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I love playing and suggesting things for halo and other games
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Bring back the flood, I know they were defeated in halo 3, but they were defeated in CE as well, if there's one parasite, than there can be a full army in time, I also want too see new flood types, like the juggernaut and the bomber. Less prometheans, but still have some, I also want them to be slightly remade, weaker knight, easier to hit watchers and less annoying crawlers. Bring back drones, and possibly brutes if they can possibly be worked in the story right. Get rid of ordnance and custom loadouts, also don't put a waypoint over weapon, or over the last guy in flood. Make parts of the campaign where you have to use certain armor abilities, and add some new armor abilities. Bring back the revnant, falcon, hornet, scarab, AA wraith, specter, shade turret and the shadow, also add halo wars vehicles like the locust, gremlin, grizzly, rhino, vampire, wolverine and maybe a super scarab at some point. Bring back the plasma rifle (duh), focus rifle, SMG, grenade launcher and the flamethrower and if there are brutes in the campaign bring back the mauler, spike grenade, fire grenade,spiker and the brute shot, I've also got some weapon ideas, covenant flamethrower, mortar (covenant, human, promethean and flood types), a covenant shotgun, a smoke greande (human), an EMP grenade (covenant), I also want a new promethean grenade.
jayce108 started following halo 5 ideas , Halo 5 and 6 plot ideas? , More Elite and ODST Ops in Halo 5 and 1 other
elite ops: the team would be commanded by Jul Mdama's 3rd in command, they'd basiacly be the task force 141 of the covenant, anyways at the end of the 3rd or 4th episode the leader of the team would betray them once they got him valuable intel/stuff he'd basiacly pull a General Shepard on his team, he'd then get promoted to Jul's 2nd in command for retrieving the info. The team's old leader would've attempted to kill the team and thought he had, but in the second last chapter they'd kill him, then in the last chapter they'd have to escape.
I was wondering if I/you would/could make a thread or elite and ODST ops in halo waypoint, thanks
ODST: ODST OPS: I want to see stuff happen during this, like when the tower falls in ODST, nothing like that happened in spartan ops, I also want too see some deaths, a betrayal (which was in spartan ops), and a large set of good characters. Improve the combat and overall gameplay, spartan ops had gameplay that was worth s***, I think they should make it so you actually progress instead of just running around and killing guys at the same location repeatitly. Make there be a cool vehicle chapter, a cool aircraft chapter and a chapter in which you work your way to a certain area, while avoiding enemies, then getting a sniper and killing an enemy leader, then having to escape. I want too see there maybe be 5th guy who will always be controlled by an AI who will get injured, then have to be evacuated (maybe this could be the final chapter). This would overall be more of a true spec ops type thing as you'll fight smaller quantities of more skilled enemies, you'll have to be stealthed at many points (possibly using active camo which may work for future ODST armor), and finally having special jobs for certain things, like maybe someone piloting a hornet/falcon and then using it to cover the rest of the team. Having cool customizable ODST armor.
ODST: FIREFIGHT: So I think there could be a halo 3 ODST firefight style thing, but with matchmaking and custom games to make it better, I think they should bring back all the original ODST maps and add a vehicle based map, a new close quaraters map and a giant map (huge, as big as the main area from forge world; the part with the cliff overhanging it, and the cool cave). I also want too see a flood mode where opposed to turning on skulls, you get incresingly larger waves of flood, as well as getting a flood juggernaut at the end of every set of rounds, I also want there to be lots of green mist that gets darker as the game progresses. Have elites as enemies, also on the huge map have a scarab (with a small crew and nerfed canons,) at the end of every set, also maybe add the option to give yourself extra ODST's to help at the end of every round. I loved ODST firefight so much more than reaches, but these minor tweeks would make it a true beast.
