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  1. really like the overall mood, but i do need more screenshots
  2. well you still have to wait a bit for the actual map^^ the testmap only features those triggers in action. the map im working on will be a bit cooler
  3. The map is halfway done, i managed to give the flood spawnable cover and shortcuts. The humans traps, weapons and vehicles they can buy. The Flood only have to hit a dom shield at specific points in the map to receive those, the humans have to pay for them by using grenades they got from ordinance. 2 grenades=one spawn of their choosing. Things to work out: -exact contraption that requires 2 grenades (im thinking extraction crate and fusion coil) thats affordable -where should those contraptions be located? on the map or in a spawnroom of the humans -i dont have a modded flood variant yet, only race -settings of the humans (they should be invincible and be able to keep an overview easily (jetpacks?) -the ultimate goal of the flood (destroy one last trigger making the humans mortal slow and marked with an icon) im trying to pull that off by despawning traitzones with different priorities (makes it possible to apply and change custom traits to the Flood each round like faster running/damage resistance) -safehouse for the flood to spawn in, prevent AFK killing -tweaking of the traps -you cant spawn in dom turrets, but i really want them -speed of the flood -create a climactic end (race to the top) this has to be donebefore i can first test it, but i already did some testing with 6 people and the spawning worked flawlessly. Could be wrong but the spawned pieces even generate shadows
  4. I set up a testmap to test stuff out and showcase it, its on my FS but not as impressive. I want to start my first project with this: Halo 4 Infection based Tower Defense Game: The Flood have to get through a maze to win, the humans have to prevent them from reaching the end. Featuring: -currency system (ordinance) -Resupply/Traps/Route changes/Turrets can be bought ingame with currency -Humans can choose what they want to buy -Smart/skilled Flood will be able to bypass the Traps -The further the Flood the more cover/damage resistance/etc they get Not sure if this all is 100% possible Also i found out you can attach a teleporter node to an armor ability or vehicle and use it to teleport to its location. you could recreate broslayer by using a spawnroom
  5. Think about what you just said, you had lower standarts in Halo 3, you thought a maze inside a big box (foundry) was amazing back then (or a blank canvas with no terrain at all). but if you objectively look at it now its nothing near the amazing forge of Reach and H4. Its just the nostalgia factor that lets you think that they were "the best". It was great for that time but if you play H3 customs without having it ever played before you think its lagginess sucks and the possibilities are limited. Thats the problem with our community at the moment.. Our judgement is distorted by nostalgia edit: yes its an old post but it still applies
  6. never encountered that problem, sorry buddy make sure it has enough room i guess, but you did that
  7. http://www.bungie.net/en/User/coderedemption
  8. At GamesCom, Cologne we received various Destiny trading cards for completing certain tasks. I managed to aquire all of them and would like to distribute them for us all to enjoy I know many people already got these, but im sticking them up here because you can redeem them now. Redeem the codes now and here! (Also note that every GamesCom card has the same code, it's meant to be shared with each other). Here's what DeeJ has to say about this matter:
  9. sounds like you have way more experience with this mod, cool yeah those are indeed downsides i havent even thought of, but i will test this myself i think the invasion one would be very limited (at the moment) but lets start with smaller projects using this and going a step further
  10. using this mod you could basically recreate invasion with as many tiers as you like. im working on a flood map that features 3 switches, each switch will spawn in weapons, vehicles, entire sections of the map and trait zones that change your damage resistance. it will be risky to get to those switches but the reward is great (there is no map out there that has this). I'm just a very bad forger, i would have created loads of maps with this. Im also working on a Test Map showing the people the scale of possibilities, but i have university to attend so everything is just slooooow
  11. Will update this thread with a test map to show everything off soon, here's what i made so far: Yesterday i was unable to join HaloCUstom's SvC due to network issues, so i went into forge and spent time on my forge project (playing around with the parent/child mod). I managed to forge the following: -Dominion shields spawn structures/weapons/everything at determined/customisable locations when destroyed(multiple spawn tiers possible) => created a switch to spawn in objects (essentially you could spawn an entire map by the push of a button that includes vehicles, structures, weapons, armor abilities gadgets dominion...etc) -attached kill boundaries and trait zones to vehicles making it possible to move the zones(will work with weapons and everything else too), will most likely work with objectives such as flag stands, hills etc.=> you can surround a warthog with a killzone or give the driver custom traits -attached a light to a weapon/armor ability => permanent or temporary light source -attached a dominion piece to a banshee causing it to immediately go lightspeed and fly away(crashing against the edge of Forge Island, explode and respawn in an infinite loop) -attached a dominion turret to a mongoose (you can only drive unbuild turrets around atm) => you can deploy your turrets whereever you want, just drive your mongoose there and build the turret -attached fusion coils to vehicles giving them additional weakspots -used the race_hide label to create an invisible surface that players can stand on but lets projectiles through -to be continued and updated gametype (its the race gametype, does someone have different versions featuring the parent/child mod?): http://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/g.../details/b533b7c7-6fab-4ea3-88a0-435c5a3416b7
  12. 1. I partly do not like GTA because i was forced to shoot an innocent person in the face after 2 minutes in the game. 2. I like to play the Hero, not douchebags. Although i do like Franklin for no apparent reason 3. Driving around trying to evade traffic 4.- 5.Because it was so hyped and i played 2 and San Andreas back in the day
  13. If i started such a project i would choose a different name, I don't think that this is a fitting one to unite the Halo community. One giant site for the Halo community is not possible, i would have preferred a site to have success that chains and bonds halo sites together, such as halounity a project by firestream... but it failed due to lack of interest and cooperation with the other halo communities -.- I think we have to start small, like a project between 2-3 halo sites (a tournament or contest). We can only go bigger from there
  14. Instead of discussing a meaningless topic why don't we talk about what the OP wanted to bring on the table? I'm all in for more community interaction between the various Halo sites, everyone benefits from each others actvity. Halo sites are really lacking this, there are amazing sites i haven't even heard of until recently. Personally i would like to organise a big collaboration project between the sites, but the site admins have to talk that out
  15. Dont get me wrong, i like reach but just because of the story and because its bungie. the core gameplay ruined it for me, Halo Reach is too slow paste for me. i feel like a clunky tank stuck to the ground when i play. i want to be able to feel like a spartan like in the previous titles. jumping, strafing shooting is what makes halo 4 awesome for me. i feel like a supersoldier, the weapons each have their own purpose (unlike previous titles) and the graphics are nothing other than stunning. i went 20 - 0 today and got my first perfection, moments like these make this one of the best halo games for me. oh and just to clearify: Halo 1 PC >
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