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Everything posted by Maestro

  1. Pokemon GO is officially a thing in Canada now... I'm still waiting for Breath of the Wild.

    1. Delpen9


      Canada is the Russia of the Americas.

    2. Fishy


      ^Minus the threat

    3. Drizzy_Dan


      We need a Pokemon GO thread

  2. Not sure if this was asked already, but what did you think of E3 2016?
  3. Eh, I didn't really feel like reading the thread. So here's a guest appearance by Lenny:
  4. A well-designed boss battle is one that cannot be cheesed, and (as many of you have said) are a test of your skills and knowledge with a game's mechanics. Surprisingly, Mario games fit the bill rather well, because there aren't very many mechanics to master... you mainly just run and jump. But out of all the Mario games, Super Mario 64, Sunshine, and Galaxy do this the best. They introduce new mechanics into the game, and then require that you know how to use them in boss fights. As for poorly-designed boss battles... well, I'd say most of Final Fantasy 6's boss fights fall under this category. Many bosses are vulnerable to crippling status ailments (such as Stop, Berserk, or Vanish then Instant Death) which removes any semblance of challenge. Bosses are supposed to be threatening, but in FF6 they eventually turn into wastes of time.
  5. I'm still here.

    1. I_Make_Big_Boom


      Yes, pls keep the fries close

  6. Wait... I just noticed something. The name of the thread is "Count to 50!"... surely that means count to 50 factorial (as in 1x2x3x...x50) not just the number 50, right? That means you'd have to get to 30,414,093,201,713,378,043,612,608,166,064,768,844,377,641,568,960,512,000,000,000,000 to succeed. Oh, I almost forgot. SMEEZE
  7. I expect to hear this theme while playing this. Nice work as always, Captain! EDIT: Here's another good track to listen to while playing this.
  8. Hey look, I'm streaming a thing: http://343i.org/3ee

  9. But I'm staff! And I say... ...
  10. That moment when you're forging and some random person that isn't on your friend list invites you to join their party.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Delpen9


      I invited you to my party. I hope you're not referring to me.

    3. Delpen9



    4. Maestro


      No, I wasn't referring to you. There was someone else who invited me before you

  11. I predict a lot of castle maps being made since the latest forge update. Them textures tho o:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ShadowFiend216


      I thought about it, but then I figured many others would do the same, and it takes too much effort. Lol.

    3. I_Make_Big_Boom


      Drop Campaign altogether so you can get your * together, 343. Take a breather. Fire Brian Reed & co. Get a new life.

    4. I_Make_Big_Boom


      Just have MP, Theater, Warzone, and Forge for Halo 6.

  12. Just make sure you don't cross the streams.
  14. Please review the map submission guidelines by clicking here. If you have trouble uploading images, take a look at the image posting guidelines by clicking here.
  15. I hope no one here is from Fort McMurray. And if you are, I hope you made it out of there in one piece.

  16. nope, this is someone who also identifies as sans i bet it'll be my brother, papyrus
  17. I trapped a hornet and a couple flies in the window today. Bug problem solved.

  18. No Pokemon game is complete without Missingno. Where is it?
  19. I figured out how to implement the steal and scan commands in RPG Maker 2003... it's tougher than you think.

    1. RedStarRocket91


      Having used one of the later versions, I can empathise!

    2. Maestro


      It would've been much easier in a later version, but I can't stand the aesthetics or front-view battle system. Anyways, here's a demo featuring everyone's favourite forced meme, Lenny:

  20. *curls into a ball and rocks back and forth* No! Not the Water Temple! Not again... not again!
  21. No, it's just a forge guy A wild Melody appears!...?
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