IMPORTANT ODST OPS IMFORMATION ODST ops: I was thinking it could have 5 episodes each with 5 chapters (that would be about 20-25 minutes each), I was thinking elite ops could be just as long. I want this to be stealthy, but still have some big fights, like nightfall from halo reach. I want lots of cool stuff to happen while playing, like when the tower falls in ODST, or the giant ship fight in the background of halo 2's level cairo station. I want there to be 8 ranks like in my elite ops idea, but I want them to all be variants of sergeant, all the ODST's just seem like sergeants, I know Dutch and Mikey and all them weren't, but they felt like they were. I want there to be times when there are things specific to certain armor abilities (like in exodus on halo reach), or maybe one guy having to do a special job (like the arbiter in the level oracle), I also want there to be AI's controlling blank player spots (so if there's only one person playing, 3 AI's will assist you, you'll still have to do all the special jobs though. here are my rank ideas: sergeant staff sergeant gunnery sergeant master sergeant first sergeant master gunnery sergeant sergeant major command sergeant major I think ODST ops could sort of tell a story alongside elite ops, sort of like in halo with the arbiter and master chief cause it all tells one story, but they'd be doing different missions in different areas and would never cross paths,
PLEASE READ, IMPORTANT ELITE OPS IMFORMATION alright, so I don't think another spartan ops will do well, since halo4 spartan ops did bad, people won't bother with a halo 5 variant, I'm also more interested in elite ops but ODST ops is good as well, I think both could be happening at the same, but with different objectives and areas, but maybe eventually they'd cross paths or something. here are my elite ops ideas. I love elites so much more than humans and here's why: 1. There tougher, I mean whenever your playing a halo game and a marine has a fight with an elite they die. 2. There more disiplined, in the halo 2 mission the arbiter, when your all in the phantom and Rtas Vadumee is saying things and all the elites reply in sync, they also have a great motto. 3. There aliens, I think an alien is almost always cooler than a human, especially the two arbiters (Ripa Moramee and Thel Vadumee) So In elite ops I think it could be pretty much like spartan ops, but with a better story (and obviously elites), I want actual stuff to happen in every chapter, I also want a compelling story. I also think customizable elites would be great, but I want them to look like the elites form the original trilogy. The biggest problem with spartan ops (and all of halo 4) was the gameplay, but it was the worst in spartan ops, I didn't play most of the first 5 episodes, I just watched the cutscenes, and although the next 5 episodes were better they still sucked, the only episode I could even say was ok was episode 7, But enough about halo 4. In elite ops it would be nice if they would replace empty spot with CPU's, so if your playing with 2 other people a zealot elite will take place of the 4th player, or if you have one of other player then 2 zealots will take the empty spots and so on. Also they should have matchmaking for each episode, so people can replay episodes and not have to do it alone. I think the story should also be related to the arbiter, and maybe at one point you could fight alongside the arbiter. I also want to see a few chapters with epic vehicle fights, like in the halo CE mission assault on the control room, ot the halo 2 mission quarantine zone (which is an epic mission), or the halo 3 mission the covenant (which is also epic), you probably get it by this point. Halo 4 spartan ops high point was vehicle fights and even they were only ok. I also think they should give variety in the chapters/episodes, in halo 4 it was so repitive, enemies, maps, story, everything. I also want each elite to have a story to go along with them, sort of like noble six, you know, a real tough guy. and I think in elite ops there should be a ranking system and then the commander (possibly the arbiter) will refer to by that rank, he'll also say a name so you know who he's talking. That brings me to my next point, there should be certain things in each chapter that are one man jobs, such as opening a door or something, and the field commander would pick an elite at random to do it, that will ad variety to the game. So here's a rank list Minor (you'll be refered to as rookie if you have this rank) Major Ranger Spec ops Ultra Zealot General Field Marshall (you'll be refered to as field commander if you have this rank, unless there's 2 of you, in which case you'll be refered to as simply field marshall) I also want to talk about firefight, I've got 2 ideas here: 1. The ability to play as an elite against humans, I'm probably not the only one who would like to fight marines as an elite, and even go up against humans in vehicles and stuff. 2. Flood mode, a mode in which you can play as either humans or elites and go up against flood, who will get increasingly larger in numbers as oppose to turning on skulls and stuff, the bonus round could be all parasites.
