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Everything posted by TDM

  1. Wii U DOES have the next... SUPER! SMASH!! BROTHERRRRRSSSSS!!!!!
  2. *Wipes tears* This is absolutely beautiful... and true.... TO BEING BETTER MEMBERS!!! OOHH-RAHH!!
  3. Hey Stiggy! :P

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TDM


      I can tell! Getting really cold here! I also have some good news! I'm not the boring green marine anymore! I'm purple! And I gotta say, I love that helmet of yours.

    3. The Stig

      The Stig

      Thats great man! And thank you, I need my helmet to always be in top shape! I mean it is my face after all! :)

    4. TDM


      What a coincidence! My helmet is also my face! We should make... Helmet book! All the spartans and racers would be so honored! :D

  4. Halo 3 Multiplayer had to be the best, You go head to head with someone. Same weapons, Same shields. Whoever wins is victorious.
  5. I went out as myself! A marine trying to shoot his foot.... I recommend Mark V armor.
  6. The fact that they have yet to make a realistice HUD system beats me, Or why you dont see damage on your armor when your hit... THIS MUST HAPPEN!!
  7. We only got so much due to the consoles limitations, Sadly..
  8. Shiptacular battles? SOUNDS AMAZING!!!!
  9. Disney: "I run around, At the speed of sound! I can only think, Of how I am un wound... Ohh!!! Because I am Sonic!" Nintendo: "Bring it on!"
  10. I like the Transport Hog, Just imagine all the friends you can have!!
  11. Halo, Battlefield, Minecraft, Burnout, GTA, Borderlands, Dead Rising, Fable III, And Assassins Creed.
  12. Call of Duty, All my friends like it. And I'm always teased because I like Halo. I always think of Call of Duty as the first game with the same name slapped on it and a few pointless new features.
  13. I love bullets on the side with my coffee, You know what they say! You arent a spartan unless you are a bullet sponge!
  14. Hmmmm..... I LIKE THESE!! I like MasterChief gets pulled over the best though.
  15. I think the Xbox One will be good. I really like how you have the ability to play Halo.
  16. First game I ever played was Hotwheels Velocity X! Where was your first game bought from?
  17. Well it usually takes 50 years for a planet to recover from a glassing. In the end of reach that was 30 years, Its just about healed. And with the peace with Arbiter and what not, I'm sure they can go back.
  18. The ghost of Halo 2 was pretty creepy, Some say it was a haunted game, While others simply said it was a glitch. I do know for sure though that in Matchmaking you are actually witnessing a lag with someone's console. Making them look like a "Ghost".
  19. I would like to see Mark IV armor in matchmaking, But I'd also love to see Johns new Mark VI armor in matchmaking as well. But mostly we will see it because well... Halo is evolving!! Just like combat!
  20. Mother of God... THE BIGGEST AND BnusIEST!!! (And Bossiest) PLAYDATE!!! EVER!!!!! I'm in! GT: HymanionStudios
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