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Everything posted by TDM

  1. I love bees, their way of using teamwork to do what they do is quite an amazing thing.

    1. Akali


      But weasels are the best :3 C:

  2. I voted other because I am unsure of the fact about having an Xbox One at day one. I'll have the game, but possibly not a console for it.
  3. TDM

    Le photoshop

    From the album: Random Photos

  4. Hmm... Flood Assassinations: 1. Flood infected Spartan-IV sprints toward player, jabs the flood talon through the abdomen, and raises the arm splitting the victim in half 2. Flood infection form sprints toward the player, does a crouching slide and cuts their head off. (Much like a Halo: Reach spartan on elite assassination.) Spartan Assassinations: 1. [Flag Kill] Spartan sprints toward player with flag in hand and stabs it through their head, kicks them backwards and regains his/her flag 2. [Oddball Kill] Spartan takes the oddball and throws it with a lot of power at another player, causing the ball to shatter against the helmet, if timed right, a teammate or yourself can then go in and stomp the stunned opponents head into the ground 3. [Vehicular Assassination] Spartan boards enemy vehicle, grabs the driver or passenger and tosses them under the wheels causing the to die of vehicular manslaughter. 4. [Vehicular Assassination Counter] Spartan attempts to high-jack the driver or passenger, if timed right you can click a button combo to fight back and kick them off into the dust. 5. [Vehicular Assassination Counter] Spartan attempts to high-jack the gunner, if timed right a specific button combo can cause the gunner to grab the enemy and stick them to the end of the turret while the gunner will proceed to shoot the enemy. (May jam any turrets) 6. [Vehicular Assassination] Enemy boards gunner section of Warthog and takes the turret and spins it at a high speed, getting a hit on the spartan's abdomen causing major bleeding, then death. 7. [Mag-sassination!!] Spartan-IV has gained enough fury (I'll explain fury in a second) in the match to be able to take the Magnum in the melee style that was new in Reach (The one with the melee and flip back) and thrust the weapon into the back of the helmet, puncturing their skull and leaving massive to fatal damage. ~~~~FURY~~~~ Fury is a new type of system that I created to give Spartan-IV's that have some anger issues the ability to let loose. Fury is built up when a near ally's death occurs that you could've saved or seeing an ally get assassinated, so on. The fury bar when full will give the player a three hit melee damage boost. This will allow players to use their own weapons - ones even without blades to puncture the armor and possibly kill them. Although the system has a hint of overpower within itself, it still gives the victim a chance to retaliate since on most occasions the hit will only badly injure them. The third melee strike will have the most damage, being the "final blow" of them all. The final blow attacks will kill the enemy once in contact with the weapon. If the enemy does survive a final blow attack, they are rewarded with a medal called "Shrink", as they have survived the worst blow of the man/woman with fury at the full. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Spartan Assassinations [Continued]: 8. [spik-sassination!!] The spartan takes a Spiker, runs up to an enemy and holds them up by their neck. He/she then smashed the spikes on the Spiker into the enemies visor, causing blindness if survived, or even death death if the spikes went far enough into the head to hit the brain. 9. [Needler Assassination] Spartan pulls out the last remaining needle in the needler and sneaks up behind an enemy and begins to rapidly start stabbing at the neck until the enemy is dead. ~~~~Hand-to-Hand-Combat~~~~ So, we've all seen it in rumors for Halo 4. But all we got a was a few quick-time events in the campaign. And what are Spartan-IV's to do when they run out of ammo? Spartans are not always dependent on weapons. As William-043 had taken on two hunters in hand to hand combat and killed one of them, and saved his fellow spartans. The Spartan-IV's are stronger than Spartan-III's, so they have more power and a better pain tolerance. They could take massive blows and get up unharmed. We always run out of ammo, so instead of scavenging how about we have a choice to throw our weapons down and use our fists? It's not hard to use, LT/RT to punch, LB/RB to block. It isn't the worst concept. And although it keeps you vulnerable, it is better to go out in a blaze of fury with your hands rather than with a gun you can barely keep in your own control, right?
  5. Who needs just assassinations? #HandToHandCombat
  6. For many more new chapters ahead... It's sad to see you leave buddy, you hosted so many events that you had Boss jealous!! The events you brought to us changed the flow of new events, making storylines for both sides, maps for each and every situation, and even the ninjas! We really want to thank you for all the innovation and inspiration you've brought upon us. Let's place that in a place for safe keeping... Long live the legacy of Onsokumaru!!!!
  7. In the end of Halo 4, Chief was starting to question authority. He was struggling to figure out and discover from Lasky's words - "Soldiers aren't machines... They are just people." that John himself is only a human. The Didact is much too strong for him to handle. So why did he possibly gather up Blue Team? Because. He is only human.
  8. Hello everyone! Just recently as you all know there has been a slough of Halo comic books out and around the universe. But some of these comics have been also the "72 Hours After" Halo 4 portion. This tells what has happened directly after the events of Halo 4, A.k.a a three day span. Just recently, there was another part to come out, part 3. And with that, someone on tumblr had actually posted a picture from the next comic in that specific storyline. NOTE: Self Destruct beat me to it! The photo IS REAL! So, here is the picture that has gotten the community to get their 'jimmies' and find popcorn. Even the HaloFollower gave his speculations on this. View attachment: tumblr_n7a71iI5oW1rdjn0ko1_500.jpg Now, most people are speculating this is (From front right to back left) John-117, Kelly-087, Linda-058, and Fred-104. This is speculated as the armor they wear has a big resemblance to the armor they had in Halo: Legends - The Package. And also because Fred, Kelly, and Linda all were not confirmed KIA, or in the case MIA. Since Spartans never die. Here is evidence to that claim above. (Still in order) Kelly-087 (I got a close up on the helmet to compare the markings with the helmet in the comic picture) View attachment: Kelly_2.jpg Linda-058 (Both helmets are practically a more high-tech version of the standard edition) View attachment: Halo_Spartan_Armor_3.jpg Fred-104 (Just look at the helmet design + the big shoulders) View attachment: Fred_2.jpg With all of that out for us all now, what do you all think? I personally think this can be Blue Team. As we can see in the other Halo Comics for the next 72 hours, we see events like a battle with the Chief and the Didact. But also chief using a sniper rifle in the first! Just look below. 72 Hours After #1 View attachment: tumblr_n4750hMfm51rdjn0ko1_500.jpg 72 Hours After #2 View attachment: tumblr_n5msfxd2Ow1qk7cquo1_500.jpg What do you all think? Put your theories below!!! Sources: http://117--087.tumblr.com/ http://www.darkhorse.com/Comics/Previews/22-710
  9. Hello everyone! Just recently as you all know there has been a slough of Halo comic books out and around the universe. But some of these comics have been also the "72 Hours After" Halo 4 portion. This tells what has happened directly after the events of Halo 4, A.k.a a three day span. Just recently, there was another part to come out, part 3. And with that, someone on tumblr had actually posted a picture from the next comic in that specific storyline. NOTE: Self Destruct beat me to it! The photo IS REAL! So, here is the picture that has gotten the community to get their 'jimmies' and find popcorn. Even the HaloFollower gave his speculations on this. View attachment: tumblr_n7a71iI5oW1rdjn0ko1_500.jpg Now, most people are speculating this is (From front right to back left) John-117, Kelly-087, Linda-058, and Fred-104. This is speculated as the armor they wear has a big resemblance to the armor they had in Halo: Legends - The Package. And also because Fred, Kelly, and Linda all were not confirmed KIA, or in the case MIA. Since Spartans never die. Here is evidence to that claim above. (Still in order) Kelly-087 (I got a close up on the helmet to compare the markings with the helmet in the comic picture) View attachment: Kelly_2.jpg Linda-058 (Both helmets are practically a more high-tech version of the standard edition) View attachment: Halo_Spartan_Armor_3.jpg Fred-104 (Just look at the helmet design + the big shoulders) View attachment: Fred_2.jpg With all of that out for us all now, what do you all think? I personally think this can be Blue Team. As we can see in the other Halo Comics for the next 72 hours, we see events like a battle with the Chief and the Didact. But also chief using a sniper rifle in the first! Just look below. 72 Hours After #1 View attachment: tumblr_n4750hMfm51rdjn0ko1_500.jpg 72 Hours After #2 View attachment: tumblr_n5msfxd2Ow1qk7cquo1_500.jpg What do you all think? Put your theories below!!! Sources: http://117--087.tumblr.com/ http://www.darkhorse.com/Comics/Previews/22-710 View full article
  10. Happy B-Day!! Welcome to the big 21 club!! (That I'm not in yet.)