Mission 5: This mission will begin with chief, the arbiter, Halsey and some elites exiting the cave, chief will look over his Hornet/Falcon which will be destroyed, then the arbiter will say "follow me," the group will walk through the forest (similar to the one in mission 4 of halo 4) and will begin getting attacked by the flood. The group will arrive at a destroyed phantom and the arbiter will say "I'll call in for another," he'll then say "my transponder isn't working, something blocking it," then, prometheans (blue ones) will begin spawning, then the arbiter will say "prometheans" then chief will say "you've heard of them," then the arbiter will say "yes, but what are they doing here," then the Halsey will say "it's because the composer is here, or was here, anyways they'd need more advanced defense teams then sentinels" then the chief would say "why didn't they spawn when the composer was removed," then Halsey will say "there like sentinels, they only appear if theres a flood outbreak, the flood could've used the composer to there advantage. From this point the chief can choose 4 different paths, each will have slightly different difficulties, anyways there will be consistent amounts of flood through the levels, however the amounts of prometheans will go up and up, at the begining of the pahts it will be about 75% flood and 25% prometheans and by the end it will be about 55% prometheans and 45% flood. Each path will be about 2KM long and about every 100m a bunch of flood and prometheans will appear, they'll be more interested in killing eachother than you, also I want the prometheans to be very different (and by that I mean better) than the ones in halo 4, I want the flood to be like halo 3 flood (but with no brutes.) Throughout the level the arbiter and the chief will talk about Jul and how when he told everyone he founf the Didact nobody cared, and then how when he told them he found a ring, the whole covenant went crazy, and even brutes were coming. Then when the chief would get out of the forest, a cutscene would begin, the chief would use his radio system to contact Price, Price would say "chief, have you found you're, ah, friend" then chief will say "yes, I found 2" then a bunch of covenant ships will exit a slipspace portal and chief will say "get me online with Hood" then Hood will say "chief, where are you" then chief will say "sir, I found Halsey and the arbiter" then Hood will say "Halsey, she's a criminal, she helped the enemy, she's the reason were in this mess," then chief will say "we've got bigger problems, a huge fleet of ships just arrived," then Hodd will say "I know, we've called the Infinity for help, and I don't know if Sergeant Price told you, but the map room got overtaken, and Jul's got teams arriving at the index room, maybe if you would've stayed to defend it, they wouldn't of taken it down" then chief will say "Sir, I'll head to the Index room with the arbiter, they won't get the index, oh and one more thing, prometheans and flood are going to be all over this ring in a few hours, chief out." (About 45 minutes long) mission 6: This mission will start with the chief, the arbiter, Halsey and some elites arriving at the index room that will be similar to the one in sacred icon/quarantine zone except without a contanment wall. When the chief arrives there will be a big war already waging with the covenant and the humans, The action will immediatly begin in this level, right away the chief will start fighting covenant, he'll then head over to the entrance of the index room, here he'll assist tons of marines, including sergeant price who will be surprised to see an elite who helps humans. Anyways chief will be defending the door (which will be one of 4.) Eventually one of the doors defense teams will collapse and the chief will go into the index room to give the index close cover (Halsey and the arbiter will join him.) Not long after he enters the room another door will fall, then prometheans (who aren't friends with Jul) will begin attacking chief and the covenant, then chief will hear that another door fell, and that flood have started attacking, and most of these marines have never seen flood before and would be terrified. Then chief will hear that the other 2 doors