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Everything posted by TDM

  1. TDM

    Odd-Runner Wallpaper #1

    From the album: Halo 4 Screenshots

    Take the new and very first Odd-Runner Wallpaper!!! Size: 1536 x 1152

    © The Dumb Marine

  2. It really depends on when I can get a few good test maps made, I also have to edit the gametype and test the damage by myself with another controller, To see how much damage they should take from certain weapons, I really am passionate for this, I have a good amount of people here like brothers and sisters to me, Practically everyone. But to people who hate Halo 4, I want to try to show them how good it COULD be if you set your mind to certain things and plan. But I would say around one to two weeks if I'm not caught up in any other things. I really appreciate the help you guys are giving me, So thank you all so much. :') Thank you for reading. -The Dumb Marine.
  3. Keeping the straight foward idea in mind, I made a drag race map, With two extra enviornments just for a longer map. This is just a first map, Depending on how it works. And don't worry, Credit goes to you for the idea, I get partial credit only for forging it. But the idea from what I've seen looks great. So yes, This is another update. Also! I'm trying to learn how make the map so anything the player does can affect gameplay, Hopefully I can learn fast enough!! Thanks for reading as always!! -The Dumb Marine
  4. Both ideas sound great!!! I'll definantly look into it. Thank you!
  5. Hello guys! It is me as always... The very talented, Charming, And very- (Hey! Get on with it!!) Alright, alright... So as none of you may know... Or do know, I am currently working on a new gametype Odd-Runner. You may have seen my picture in the the gallery for it. *I know there was a typo... * So anyway, Odd-Runner is a gametype where a few people go at it with Railguns and Sticky Detonators, Armed with promethian vision. The people charge for the Odd-Ball. Who ever gets it gets the speed boost visual effect as well as a few traits. The maps are practically tracks, Like... A lap track technically. And the man OR woman with the Odd-Ball must survive, even though the Odd-Ball DOES EXPLODE!!!! Stay Alert. Now, Each game is 3 minutes long, With three rounds. I'm still working a Beta version. But if ANYONE has suggestions, Feel free to post them here, As I'd love to see what the community can do to support I, The Dumb Marine, A good friend of all! -Thank you.
  6. Lets re-write this... 343 Industries Please fix your Spartan Ops servers, they haven't been working properly for me lately. I get black screened after the mission is over, And I'm losing the XP I have been earning from playing and it has been making me mad to the point where I play Call of Duty, And to me I personally don't like it. Considering CoD has bad matchmaking due to campers, And bad lag. So please consider fixing the servers, As some people may have left due to it. -Thank you! halohater4. See? The Dumb Marine touch makes everything better!!
  7. I've had a special project under wraps for awhile.... Hope you guys are excited!!!

  8. From the album: Halo 4 Screenshots

    New gametype from yours truly... The Dumb Marine!!! Since we have the ability to make fun gametypes, I want to try bringing back Halo 4's population.... Hope you are as excited as I am!! -The Dumb Marine TDM