  11. ...weasels terribly dominating the Earth...
  12. Hello everyone! Just recently as you all know there has been a slough of Halo comic books out and around the universe. But some of these comics have been also the "72 Hours After" Halo 4 portion. This tells what has happened directly after the events of Halo 4, A.k.a a three day span. Just recently, there was another part to come out, part 3. And with that, someone on tumblr had actually posted a picture from the next comic in that specific storyline. NOTE: Self Destruct beat me to it! The photo IS REAL! So, here is the picture that has gotten the community to get their 'jimmies' and find popcorn. Even the HaloFollower gave his speculations on this. Now, most people are speculating this is (From front right to back left) John-117, Kelly-087, Linda-058, and Fred-104. This is speculated as the armor they wear has a big resemblance to the armor they had in Halo: Legends - The Package. And also because Fred, Kelly, and Linda all were not confirmed KIA, or in the case MIA. Since Spartans never die. Here is evidence to that claim above. (Still in order) Kelly-087 (I got a close up on the helmet to compare the markings with the helmet in the comic picture) Linda-058 (Both helmets are practically a more high-tech version of the standard edition) Fred-104 (Just look at the helmet design + the big shoulders) With all of that out for us all now, what do you all think? I personally think this can be Blue Team. As we can see in the other Halo Comics for the next 72 hours, we see events like a battle with the Chief and the Didact. But also chief using a sniper rifle in the first! Just look below. 72 Hours After #1 72 Hours After #2 What do you all think? Put your theories below!!! Sources: http://117--087.tumblr.com/ http://www.darkhorse.com/Comics/Previews/22-710 This post has been promoted to an article
  13. ...Holy...Weasels.... 4,000 posts!!?!!?! I call uber hax. Either way, This story is amazing. And while listening to some good ol' Two Steps From Hell, It spices it up even more!! So, what do I say? I say 1. We add a 4,000 posts award, and 2.... Um... I don't know... But the good news is this!! 3 = Profit. So, All we need is posts. And posts = profit. Which means that our pal Director here has to go extreme mode on these forums. We shall all put the spam bots to shame!!! Still... Now, I am going to bask in your glory as I drool over the big 4000. Congrats buddy!!
  14. Well new members, enjoy the forums!! As you may see, we all have colors. These colors don't mean anything special, and they won't define you. But these do tell you - us all how dedicated you are. We all love new members, truly. We hope to see you at events, contests, fun activities, and so on! Who knows, what if you become the next 'Top Dog'? Be sure to post, be sure to attend, and be sure to just leave your mark in this community. Who knows, you may be the second guy or gal to get dedicated early. (Thanks RedStarRocket91 ) We all become known around here. Whether you're a member, a trusted member, a dedicated member, a community moderator, a moderator, Twam, banned, the news group, the art group, the MoM, the events group, the communications group, Legendary, BOTS, Affiliates, or even still verifying. I wish you all a good time, the coffee is warm. So how about your Halo Spirit?
  15. "A legend need not speak. When he is gone, the world shall speak for him" Your events were fun. Although I never got to attend all of them, or got to defend the forum against tough ninjas waiting to fight to the death, I still enjoyed them! And hopefully you come back some day and start the events again, because no one person can make events as good as you. Now that, I'm sure is a promise I can keep to. The best events, ever. Of all time. We know you aren't gone completely, but for now... All of us veterans of the forum will keep your legacy alive. Every new member will know you, and follow your amazing-ness. Best of luck, buddy.
  16. Any of you old timers remember this moment? Try finding old photos of the forum and post them below!!
  17. Thank RedStar for letting me keep the new color!! :)

