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Everything posted by Mothy

  1. I really hope this is a "Fool"
  2. Did you know Halo CE was originally supposed to be a open world sandbox game for the PC?
  3. I own a Gameboy color that my dad found one day. It was on the side of the road with Pokémon special Pikachu edition in it! I then later on bought Pokémon Blue for the GBC for 1.99 at a thrift store
  4. I think, if anything, the Assault rifle is fine. To avoid getting killed whilst using a precision weapon, just stay back and plink at them from behind cover
  5. Ive never had problems with hackers in any Halo game. CoD on the other hand.....
  6. I didn't really FUD in the first place, I really hope they don't go through with the TV series idea, that would make Halo seem like a child's game
  7. I personally liked Halo Wars. It was something different, and sometimes that doesn't really work out *Cough Halo 4 Cough* But still, it was a refreshing change from the usual run and gun style Halo is usually associated with
  8. Eventually its all going to come down to holographic clothing....
  9. I will enjoy hunting you down, capturing you, and make you sit in a tub of eye jelly, worms, and p34nut butter until your skin rots! Jk, nice to meet you though
  10. Finally, its nice out! Gettin tired of this cold weather...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      ....The sun is still out there....

      Guess I'll stay here.

    3. Fishy


      I agree. But it's supposed to snow this week! WTF?

    4. Mothy


      Fishy, what on earth were you doing up at 1:07? Anyway, that sucks. Im really getting fed up with winter

  11. I think Halo 5 should have a classic gametype, that has some old maps in it. You don't get any loadouts to pick from, and everyone gets an assault rifle and a BR. Thats my opinion anyway
  12. They should make it a small little continuation of the campaign. Like a side mission but it also ties in with it.
  13. They should beef up the pulse grenades, and give you 2, not just 1. I have been trying to use them but they are so incredibly worthless its unreal
  14. I think your beef is with Halo waypoint. Not us, this is the Community's site. Anyway, I don't think they would ban you just for fun, you must have done something wrong
  15. First off, there a brand new company, and this is their first stand alone game. They re-did Halo Anniversary flawlessly, and they tried their best at Halo 4. So before you start complaining on how trashy it is, which it really isn't, stop and think about what your actually saying. Halo 4 was not as bad as most people make it out to be, it looks AMAZING, and the multiplayer (Excluding the ranking system and other things) I think is pretty fun. Not really much to say supporting the Campaign though, wasn't really liking the whole Cortana and chief love thing, and him being a promethean descendant. They already said they will do much better in Halo 5, and they have listened to the feedback, and community had to say. So, quit complaining and go play some Reach or 3
  16. I think it be cool if you could put some decals on your armor and or weapon. Or the more you play, the more your armor shows wear and tear
  17. Hmm

    1. Sadly Just AL
    2. Mothy


      Because whenever someone says Hmm, there's a H sound at the beginning. If they just said mm, they would be making a yummy noise, not a thinking noise


  18. Whats a good starting civilization in Civ 3?

  19. That's just what they want you to think.....
  20. Beam rifle because you can fire 2 shots pretty fast, and they both do about the same damage
  21. I guess im going to have to stock up on all the multiplayer footage I can get then
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