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Everything posted by TDM

  1. This is a truly spectacular sight!! Now, And only now... Azaxx has met his match!! MUAHAHA!! But that aside! These two surely weren't legendary for nothing. Can't wait to see them in Blue. Congrats you two!!
  2. Halo 5 does indeed need a beta. With how Halo 4 came out, It wasn't at its best. And even though there was a beta (Not released to everyone, mind you), The game didn't have the balance that every past Halo has had to hold its own weight. Now you are probably wondering, "Hold its own weight?". Well, Yes. Every Halo game has put innovation in, Bungie liked taking risks, Because they knew no matter what the triple sevens would hit on a slot machine, They'd still have cash to make more and more. 343i put in innovation, But as I stated previously - Too much of it. They put Halo on a different line of games where it hadn't ever been. It is getting to the CoD ages if Halo 5 isn't very well on the shelves, And we don't want another E.T situation either. A short response here - But Halo 5 needs a beta accessible by EVERYONE so Halo and 343i can get the feedback from ALL perspectives of the Halo universe, To make the game the best that it can truly be.
  3. I'm going back to Midnight Club 3. Twista - Sunshine
  4. Hmm.... Well, Being this is a once in a life time event I may as well join in on the fun, No? GT: Bloodchicken55 (I still need to change it.)
  5. Well, Since the 200 challenge was too easy, We need more of a challenge. http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/34751-the-count-to-9001-challenge/

  6. Well everyone, Since we clearly finished the Count to 200 thread because it was WAY to easy and because Azaxx totally didn't lock it, I thought it was time for an even greater challenge inspired by Dragon Ball Z. We must count to 9,001. If anyone on staff or in the Legendary members group says, "Smeeze " then we restart at one. Here we go!! 1
  7. There has been WAY too many spam bots lately, Who's doing it? What's their deal..?

    1. Delpen9


      They want moneys.

    2. I_Make_Big_Boom


      They're trying to turn the Greenies to the dark side of the force.

    3. The Silenced
  8. Driving went great!! Too bad I some what hit a curb when my dad told me to drive home. Either way, I did a good job! And yes, Yang I will buy a soccer MoM van.

  9. Hey guys, Won't be the most active today. Gonna be building something outside later, Then I'm gonna learn to drive, and then... I don't know.

    1. Akali


      Woo my MoMmy will now be learning how to drive :) now you can take me to soccer ;)

  10. Happy birthday Doc, I'm not sure where you are, But just know that we here at 343i Community Forums wanted to say Happy Birthday. We all miss you man, We all hope you return one day..

  11. TDM

    Lol I won the Azaxx Games.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TDM


      Me: "I already got a screenshot. c;"


      You: "I can ban."


    3. Azaxx
    4. Delpen9


      Azaxx has gotten into several with me. c:

  12. Its funny how I visit your profile to see the conversations you have with Azaxx, I started the trend after reading, "You're gonna regret the day that you took that step into hell." Had me laughing for hours!! Also, Just wanted to say hi! ^_^

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TDM


      But it was funny though because last night after getting to 9,000 posts in the count to 200 challenge, Azaxx wanted to ban me for already having a screenshot of it prepared if he had removed it.


      I still think I am a winner and survivor of the Azaxx games. c:

    3. Azaxx


      I use my power to inflict pain and suffering onto others.


      It is the harsh reality of life.

    4. TDM


      No Azy, I think you use it for the lols. :P

  13. When in doubt.... RUSH RIDGE DUUUUDE!!!! Can't wait till the next time I play on Settler.
  14. Well, Due to reaching my like quota for the day, I can no longer like posts today, Bummer. Either way, I will do my best to make sure this place is still gonna feature the dumbest of the dumb, while making it fun to be here at the same time. If not - A slap or it didn't happen. And Zandril, Just wanted to say. I got my tickets right here, The seats are awesome! You wouldn't believe the amount of bullets I ate today!
  15. 3.... Well guys, I think The Director decided to direct this movie.... ONLY 197 MORE TO GO!!
  16. Hey everyone, Just wanted to let you know I have updated this post and also edited a few names on the list/added more names. Also a little story, Not even a story, But a confession. In other news, I am still trying to think about the best but most secret thing ever, It will be a while when it comes to my thinking, So please do excuse my lack of weasel and pizza surplus over the next few days. Thanks!! -TDM P.S Hey, Fae. Lemme see dat smile, No?
  17. That there was one hell of a CMod speech. I literally feel happy to an extent of which I feel my eyes all watery and it feels funny. If anything, I'll do what I can to assure that the month of May will be awesome!! Even if that means I have to grab a pen and paper and draw something I have no intelligence of what-so-ever. My time here is a separate life, I dedicated time here, A lot of it. Not as much to rival Azaxx's 250+ days of course, But enough to know that if I ever leave I am leaving with what ever I plan to do here over the remaining decades of my life knowing I did what was to be done. Thank you for the opportunity. Everyone. Just, Thank you. -T"M"M
  18. I am honored to see you have come back to read this. It is an extreme honor man, Truly. I really wish the best of luck in your future endeavors.
  19. Oh, I must've mistranslated then! Either way, I still appreciate the comment. Trust me, I don't exactly think I'm much of a tyrant.
  20. The Pink Spangled Spartan is the best thing ever. :3 Trust me, Every MoM has done us proud. I appreciate you editing this, I must've messed up in some places, My eyes kind of hurt after writing all that. Thanks man, Seriously.
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