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Everything posted by Mothy

  1. Complex definitely, It is just... A good map. No reasons why, just well made
  2. Reminds me of the kill time in CoD.... jk, I really don't see a difference in the time it takes to kill someone. But the beam rifle IS overpowered though
  3. How in the world do you mistake a Wii remote, assuming its the one pictured above, for a handgun? Seriously, there supposed to be Officers of the law, not total idiots
  4. 73, it was on BTB, Boneyard. Most of my team lagged out or something and the other team sucked
  5. Arby n the Chief easter egg. Or another Da Vinci code egg. Just more fun stuff
  6. Donut over took him again. Time to step up Azaxx
  7. I prefer forge world because the simple fact it was huge! It was a massive map that has all sorts of forging potential, it had that valley, nifty hidey holes, terrific air space, and a giant island being overlooked by another island and a hangar. Forge island is just that. An island (or two, I don't remember).
  8. I got another if anybody wants it
  9. Mothy

    Weapon Ideas

    UNSC Beam weapon. Don't care how it looks, just want another besides the Spartan laser.
  10. I didn't like the idea of Chief being a Promethian, it reminds me of like a comic book scenario. Also, to only touch lightly on the subject ( I don't have much time, im pretty tired ) I really wish they would have added in the option to make the Flood custom games skin an option. I mean it was a genius idea, but I want the infected to be able to carry weapons.
  11. Temporarily replaced Firefight for me. I did enjoy the fact that it was like an extra campaign
  12. Mothy

    The Flood?

    Moar flood please. And also, can you make the flood character skin an option? It sucks that you cannot hold weapons whilst playing infection
  13. Need the old Halo 3 rank system. Depends on your skill, not the amount of time you played
  14. If they let go of Halo 3 online, Im going to be very sad
  15. Mothy

    weapon skins

    I want 343 to make a section on their site that's a custom weapon skins bit. You could link your Xbox account to here and you could sent them over to your Halo 4 profile
  16. What do you mean? The Legend died back in the first wee hours of Halo 4's release
  17. Mothy


    I only teabag when a opponent is being a jerk, or I end their killing spree/frenzy or whatever.
  18. I used to be test subject 67

    1. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      Same avy, I can tell.

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