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The Jacka11

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    The Jacka11

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Grunt (1/19)



  1. Does this link work? I have heard from some people that it doesen't. Let me know.
  2. Wait... Did you take this picture from your tv? If you need help posting pictures message me. Nice aesthetics though
  3. Violet 2-4 Players Violet is a 1v1 map with purpose of strategic and competitive 1v1s. After intense testing I though it was time to release it to the community. I have worked hard on the aesthetics on this map and the result was a clean but yet attractive forge map. This map waas built exclusively for 1v1s but will play a fast pace 2v2 match as well too. This map will play most slayer gametypes including infinity slayer. Weapons: Frag Gernade- (Random Drop) Plasma Gernade- (Random Drop) Beam Rifle- (3 minutes) Sticky Detenator- (2 Minutes) Speed Boost- (2 Minutes) Created By The Jacka11 Link To Download http://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/players/the%20jacka11/halo4/fileshare#!/?section=GameMap&SearchDate=7&SortBy=2&view-select=Tile&startIndex=0&details=e0b0de09-e05f-4428-88c4-2c9a3f70bf7e P.S. This is my first post on 343 community forum. I like comments and feedback.
  4. If you need somebody to run customs with...hit me up. My GT is The Jacka11

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