another 10 years.
  8. On one hand you have some kid that thinks he's accomplished something by beating the AI in a game on legendary. On another hand you have some skilled gamer knowing that they've accomplished something by having a respectable K/D ratio. The 2nd accomplishment is far greater than the first. Anyone can play a repetitive AI, figure it out, and beat legendary. Not everyone can be in the top 5% in the world in K/D ratio. That actually takes skill, and that's the best way to get true enjoyment out of a game. At least for me. I've played enough games where you beat the AI and finish the game. This does nothing for me anymore. A shame that lessons like these aren't taught to kids. It's all about "having fun" and taking the easiest way possible to get false self gratification. So please, enlighten me again as to why I would be worried about how unlimited amo in the campain effects my enjoyment of making my opposition go negative in K/D every night lol?!? Skull on or off, both result in no skill in the grand sceme of things. It's like saying a $1000 car is better than a $500 car. In the end, both are not worth a second thought when you look at the big picture.
  9. Reverted to Halo PC rather than Halo CE, and there's 364 players on. Thanks!
  10. I loaded up halo CE for the PC. I'm on 1.10 patch. There's many servers but all of them are 0/16 in team slayer, and only one server on Danger Canyon on is 15/16 CTF. So only 15 people playing total, in the entire Halo Custom Edition. What do I need to download to see a new server list with more than 15 people playing? Is there a particular server IP that you recommend playing on? What's the difference between Halo CE and Halo PC as seen here: http://halo-fixes.findforum.net/t36-bungie-officially-releases-patch-110-includes-the-lobby-fix I only have halo CE installed.
  11. Many of these players don't understand how much skill is involved in Halo CE. They think that they are going to pick the game up and own like they do at COD and halo 4. (very easy games to get kills in) I'll honestly be shocked if someone scores more than 5 kills in a game upto 50 the first 6 months they have it in 2v2 TS against skilled players.
  12. Not all of us care about "fun factor" or "latest and greatest best graphics" Many of us just want to be able to play the original halo and halo 2 just as they were, on multiplayer on xbox live. From what Frankie said, that's exactly what we are getting. On the console, there still isn't a FPS that takes more skill than the original halo. And this is coming from OGRE2, the best halo player in the world. Best FPS on the console that takes the most skill is counter strike. With the fact that the gaming industry has dumbed down games so that today's generation can handle it, you need to be thankful that they are re-releasing halo 1 and halo 2 for online live play. (everyone has to be a winner by today's standards, no child left behind) It will probably be the last game released takes any real skill.
  13. http://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/287m0k/halo_the_master_chief_collection_matchmaking_issue/ci88wm7
  14. Based on this each game has it's own dedicated play list. https://twitter.com/Brav/status/476135947277324288
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