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Everything posted by GunsNoRoses

  1. I enjoyed playing reachs multiplayer more then Halo 3s,why? cause in my opion Halo 3s was well erm kinda of a boring, not as fast, and a bit easy to kill. But when i played reach i had a bt more exciment and was a bit harder to kill. AAs were something new and kinda cool, and i dont think any FPS has anything like them(feel free to prove me wrong id love to know)their just well flawed(except sprint) they should be a one time use like equipment was in Halo 3. Or how about Halo 4s multiplayer is like Halo 4s mulitplayer.
  2. I personally like armor abilities, but i think they need to be changed some. Like only being able to use them twice then their done and you have to pick it up again. Or for example AL should be a bit shorter and not generate an emp blast when you come out of it and Sprint should just be added into the controls. But i highly doubt they will be in their because um where is he going to get them? and i swear if see the word "perk" come up in Halo 4...
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