have fallen and lots of flood will begin coming through, Price will also come to assist chief, eventually the infinity will arrive and will send spartans to assist, including Palmer. The battle will start to become more flood based, the chief however knows the flood just want to dispose of the index and once about everyone except him Halsey, Price, the arbiter and Palmer are dead, he'll say "retreat," of course everyone will think he's crazy, but he'll explain why to them and they'll all escape, the escape part will be difficult as there will be tons of flood aswell as some covenant and prometheans, the chief will retreat to the infinity with everyone. (About 45 minutes long)
if anyone plays firefight add me "CoyRex1" my favorite maps are chasm ten, rally point and alpha site I'll be online every monday and wednesday from 7-9PM starting in 2 weeks, please add me
I'll continue with my campaign story, and don't worry Sιlεƞτ Ɯoʟғ, the story will start to show chiefs personality soon mission 3: The mission wou;d begin with chief, the new sergeant (who will now be known as sergeant Price) and 19 other marines. Similar to the level truth and reconsiliation, the begin will have you locked in an entrance room, one of the marines will bring along a thing that will allow him to open up the doors from a console in the centre of the room, the chiefs job will be to keep him alive. After being in the ship for about 2 minutes, a door will open and 2 elites with energy swords (and maybe camo) will run out, a minute later another door will open with a pair of hunters, a minute after that another door would open with a bunch of suicide grunts and then a few jackals and then a minute after that the last door will open with 2 elites, 6 jackals and 10 grunts. Finally sergeant Price will say to the guy trying to get the door open "get a move on, we don't have all day here," then a door will open and out will come 10 grunts, 4 jackals and an elite with an energy sword who is scripted to kill the guy opening the door, then sergeant price will stab the elite in the back as the player will not be able to inflict damage on this elite. Then Sergeant Price will say "we need to get outta here chief, you've been on plenty of these ships before, you should know what to do." Then the chief will have to go up to a door with a waypoint on it, it will then tell him to stick a grenade on it, this will damage the door a bit, then he'll have to stick another grenade on it, finally he'll have to hit the door with both hands real quick by pressing RT and LT very fast, then the door will break, then Sergeant price will say "god chief, why didn't you do that earlier." They'll go through a large hallway full of covenant and then the chief can choose to go into the massive launch bay of the assault carrier to lower the shields and let in reinforcments, or he can go down another hallway which will lead to a large door thats locked, the chief will then say "I'll go around and open it, you guys stay put." The chief will then go around and find a large room (about the size of the hangar bay in truth and reconsiliation,) from this point the chief has to get across this massive room filled with covenant, when he gets to the end he'll see the door and will hit a switch to open it up, when it opens, all the reamaining marines except Price and 2 other marines (or less if thats all the player has,) will be dead and a large fight (with like 40-50 covenant) will be underway, the chief will then save the Sergeant and one of the marines, (the other will dye a few seconds after the chief starts helping,) the new sergeant will then say "Thanks chief, next time we should go with you." The level will continue and the chief will go through a series of halls and rooms full of covenant, and at any time he can go to the hangar bay and let reinforcments in (but he can only do this 3 times, each time 5 marines will come out of a pelican and so will some weapons.) Finally the chief will get to a large hall that will lead to the control room, he'll have to fight past a ton of guard including 2 pairs of hunters. When he finaly gets to the bridge a cutscene will begin showing chief and Price (because all the other marines will be dead,) entering the control room, then