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Everything posted by TDM

  1. TDM

    Lone Helmet

    From the album: Gmod Pictures

  2. TDM

    Gmod Pictures

  3. TDM

    First Person View

    From the album: Gmod Pictures

  4. TDM


    From the album: Gmod Pictures

  5. Wait.... podcast?! Surely I'd like to join this!
  6. Well I will say, I've been to Club Penguin in an earlier stage in my life... And they are money hungry. They truly are, Most companies are. I'm not saying I agree with this act, But the fact that they do not like money hungry companies, I can see. Other than that, Thanks for the friendly warning. They may be with another act. Maybe. Maybe not.
  7. "Lines in my face are becoming more apparent, I stare with the same eyes as my moms parent. People I can be scared with the ones who cherish, And I hope some day to be able to say that I shared it" I love those lines.

  8. Merry Christmas Everyone!!! ☺

    1. Vitamin Pwn
    2. Akali


      merry christmas marine

    3. Spyro


      Merry Christmas.

  9. That guy is amazing!! But one thing, He must be pretty happy about games, And is happy about next gen.
  10. I am donating a Weasel. Because I can. Because its a Weasel.
  11. Killionaire! Perfection! Unfrigginbelievable! Head case! Smooth Moves! First Strike! Guardian Angel! Wing Man! Road Trip! Vehicular Manslaughter! I love all of those medals the most, They are just amazing.
  12. Dear Readers! I'm sorry for the last minute update, But I won't be able to attend MMEMMM, As I need to help out my family for the holidays. Hate me if you will, But family comes first. If you understand, Your awesome. Sorry guys. -Weasel Sackage
  13. Then we would all be able to watch spartans kill aliens!! What if you were the Master Chief?
  14. Well, Most people liked Halo: Reach's armor because you had to ability to customize more, And you also had to spend time earning credits to buy it. The armor in Reach shows a light side and a bulky side, But doesn't really have full armor sets. But other than that, Reach had amazing armor. Halo 4's armor I like too, But the skins.... They need to go. Its not like my spartan is gonna be all like, "Well, I need a skin on my armor. Lets go to a paintshop." In the middle of battle. And they have to blend in, They need to look worn from battle, Something you can hide in the environment with, Spartans go on stealth missions too.
  15. He threw me into an easy bake oven because...
  16. TDM

    Happy Weasel!! Damn it... Birthday Church! :D

    1. Church


      Why thank you you weasel!

  17. To fall down the stairs and explode, So he had to pay a
  18. Wow... That is one good point though, It's definantly not family friendly language though. lol
  19. TDM


    Hey Stealth! Welcome to the Community! Here on 343i Community Forums, We have tons of people that are dedicated to try helping with problems, And we have tons of friendly faces! There are tons of topics to post in, You can also share your maps in the Forge Area of the forums, Can't miss it, It's huge. There's tons to do here, So I hope you enjoy your stay.
  20. Hey you weasels!! As you know, I've teamed up with Maestro The Merry, And made a triple M playdate go to 5 M's!! I just need to know, If anyone is still coming to the fun, Verify Like... Right nao.
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