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Everything posted by Maestro

  1. accualy is mister ...Mr. Kittens and Gibberish that is.
  2. I enjoyed Halo 3's Covenant a lot. While they weren't as diverse as Halo 2 or Reach, Bungie designed them very well and the three most common species have a nice synergy. The Brutes were fleshed out to fill a variety of roles, and they were no longer damage sponges that could kill you in one hit (except Hammer Chieftains). They were dangerous and relentless, but they were slower and had weaker armour than Elites. They could give orders to their underlings, showing off their radically different style of leadership. These orders tested how well you can react to your enemies and how well you know your surroundings. If you were hiding behind cover, enemies could come investigate or throw grenades at where they last saw you. Brutes also have hilarious lines, and their gruff snarling voices make those lines even funnier. Basically, they posed a challenge, but it wasn't an insurmountable challenge. You have a variety of options when fighting them on Legendary, unlike Halo 2 where you needed certain weapons at all times or dumb luck to proceed. Obviously some weapons are much better for the job than others, but none were totally useless like using a Plasma Pistol against a Halo 2 Brute. You can use automatic weapons, precision weapons, power weapons, or punch their lights out if you know how to kite them. Grunts didn't really change much from previous games. They have no headgear and their heads stand out, but now they have a chance of going kamikaze when their leaders die. They also throw grenades on command, which makes them very dangerous in numbers. They're still cannon fodder, but they have a little more firepower when their leaders are alive. Jackals retained their role as scouts and marksmen, but they're not nearly as infamous as their Halo 2 counterparts. They got headgear which tells you when they're watching you and where to shoot to take them down. Legendary snipers still kill in one hit, but are not nearly as numerous, don't spawn halfway through a fight, and take longer to aim and shoot. They're much more agile otherwise, as they will dodge explosives with ease. Halo 3's Covenant didn't rely on gimmicks or cheap tricks like one-hit kills to challenge the player. They tested your ability to think and react. You had to think about which enemy to take out first, how to take them out, and from where, all while adapting to changes in enemy tactics, their movements, and your surroundings.
  3. I see two ways the Flood could return: They breach the new quarantine zone on the Ark and hijack a ship. It wouldn't be capable of carrying many Flood forms, but it'd be enough to infect a world and build up their numbers. The Flood isn't from this galaxy. It's probable that they have infected alien worlds outside the Milky Way, and they could hijack their spacecraft.
  4. Oh no, it's a fiend.

  5. Join me, Link, and I will make your face the greatest in Koridai!

  6. I don't celebrate Christmas until Movember is over.

  7. It snowed this morning. It's bad enough that stores want to skip to Christmas, but nature too?

  8. Alas, you were foiled once again by Ninja Brian Maestro. Ledgend, is that you?
  9. Looking forward to seeing everyone there! Remember, the only emote you'll ever need is...
  10. Nope, still haven't solved Canada yet. Vashikaran love baba (SD), is that you?
  11. From what I've heard over the past few years, Waypoint mods are quite banhammer-happy. When asked why, they're quite reluctant to give a straight answer. I figured it's not worth posting on there if I could get banned for shenanigans or
  12. This year, things will be interesting.

    1. Mr Kittens and Gibberish

      Mr Kittens and Gibberish

      I hope so. Its already half over. lol

  13. I haven't played Mega Man 8 in years... come check it out! http://343i.org/3jr

  14. Daruk's Protection is now ready to roll!

  15. If they're anything like the NES Classics, they'll be pre-ordered by scalpers. And the promise of a finished game that should've been released roughly 20 years ago isn't enough to make me pay an arm and a leg to one of those either.
  16. Stream on June 23? I think yes.

    1. Mr Kittens and Gibberish
    2. Maestro


      Sorry, looks like yes has become no. Other stuff got in the way :|

  17. Nope, just some guy with a surprise plague. Melody?...!..."
  18. I don't think I've actually said it, but congratulations! I know you will protect the forums well with your Spambot's Bane and classic Banhammer.
  19. Not quite, some singing guy with silly purple pants tossed a net on him. Red?
  20. I'd implement it as an incentive to get achievements and collect stuff in the campaign. It's not much, but it'd be something. Twin's right, though, it's definitely not a deal breaker if it's not included. 343 needs to get the core of the game right first before adding flair on top. You can't make good M&Ms if you make the candy coating but no chocolate inside.
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