catherine and Jul will jump into an escape pod and Jul will yell "finish him," then 4 elites with energy swords will come out and then the chief with minimal assistance from price will have to kill them, then they'll have to get back to the hangar bay against waves of flood and call in for evac, then the mission will end. (slightly less than an hour long) mission 4: This mission will start with a cutscene showing 3 phantoms (in a forest like enviroment next to a cave) drop off Jul, Halsey, about 10 elites, about 15 jackals and about 40 grunts. The cave will look sort of like a cross between 343 Guilty Spark (the level,) and sacred icon, anyways Jul and Halsey will believe that the index is here and will explore the cave, then they'll come across a room similar to the one in guilty spark right before the outbreak, anyways they'll enter the room and Jul will see a control panel, he'll click it and then a screen will appear showing the Halo ring and the location of the index. Then one of the elites will hear weird noises, then Jul will hear it aswell, then Halsey will, then the grunts will start to panic while the Jackals remain cool, then flood will appear from multiple doors in the room, a large battle will happen then Jul will yell retreat, then as him Halsey are about to escape he'll turn around and shoot Halsey in the chest with his plasma rifle knocking her down, he'll then turn to an elite and say "we don't need her anymore." Then it will chief at the map room of the instalation which is still getting attacked (although not much,) then he'll get a distress beacon from Halsey, (while fighting.) He"ll be with sergeant Price who will look at the distress beacon and say "who's Halsey" (because he wouldn't know who she is,) anyways chief will say "she's an old friend. Can you get me a hornet/falcon" then Price will say "sure, what do I tell Hood" then chief will say "tell him I'm taking this fight to the covenant." Then it will show chief flying a hornet/falcon to the foresty area, there will be 2 small LZ's, one on each side of the cave, the chief will choose the right one which will be closer to the cave, the level will then begin. The chief will enter the cave and will go through a series of walls and rooms, along the way he'll run into some grunts and jackals most of which will be dead but a few be alive and scared, they'll also be some dead elites. Finally the chief will go into a room where he'll find Halsey (who will have blood over her chest and will look worn out,) who will say "chief" then chief will say "it's ok I'm here" then Halsey will say "no it's not that" then chief will say "what is it" then some flood will appear behind chief and Halsey point at them and say "that," then the level will continue and you'll have to keep Halsey alive. The chief will have to go back through 2 rooms and some hallways and will then find one of the doors he came in through will be closed and locked, so he'll have to take a long detour (Like in 343 Guilty Spark.) Finaly when the chief gets to the exit, increasingly large waves of flood will begin to attack him, then if the chief or Halsey dies a cutscene will begin, also if the player runs for the exit the cutscene will begin, the cutscene will show chief and Halsey (who will have a pistol that the chief brought,) fighting the flood then Halsey will fall and chief will yell her name very scared like. Then the Arbiter and some elites will arrive and will begin slaughtering all the flood in the area, the arbiter will then tell the chief that Jul told all the covenant he found the ring and there all coming to go up against the humans and activate the ring, he'll then ask questions about whats going on and who's Halsey and all that stuff, then the arbiter will say he's got a ride that's not far away, they'll then walk off and the level will end. (about 45 minutes long)
I dont think the campaign will be about chief and cortana, cortana was lost months ago and chief wouldn't find her rampancy is long taken herself, plus in the end of halo 4, she split herself into many pieces making her die not long after. I liked Cortana and they shouldn't of killed her, but if halo 5 is like halo 3 where the tries to find her, but without another story to it, than I'm done.
