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Everything posted by Maestro

  1. Merry Christmas, everyone! Have lots of fun and don't eat yellow snow

    1. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      Merry Christmas Maestro!

  2. I haven't played very many games that were released this year, but I do have two suggestions: 1) Don't Starve Together Even though it was in early access since 2014, it was finally completed and came out of early access on April 21st this year. But since then, Klei has continuously added in new content to the game and given it a lot of TLC. They've added new bosses, new enemies, and other features not present in the single player game. Because of this commitment to improving an already fun game, I'm willing to say that it's my multiplayer game of the year. 2) Stardew Valley This game ate up more time during the summer than I'm willing to admit. It was a complete change of pace compared to other games that I played, and it was a good game to unwind with unless you're trying to catch those infuriating legendary fish. It was relaxing yet satisfying tending to crops, fishing, talking to the townsfolk, and listening to a chill soundtrack while doing everything mentioned before. The fact that it was made by ONE guy makes it all the more impressive that there's so much to do, that it looks amazing, and the music sounds great. But, the potential for additional content to be released in the future and multiplayer set to launch sometime in 2017 means that Stardew will have much more to offer in the future, and I'm looking forward to it. For these reasons, I'd say this is my single player game of the year.
  3. If you're not watching already, you should go root on our boy Drizzy: https://www.twitch.tv/drizzy_dan

  4. These are in no particular order, but here are some of my favourites: Fire Flowers: they're your only defense against evil sea critters (Super Mario) Ham Bat: hits really hard when fresh (Don't Starve) Bee Mine: BEES! (Don't Starve) Ragnarok: is very stronk (various FF games) Ultima Weapon: is also very stronk (various FF games) Master Sword: strong AND iconic (Legend of Zelda) Fuel Rod Gun: looks cool, hits hard, holds lots of ammo (Halo (duh)) Incineration Cannon: looks really cool, hits really hard, and gets rid of those pesky Knights with ease (Halo 4+) Railgun: quite a handy weapon (Halo, Duke Nukem, Command and Conquer) Low Orbit Ion Cannon: hits without warning, can't be intercepted (Command and Conquer: Tiberian Sun)
  5. My best Halo memories would be from Halo 2. I was only 11 when I started playing it, and it was with my brother. We were both awful at it, but it was still lots of fun (attempting to) mash up the Flood in Sacred Icon.
  6. Looks pretty cool! But I do have a few questions... could you give us a description of how the map works? It may be confusing to those who are unfamiliar with the gametype you have made. Can you shine spike people? And is it tournament legal?
  7. Oh dear, looks like you'll be sailing with the captain for awhile.

  8. Bowser Kick OVERDRIVE!!!

    1. I_Make_Big_Boom



  9. This tale nearly brought a tear to my eye... well done, guys! Excellent work!
  10. Oh no, what have I done? Completely irrelevant to locking status updates, check out part 5 of XCom 2! If you already have, you should check it out again: http://343i.org/3g3

  11. Yoshi, there's a thread for missing awards. Post there.

  12. The Dragonfly from Don't Starve Together. I mention her in particular simply because Klei decided it would be simply brilliant to give a rather tough boss from the single player version of the game TEN TIMES her original HP, spawn some larvae which inflict fire damage (and make her berserk if they are killed), and give her the ability to restore her HP to full if she flies off-screen. Chaos, from Final Fantasy 1. He can kill a party member with one physical attack, has powerful spells that target your whole party, and has defenses that are almost as strong as plot armour. Oh, and he can also cast a spell which restores his HP to full. The final Warden battle in Halo 5, if you don't know how to cheese it. The Cloud of Darkness, from Final Fantasy 3. In the NES edition, she simply spams an attack which inflicts 1000-2000 damage to all party members. To add insult to injury, the strongest healing spell in the whole game can't keep up, and the only way to defeat her quickly enough requires investing large sums of money in shurikens. As for future topic ideas, how about favourite video game songs or glitches?
  13. Getting a game over in Tangents soft-locked the game. Good thing I'm testing it out on higher difficulties!

  14. I only have two characters' movesets left to complete in Tangents. It feels good to make progress.

  15. 1) Can't go wrong with good ol' Master Chief. You feel super strong playing as him, and he always knows the perfect thing to say in cutscenes. 2) Super Mario! He's pretty nimble for a slightly overweight plumber. 3) Celes Chere from Final Fantasy 6 (or 3 in its initial North American release). Cutscenes focusing on her were the first to give me feels in a video game EVER. In terms of gameplay, she's a great mage. 4) Link. It's extremely satisfying to see him (and you to an extension) get stronger and save the world from evil time and time again. 5) Wilson P. Higgsbury from Don't Starve. He's a well-rounded character (who I never play as except when I first got the game) and says some pretty hilarious things when examining things. He's also the game's mascot, so it's hard not to like him.
  16. Well, today's the day to stream. I'll be going live at roughly 1pm PST.

  17. I'm thinking I'll stream Don't Starve this weekend... it'll be my first time trying Shipwrecked!

    1. Composite Armour

      Composite Armour

      Don't starve believing

    2. Melody


      Just remember not to starve!

    3. Maestro


      You guys can remind me not to while I stream :P

  18. Invisible coin blocks placed precisely where you're going to jump over a pit.
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