    © The Dumb Marine

  9. TDM

    Me w/ Noble Six

    Pictures of Me with Noble Six.
  10. TDM

    Noble Six

    From the album: Me w/ Noble Six

    Just Noble Six in a slayer match against me.
  11. TDM

    Me with Noble Six

    From the album: Me w/ Noble Six

    Me with Noble Six on the map Skyline.
  12. Can't wait!! I really wish you luck with this series!!!
  13. Hmm.... Well, Back when I was a kid, I played a Hotwheels game.... Velocity X!! There was a weapon called the "Quantum Annihilator", The most powerful weapon in the game... Shot out a ball of energy in which anything in the landing radius was gone... Pretty powerful...
  14. Creativity Impulse!! How about a turret which shoots an ocean of water in one blast! One that'll kill.... Them... all..... >
  15. Hello guys and gals! I am the The Dumb Marine as always... But let's get into this. Okay, So as a few people heard, Halo: Spartan Assault content came with the Champions Bundle. But some of us don't know of it, or just haven't seen it. I myself discovered the rumor was real just yesterday, In matchmaking of course. So first, The requirements are obviously Halo: Spartan Assault and Glyph codes for Halo: Waypoint, The Spartan Assault achievements Recruit, Prodigy, and Powered by Mjolnir, And Halo 4. I have pictures here of what comes with it. NOTE: The picture DOES NOT BELONG TO ME!!!!!! So, The items you see in this picture are the DMR Striped Skin, And the Determined stance for online multiplayer. There are also two armor skins. First is for the Air Assault armor set, The skin name is Vision. The second armor skin is for C.I.O, Also know as Rush. Unfortunately, I do not own any pictures of the armor sets. But here is a link to the video so you can see them. Thank you for taking time to read this, I'm The Dumb Marine, And I'll see you all starside!
  16. Next Story for the day!! This is the continued part for Masterchief-117's post on my older story posts.... ..To be continued.. ....... As Johns suit was covered ini cereal pieces, He freaked out. "CORTANA!!! Oh thats right, The nag died.... OH WELL!" And John walked into the ONI building with a cereal box and a cloak on, Claiming he has come from the universe of ...DESTINY!!!!!!........ "Im from Destiny.... YOU MUST OBEY ME!!" And then John dropped his cereal box and started crying, And asked for a gold star. Lord hood walked in and was all like "Chief! The flood are dead, And now.... THE COVIES ARE KILLING ELDERLY PEOPLE FOR STEALING AND BREAKING A SHIP!!! YOU MUST STOP THIS WAR!" John saluted with his broken cereal box in hand, And gave "Hoodie" the finger. "No way Jose Hoodie, I Have a life! What have you done today, Play Halo: Reach? That games old!!!!! Play Halo 7,000!" John took a copy of Halo 7,000 out of his pocket and threw it at Lord hood. "Chief, WE DONT HAVE TIME FOR THIS!!! GET YOUR SORRY A** ON THAT PELICAN AND FINISH THE FIGHT!!!" Lord hood was really ticked off. "Finish the fight? Thats so Halo 2.. So go kill yourself with a torque wrench!" John passed over a torque wrench and ran away...... TO BE CONTNUED BY..... HALOMAN 2!!!! Yeah, You... In the yellow shirt, Yeah, Come up here and finish... This.... Story.... Link to the post of Masterchief-117... ----> http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/30030-m45t3rch33f5-n3w-j0urn3y/
  17. Staying, Everyone helped.
  18. Hey everyone! I am... THE DUMB MARINE!!!! And I am starting a new thread, The name you can see ABOVE. This is the thread where I will sometimes post random stories! And YOU.. The viewer, will sometimes be randomly picked to make a story to make us laugh. This thread was made to let your creativity and dumbness flow! Because cmon, Who doesnt want to act completely weird sometimes? The first story will be a short story, Starring... BILL NYE!!! *Crickets churping* Hey, It couldve been Nicholas Cage!!! So shush!!! Okay here we go... "Hey, Is malasos slow on a summer Sunday?" "I dont know, Ask Bill Nye..." "Okay..." *Phone ringing* Bill Nye: "Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill.... Hello?" Guy: "Hey Bill!" Bill Nye: "I thought I told you not to call ever again." Guy: "Well you see umm.... IS MALASOS SLOW ON A SUMMER SUNDAY!?!?!" Bill Nye: "Im going to call the cops." Guy: "But your already on the phone!" Bill Nye: "......Looks like your the science guy now." *Hangs up*
  19. IVE GOT IT!!! Okay here we go... "Hey, Is malasos slow on a summer Sunday?" "I dont know, Ask Bill Nye..." "Okay..." *Phone ringing* Bill Nye: "Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill.... Hello?" Guy: "Hey Bill!" Bill Nye: "I thought I told you not to call ever again." Guy: "Well you see umm.... IS MALASOS SLOW ON A SUMMER SUNDAY!?!?!" Bill Nye: "Im going to call the cops." Guy: "But your already on the phone!...

  20. Why is everyone so sad about my leaving? Im just another person... Like everyone else...

  21. Hey guys, I wanted to say good-bye, Im going to leave the site for a while and I dont know when Ill be back. I need to go live life instead of wasting it... Goodbye.
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