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Everything posted by TDM

  1. I'll be getting that soon!!! That was a very great review, I liked it. The graphics in the game are indeed very amazing, And if I could see graphics like that anyday, Well... That'd be awesome!! I'll go with the rating, Being rated by you one of my many best buddies!
  2. Challenge Accepted!!! The Community Forum shall prevail!! GT: HymanionStudios
  3. Hmmmm..... Interesting.. Well, Time to go hit some banks, Looks like GTA V came in handy after all!!!
  4. It is pretty amazing how much the gaming technology as well as its developers have evolved, As well as new born companies so to say... But you know, Just wait for 2018-2022 to come around when they will finally realize the power of the consoles... And BAM!!! New consoles are selling. Oppsy-doops.
  5. It would be cool if when you went into first person driving, It showed a Spartan-IV's armor on your character, In the appearance of Commander Palmer... That would be cool to see.
  6. Then we'd look like weasels. What if you dropped a bucket of marbles in an elevator shaft?
  7. Then it'd use Chuck Greene. What if a weasel got stuck in a golden easy-bake oven?
  8. And I, Weaselton Marine, Would like to thank you for being the electrifying person in this community, With your shocking quotes, The huge red enlightening bow-tie, And my armor of course! But my armor aside, This speech is amazing, And I being in it... Well... THATS INSANE!!! I really hope you enjoy your month in pink, And remember. Keep the Spark that keeps you here with us all ignited. -The Dumb Marine
  9. And that, Is what make a robot cry... man, You really hit the emotions there. Your one hell of a good friend.
  10. Little did he know he would be the Absolute Dog to shape our community. Brings a tear to my visor...
  11. And this is where I shed a tear from such an amazingly crafted post... Much luck on the endeavors you seek buddy!! Remember, Every story has an end, Or a sequel... Or a prequel. But for now, We need an epilogue to keep our spirits high and mighty, Like our race. Like your race, As I am a robot with feelings, Mostly robot... But human.
  12. Personally... I like it!! 1 Talon!! 0 Weasel!!
  13. That's where the word "Possible" comes in.
  14. Hey everyone! I guess this is an update to the first post of this thread, I recommend you check that post out before this one. So, It turns out this weapon skin glitch also ties in with the McFarlane toy weapon skins! So this can be a system to test out skins and see how you like them. I will have to give a tutorial to this, Text based for starters. So, Go into Custom War Games, And set the Gametype as "Infinity Rumble". Then go to "Game Options" and select "Traits". When you do so, Go to "Base Player Traits" and then to "Weapons and Damage". Go to primary weapon and set it either as "Assault Rifle", "DMR", "Battle Rifle", "Storm Rifle", "Covenant Carbine", or "Supressor". Then set your classes so you secondary is also that weapon. (You'll need the Tactical Package "FirePower) Now, It depends on which weapon you have as you primary in your normal classes for each skin to work. And you will get these if you did it right. (McFarlane Toys List) Assault Rifle Riptide DMR Bones Covenant Carbine Engage Storm Rifle Chill Supressor Refractive This can be used as a system to see which best fits you, Even if you just want the toys. Who knows? Maybe you'll find something you'll really like!! This is The Dumb Marine as always, And I'll see you if I have another update, or in the shoutbox.
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