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Everything posted by Maestro

  1. Suddenly I have a craving for cinnamon Bnus
  2. #Palmer's trailer was the worst

  3. May 9th... I'm really feeling it! http://343i.org/2tn

    1. Maestro


      (No, May 9th is not linked to SSB4.)

  4. A questionnaire, eh? My body is ready. How do you feel being a leader of the community? I'm not a leader, I'm just a forger. I build some of the battlefields where true leaders show their strength. I guess I haven't really proven myself as a "leader" of the community yet. How has being in the position you are in now effected how you are on site? It's encouraged me to really try my best at forging... not that I didn't before. More than ever, though, I only want to release my absolute best content. What makes this site important enough for you to put so much time into it? If you read my goodbye thread in August, I took up forging as a hobby during my time at home working. So I came here to post my maps and hoped to gain recognition on THFE. Even though my first maps stunk and have long since been deleted, the members I met here encouraged me to return. Like I've heard every so often during my time here, this community is the friendliest corner of the internet. As I said in my goodbye thread, you guys helped me out through some rough times. If it wasn't for you guys, I might not even be here typing this out. I can't thank you enough. How has the community changed you? Other maps I saw posted on the forge subforum (specifically the minigames and some of Zandril's maps) made me pursue my craft (insert shameless self-promotion of my map thread here), and eventually I found my niche in the minigame realm of forging. I also learned that victory is not my main goal when I play Halo online: I play just to have fun. That's also my primary goal when I make a map: is it fun? Will players think "aww yeah!" when this map is loaded up in customs? Will players say "let's play that again" after a round is finished? What drives you to go the extra mile for all of these people you have never met before? Well... you guys went the extra mile for me. You encouraged me to be a better forger. You made me feel appreciated when I entered the shoutbox. You made me laugh and smile on several occasions. You encouraged me to be a better person all around. You guys... saved my life. (And now I'm on the verge of blubbering like a ninny...) It's only fair that I return the favour in some way, shape, or form.
  5. And once again, homesickness hits like a truck... or a Wraith. More like a Wraith.

    1. Ranger Intel

      Ranger Intel

      Hang in their senpai.

    2. ShadowFiend216


      Or a mammoth. Get well soon.

    3. Delpen9


      Requiem exploded right in your FACE.

  6. Time to make sense of truth tables!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Composite Armour
    3. joshyzburton
    4. Maestro


      @ Bnus: Maybe in the summer. Either that or chip away at Tangents...

      @ Ledgend: That's true when I say "I understand truth tables."

      @ Sharingan: Maybe

  7. Vash the Stampede's Revolver Legato's Mind Control Wolfwood's Cross Halo 4's Lightrifle Great Fairy Sword Master Sword Oddjob's Hat
  8. The rain is rather refreshing!

    1. Ranger Intel

      Ranger Intel

      Running in the rain is great.


  9. Call me a faithless martyr.

  10. While I haven't been up to my past Halo forge shenanigans, I've been tinkering around with a game called Besiege.

    1. Buns


      Maybe we need a new staff group dedicated to it

    2. Drizzy_Dan
    3. Maestro


      Yes. All of my yes. Except not really.

  11. I think Euler's constant should be celebrated on Pi Day as well. It would make today Pi(e) Day.

  12. Drizzy_Dan and Ledgend1221. And perhaps Peanut. What's the worst that could happen?
  13. Tell me, love... have you ever seen a fishing trawler before?

  14. I would go with a Plasma Rifle or a Lightrifle. Dem shinies and pretty colours tho
  15. Why are we here, Mr. Captain man?

    1. Drizzy_Dan


      To ave sum cocktails

    2. I_Make_Big_Boom
    3. Maestro


      It's getting a bit chilly in here... you want to sit in that cage for awhile?

  16. I call hax. First you get the USF presidency again, then you get MoM? 343 pls fix Congratulations, Yoshi! You've earned the pink goodness that is MoM!
  17. For the most part, I've resolved what was troubling me a couple weeks ago. If only campus wireless was any good, I could connect to Xbox Live...

    1. Yoshi1176


      One day... One day you'll have connection.

    2. Drizzy_Dan


      Keep trying. We're waiting

    3. Pbrabbit


      Welcome back. I hope all is well.

  18. Some issues have appeared, so I'm leaving for awhile later today. I guess I'll be back sometime around summer.

  19. I'm back, and all I can say is... I'm old.

  20. Back in my day, Halo was made by... eh, where am I?

    1. Melody


      What year is it? o.o

    2. Vitamin Pwn

      Vitamin Pwn

      your on an airplane in the year nineteen aught eleventy twelve

  21. It's captain's hour... and we're havin' cocktails

  22. Who is your favourite character in Smash Bros?
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