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Everything posted by TDM

  1. Let alone be killed... Wait... HALO LOGIC TIME!!!: Master chief shoots Sgt. Johnson = No death no matter what weapon. Sgt Johnson shot by laser = x_x
  2. Hey Superintendent, Are you friends with 343iBot?

    1. superintendent
    2. TDM


      Were you ever in a relationship with her?

    3. superintendent


      That information is classified...


  3. Hey mom! Can I have a pet weasel? :D

  4. You make a very good point there buddy!! No problem, I can cook one hell of a gametype!! I just need to find my skillet... Oh! There it is!!
  5. TDM

    New Sig

    From the album: Halo 4 Screenshots

    Help support BCAM!!!

    © The Dumb Marine

  6. Thank you Sir Sparksalot!
  7. From the album: Halo 4 Screenshots

    Pretty neat, No?

    © The Dumb Marine

  8. Is there a planet Weasel? Bill Nye? ... Hmmm.... PLANET FLYING WEASEL POWDER!!! New Planet Aquired: Planet: Flying.Weasel.Powder: F.W.P.9000!! Alright, Well, Might as well pack my bags!
  9. Think of it this way... Shield 0459... "SHIELD" 0459!!! With this stupid rock with a shield, My forces shall be impenetrable!!! Until the solace atleast, Heh! But who cares?
  10. Shield 0459. WHY NOT?!?!?!
  11. Well... The thing is, One of the rules (I'm pretty sure of) Is that you can not post links to other forums, Or websites without permisson. There was also someone named Swiftfox? Yeah Swiftfox, He was here about a month or two ago, And there wasn't much luck with recruits.
  12. Because Delfino means dolphin in Italian?
  13. TDM

    My first photoshop... D:

    From the album: Halo 4 Screenshots

    This is my first photoshop.... I kinda tried to make the File Select screen from Super Mario Sunshine in Halo 4, I also added my own affects by adding two small replicas of The Delfino Airstrip and Delfino Plaza in the background. It should be pretty easy to see... Please give some feedback, If you like it or not.

    © The Dumb Marine/Nintendo

  14. Map name: Delfino Plaza Gametype: SMS Rumble Players: 12-16 Uses: Showcasing/Slayer Description: Run around in Nintendo's own map, Delfino Plaza! Made in 2002 with the release of Super Mario Sunshine on GameCube, This map will hopefully fuel your nostalgia anyday! Note: A few items/Features are missing but will not affect gameplay. PICTURES BELONG TO ME: Feel free to go to the fileshare and take a copy if you'd like. And if anyone would like to use it in any form of video, Please give credit to me for the map. Thanks for reading!!
  15. Finally working on the next version of Delfino Plaza!! About time!! :D

  16. Seriously? I have my vote, And I don't like getting mad, Please don't convince me otherwise.
  17. Well to be honest, I don't really care much about being president. Sure, It's a cool offer, And I know for certain I wouldn't treat it like I should go nuts and boss around everyone, I would just be me, I mean, If someone were being rude, Sure I'd tell them to cool it, But... Yeah! Have fun guys. And good luck.
  18. I vote for OMEGA!!! He is very awesome.... And he gives out more cookies than I would.
  19. Guys! I have good news! With the fourth update for the week, I have to announce that my friend TGS Shadowless has hopped aboard the train to help us!
  20. Well as of now, I do not own a capture card. HOWEVER: I do have a friend or two who owns one.
  21. Odd-Runner Update #3 Yes, I know what your thinking... Another update in one day!? Well yes, To be honest, I'm quite hyper and excited about this, And I feel that I should give you guys some details atleast once or twice a day. Now, The picture for our special update... Okay, Now as the main followers of this thread know, I HAVE made a drag race map. That will be our first map for testing when it is in a testing state. Now, I bet your wondering why making a few maps and a gametype is taking forever. Well it isn't my dumbness, Even though I will admit, Some of this is difficult. Not because forging in Halo 4 is hard, But its hard to think of what people would like, Will they like long maps? Short maps? Drag race maps? Etc. I'm trying to add effects to the maps, Player created ups or downs which can give you can advantage by sabotaging the other players, And also a little fall, By knocking over the wrong item. Now, As you know I'm very pumped, And will take ideas that people have. I'm also going to try getting some nice wallpapers out as well near the time it comes out. You've already seen one. Which is in my FileShare on the website. Now, I wanted to tell you all mainly... What type of effects would you like to see? Explosions? Falling Items? Really anything, As I will try to the best of my ability to make it happen. So if you are still reading this, I'm quite amazed, And thank you for your attention. Next on the list as well we should cover... TESTING!!! Now, Some have asked about map and gametype testing, And I will answer this question by telling you that I want to hopefully start testing in one to atleast two weeks from now. The more time I have to work, The more fun it should be, Results may vary by player of course, As we are all human and we have different likes and dislikes. So, The testing question is now out of the way. And now the next part. POSSIBLE GAMENIGHTS!!! Yes, You heard me right there sir or ma'am. Once this is finalized, I will keep making maps every now and then, And we can hold some gamenights to play it! As well as other gametypes and maps of course, Don't want it getting too boring, Right? I really don't have prizes to give out sadly, I can try to get things for the top three performers, But sadly my budget is pretty screwed up at the moment... But don't worry! The fun and the memories are more valueable, Right? You bet they are. CONCLUSION!!! So, In conclusion to this post... (Yes, I'm sorry for it being so long...) I want to thank anyone and everyone that has given me support in the past day! I really appreciate it! And remember, If you have any ideas, Let yourself be heard! I'd love to hear your suggestions!! If you have something to suggest that you don't want to share with the public, Just contact me at [email protected] Thank you for reading!!! -The Dumb Marine
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