ok so here is my idea for a campaign. overall it's much longer than halo 4 and goes back to the routes of halo (and by that I mean it's set on a halo instalation), the campaign would start about 3-6 months after halo 4 spartan ops ended Prologue: The prologue would start showing Jul Mdama and his fleet arriving at instalation 03, Jul would turn to Halsey and say "you said it would only take a month to find," Halsay would then say "I know, I was wrong, but we found it, that's all that matters," now I know in spartan ops they find the location to all the instalations, but considering the galaxy spans 100,000 light years, the location they found wouldn't show the exact location of the ring. Anyways, then it will show a scene from 2 weeks before that, it would show chief talking with Lord Hood, who would send him off to guard 1 of 3 bases (the base guarding the map room) on instalation 03. Then it would go back to present time, showing the chief with a few marines (including a sergeant similar to Johnson,) one of the marines will then yell "look" while pointing at one of Jul Mdama's ships. The chief would then say "get to work" while loading an assault rifle. Mission 1: this mission would start with a quick first person cutscene that would show the chief looking ath the enemy ship, he would then see a bunch of phantoms unload from the carrier. the chief would then be contacted by lord hood to defend the map room at all costs. The chief would begin aiding the new sergeant guy and his squad defend one of the entrances against a few waves of covenant, then he would be contacted by another sergeant who had just let some covenant slip past his defences and enter the map room, the chief would then go in to the map room to stop them, the next part of this level would be sort of like the part of the silent cartographer where your in the map room by yourself, except a bit longer, I think this could have a very big map room. Upon the chief killing all the covenant and getting to the control panel of the map room, the new sergeant guy would tell chief that a huge wave of covenant is approaching. The chief would then have to fight covenant until his shields go down. Then a cutscene would begin, showing chief getting shot by a few elites, the chief would then take his knife and stab an elite in the back, he'd then lift up the elites body and use it to block another elites plasme fire, he'd then get shot in the back by a few plasma rounds and then fall to his knees, but then the new sergeant and his marines (about 10 of them) would come in and save the chief (yes, this new sergeant saves the chief, unlike how the chief had to save Johnson 50 times.) The level would then continue to have chief and the marines continue to guard the map room against more waves, every time the player gets down to about 3 marines 3 more will come inbetween waves of covenant, finally after about 10 waves (each with about 20-30 covenant,) Lord Hood will tell chief the area is secure, he'll then say that the ship that was attacking touched down about 10 clicks away, the level would then end with the chief exiting the control room with the new sergeant guy and 4 marines, they'd then board a pelican, it would show the pelican (with a scorpion) take off, the view would then show the enemy ship (an assault carrier) before fading to black. (About 1 hour long) mission 2: This mission would start with the pelican dropping off the scorpion, the chief, the new sergeant and the 4 marines, there would be a marker (about 2 km away) over the gravity lift into the ship, the chief would then drive the scorpion through a large cave. Upon reaching the end of the cave he would get attacked by a ton of ghosts, a few wraiths and banshees and maybe a few revnants or spectres or even a new vehicle. The chief would then proceed further and would start getting attacked by more vehicles, also some phantoms could drop off some ground forces also, I think it would be cool if after this part Lord Hood could offer chief some more assistance, then it would actually be up to the player if they want reinforcments or not, if they take the reinforcments then a pelican would come and drop off a warthog with a driver and a gunner. There would then be a curvy slope (similar to the one in assault on the control room right before you have to exit your scorpion,) when getting to the bottom there'd be few ghosts and a wraith that would start attacking. Also if the warthog ever blows up then the chief will be able to call in for a new one every 5 minutes. After killing the few ghosts and wraith the chief will have to go through a large cave full of ground forces, and maybe a ghost or 2. Upon exiting the cave the chief will get attacked by a few banshees a wraith and a pile of ghost, this area will be a large battle enviroment and a few phantoms will drop in some ground forces aswell. After the chief kills all the vehilces a scarab will fall from the sky, the chief can then choose to call in 2 aerial vehicles (either hornets or falcons.) After the scarabs legs collapse the will have to board the scarab (because the back will not be able to be broken off, so he can't just shoot it with the scorpion.) By this point the chief wouldn't be far from the grav lift, he'll have to go through a narrow opening in the cave, by this point the hornets or falcons (if still alive) would've left, while in this narrow opening a few ghosts and ground forces would attack. When you exit the opening you'd enter a giant battle field, the battlefield would have 4 bases each with 4 turrets on the roof and 4 at the entrances on the bottom floor (1 about 500 metres form each point of the grav lift.) The Chief could then call in for more reinforcments (2 warthogs, 2 scorpions and 2 hornets or falcons and 2 mongooses aswell as about 20 marines.) the enemies would have about 5-10 ghosts, 2-4 wraiths, about 100-150 ground forces, 8 sniper nests, and 5-10 revnants or spectres, aswell as 5-10 banshees and maybe a scarab or 2. Anyway about half way through the batlle Lord Hood would tell chief that Jul Mdama and Halsay are on that ship, and that he has to get them at all costs. At the end of the battle when the chief would get near the Grav lift wave after wave of covenant will drop off from, after 5 waves it will stop. A cutscene would start showing chief slowly walking towards the grav lift, then the new sergeant would yell "go, go, go" then 10 marines will run past each side of the chief onto the garv lift, the last one will on the left side will bump the chief, turn aroung and yell out "sorry, sir." (slightly more than an hour long) I'll post more soon.
