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Everything posted by Mothy

  1. A mix of Halo 3, Reach, Prey, Fable 3, Darkness 2, and COD 4 (With a lil dash of Ghosts mixed in as well) I dont really know why ive been playing older games more than newer ones recenty, but I do have to say my Halo 3 skills have greatly improved because of it. Someone should come play with me some time, I get sorta lonely when im having troubles finding matches
  2. Hello all! Thought I would share some of my various Halo themed items, I know there's probably someone here who has way more than I do but in my opinion I do have a lot of stuff. I'm just such a huge fan I cant help it Hopefully it'll let me post all of these pictures, if not then I guess I better do some serious grouping. 1st Pretty standard. My super dusty Halo: Reach statue 2nd The crate it came in (Don't worry, all original accessories are included) 3rd ​​All my game guides ​4th ​My Halo 3 hat! (Which I wear quite frequently now because of the weather) ​5th ​​My Halo 5 MC controller 6th ​My Halo 3 controllers (The green one is sorta dirty I know, I have yet to clean it up and replace the internals like I did w the other one) Also a Halo 3 themed mouse mat ​7th ​My Halo 3 steel book (Which was majorly dented when I received it in the mail, thanks FedEx ) ignore that extra copy I slipped in there pls thnx 8th ​My Halo MCC promotional cardboard thing with canteen for scale ​9th ​Halo 5 poster ​10th ​My Halo books, I used to have Halo: the Flood but I gave that away a long time ago 11th ​​My Halo 5 steel book (Dusty as heck just like almost all of this stuff) 12th ​And finally, my cool as heck Halo 3 billed hat (Is that the correct terminology?) my Master Chief LE statue (With all disks) and my Halo 3 Xbox 360 console with its 20gb HDD. I don't use that of course because of its tiny size (I currently use a 240gb hacked drive ) but its still pretty neat. Also not pictured are my Mega Blocks Spartan and Elite (Lil normal figurines that I currently have stationed on the trimming above my doorway) ​Feel free to post some of your merch and such, I'm curious to see what all you guys have as well! Again though I apologize for the dustiness of a lot of this stuff, I'm a clean person I promise ​Also forgot to mention that I have every Halo game (Even original Xbox stuff) in hardcopy. (I lost my Halo 3 mythic map pack disc though? It disappeared out of my disk tray a month or so ago and I haven't been able to locate it since )
  3. I own too much Halo merch :/

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ardent Prayer
    3. Unease Peanut

      Unease Peanut

      I suppose you're subbed to the Halo Legendary crate. MOAR MERCH!

    4. Mothy


      Ill make a topic on it ;)

  4. Halo, because I'm a fanboy and I refuse to accept Star Wars as an answer.
  5. For me its probably got to be the lore/back story of the series and how original it can be. Even with having two different companies having control over it throughout its creation and development phases, the devs still manage to impress me no matter what. I'm not trying to be a fan boy but its sorta hard not to be when I've been playing it for more than half my life. Also the Flood & SWAT.
  6. Its almost been three whole years since I first made a profile OH GOD IT WENT BY FAST

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Maestro
    3. Fishy


      ohai there Mothy, I hope this is you saying you're stayin.

    4. Ardent Prayer

      Ardent Prayer

      I'm coming up on five years m8. ;)

  7. Gamecube component cable.. Hmm.... To buy or not to buy?

    1. I_Make_Big_Boom


      That picture will give people seizures.


      And if it's Gamecube, don't question: buy. Question the buy after you've bought the buy before the question of the bought.

    2. Mothy


      I understand sir. There went my entire paycheck

  8. How does one earn the 'Legendary" title? I've always wanted to know....

  9. Microsoft Edge browser really is just a re-skin of IE.... Why am I still using it ;-;

  10. http://i.imgur.com/bB96dXZ.jpg I cant get over this
    1. rrhuntington


      Grills Bare Gryllis Grills Bear Gryllis Bear

  11. The amazing textures and lighting effects of his Energy Sword and his left hand.... Omg. THAT is what I expect when people say "Next-Gen graphics"
  12. One and a half days left of school... Then no more people ^-^

  13. Urf wurf murf durf sturf lurf?

    1. rrhuntington


      I read that in rhythm with the kid plopping up and down on the bed.

    2. I_Make_Big_Boom


      Azaxx walk up in the club like ^

  14. The Xbox power settings were available to me right out of the box. And, as many of you know, I don't live in Europe, but in America, so I either got a European unit or Pnut was wrong
  15. AH HA!!! BACK :3

    1. Akali




    2. Fishy


      About time!

    3. Mothy


      BYDWEFGYTAFVA Ya, I havnt been busy or anything, I just havnt logged on in a while

  16. I bought it a while ago, and only because you got a month of game time included with it. It kinda sucked, so I didnt purchase any more time, so this is good news for me, but bad news for all the "Hardcore" ESO players who had a monthly subscription fee
  17. I think hes going to be like knocked out or something, because there running out of big characters to kill
  18. I dont really know anything about Lag, but what I do know is that it has to do with how good the ping is for the players in your game. So im guessing its either you got matched with people on the southern tip of Africa, or you just have a neighbor thats tapped into your wifi & is downloading 286gb of stuff from Pirate Bay.
  19. They were arrested apparently http://www.ecumenicalnews.com/article/lizard-squad-news-members-arrested-after-twitter-information-leak-27583
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