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Everything posted by superintendent

  1. well don't be a stranger and thanks for all you have added to this community.
  2. congrats! ( i think) good luck with your new position.
  3. this is cool but are the items really worth it? i think a glove or bag would be cooler. I do like the temporary tattoos though. and i recommend the original mirror's edge to anyone who has not played it.
  4. So basically more people are getting access to legendary status if they deserve it?
  5. Currently working on a mk VI helmet

  6. So far i believe we as a community of gamers have a huge and might selection of games that are coming out this year (and in early 2016). I honestly can not wait for some of the games that are coming out! some of the Games that i am most looking forward to would have to be the massive amount of games that Bethesda is remaking / creating. And of course the new halo looks amazing, I actually am thinking of buying a Xbox One just to play it. But with new games there can be multiple issues, and with issues comes lack of trust with major companies. The Arkham knight is one of these examples, as well as horrible launches from multiple companies. For all those Star Wars fans out there (including me ) i have my fingers crossed that battlefield 4 won't crash and burn at the launch. I want to hear your voice and opinion on the year of 2015/16 for gaming! From Xbox to PC, and PlayStation
  7. Well im sure this will be for the better! Thanks to all the 343industries moderators and staff involved with the forums! you keep us running
  8. im back?

    1. Ranger Intel

      Ranger Intel

      Nice to have you back.

    2. Jack Of Harts

      Jack Of Harts

      Really? You don't seem so sure.

    3. superintendent


      internet problems


  9. Well for debugging you are going to need a significant knowledge of coding. This is hard to pursue in high school, but you can start with math. If you are looking to get started i think ubisoft was accepting people to beta test some games for them ( i read it some where and i don't know if it is still going on). Also final exams in collage or high school? give some more information for us as well. happy hunting.
  10. Pshhh console peasant. pc master race for the win
  11. true.... but then how shall we incorporate it into another post?
  12. So it has dawned on me that there is no dedicated cosplay section. It has also come to my attention that there are quite a few people on this forum that are interested in cosplay ( both halo and non-halo). So may i make a request to add a forum topic for cosplay nested in the halo universe topic. this would be beneficial to cosplayers in the community as well as help start people with cosplaying. but it is up to the comunity if they would truly like to add this. Sincerely, SI Thoughts, questions, concerns, feeling? Comment below!
  13. will anyone be doing a halo reach edition in the future?
  14. Need immediate medical assistance? Choose Optican! Fast, accurate diagnosis, or your money back.

    1. Ranger Intel

      Ranger Intel

      Great advertising SI, nice to have you around.

    2. Unease Peanut

      Unease Peanut

      Thought this forum was without Ads


    3. superintendent



  15. yes i am super excited this is the first major step for halo on pc!
  16. Well track season is starting up and i simply don't have time for the forums. But not to worry i will be back (eventually). I may stop in from time to time but that will only be if i have some free time. So goodbye for now. And if you see me online say hi!
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