alright, so at the end of mission 5 you would get stuck in the cave while you're right by the exit, if you make a run for the door halsey will die and the cutsecene would start, or if you die the cutsecene would start, the cutscene would show chief about to die, but then, the arbiter and his elites will arrive, killing all the flood, saying they heard about what happened and came to join the fight. the 6th mission could show them leaving the cave and looking at chiefs destroyed pelican (or other flying vehicle) that he took with him, the arbiter would then say that he has a ride not far from there location, also this place would be a forest similar to the one in the first part of mission 4 in halo 4. upon arriving at a destroyed phantom a cutscene would begin showing tons of flood rushing the chief, then prometheans will begin to spawn and will kill most of the flood then the cutscene will end and you'll have to fight the prometheans (who are blue), for the rest of the level you'll have to escpae the jungle against lots of flood and some prometheans, finally you would escape the forest and signal for evac, you'd then have to hold out for a few minutes agaisnt flood and some prometheans before a pelican arrives, the chief will explain to the pilot about the elites and halsey and although the pilot would be reluctant to take them, he would, because it's the chief right.
alright I'm going to add more to my campaign idea, so (as if said before) the first mission would have the chief at the control room on installation 03 fighting waves of covenant and the second mission would have him go to a covenant base not far from the control room. the 3rd mission could have chief receiving intel that one of the ships at the covenant base has jul mdama and halsay on it, he would then go and infiltrate with a bunch of marines, but he would then realize jul and halsay escaped the ship using a phantom, the chief would then have to escape the ship. the 4th mission could have chief going to a map room on an island, (like in silent cartographer) he would then have to kill all the covenant on the island so none of them could figure out where it is. the 5th mission would start with a cutscene showing jul halsay and a bunch of elites going to a large cave where they think the index is, upon getting to the bottom they would get attacked by flood, and would try to escape, when they are about to escape jul shoots halsay in the chest once with his plasma rifle, as she is now useless to him (this would add a grand betrayal to the game,) the flood would not kill halsay but would instead capture her as she has valuable intel, halsay would send out a distress call to the chief who wouldn't tell anybody and would simply leave by himself. the chief wouldn't know that there flood though, and he would fall into the same trap, upon getting to the bottom of the pit he would find he would find halsay and they would then get attacked by the flood, not a lot of flood though as the chief would have to keep halsay alive while they escape. I'll post a few more missions tommorow.
alright, i have a basic idea for a campaign; The game could start showing Jul Mdama arriving at installation 03 and then he would turn to Halsay who we say "here it is, we found the ring" then Jul would say "it took longer than you said." it would then show chief being reinstated as a spartan. then it would show chief being sent to guard the control room on instalation 03, the first mission would show Jul, with a few new ships in his fleet, attacking the control room. then the next level could show the chief going to a newly established covenant base not to far from the control room. I'm working on more ideas, I aslo heard that 343 wanted more charcters in halo 5, they could bring back lasky and palmer from halo 4, they could bring back the arbiter, rtas vadum and lord hood, they could really develop enemy characters such as jul and halsay, as well as making new characters such as a sergeant similar to johnson and a new spartan. I also want to see the flood come back when Jul mistakes a flood zone (similar to the one in the first halo) for the library, then as jul and his elites begin to escape, it could show jul leaving halsay behind as he didn't need her anymore. the chief would then discover halsay was there and he would save her bringing her back to the good guys team. I also don't want prometheans as they were boring tlo fight.