    1. Buns


      I think black will suit you well

    2. Drizzy_Dan


      Good on ya Marine!

    3. TDM


      I know Bnus, I tried to get to wear that color, but the mods said it wasn't a good color because it has less saturation than silver.

  18. TDM

    Happy B-Day.

  19. This isn't as long as mine... No, I'm just kidding around. I'm glad you got some time into the spotlight, You have been helping a lot of members with signatures and being nice around the forums, and even playing at some awesome events!! If anything, this is well deserved. You will have ultimate dominance as the right hand man of Azaxx. Enjoy the month!!
  20. Well everyone, it is now the end of my MoMy ship. I really know JXZAW will do a good job of taking up the role. I hope you all know that I am sorry for missing my MoMy playdate, which I will make up for a little later when I gain a better knowledge of planning. So, you all know me for the man who started art week. Me! But also for being a friendly face around here when I am present. I really loved being MoM, I saw the things that most MoMs see, I even got trusted with watching the shoutbox before. But now, as the torch has been passed, I'd like to say thank you for having me as a MoM for May, It was a real blast. And now, I am dedicated. With honestly no clue as to how, since I don't have 500 posts yet. Maybe I am just that special? Either way, I've not much to say because well... My reign is over!! So, with that said, I'll see you all forum-side! -TDM
  21. TDM

    June MoM!

    YES!!! I knew my friend JXZAW here would become the MoMy! It was only a matter of time, he makes signatures for friends, makes weasels, and is just an amazing friend overall!! Enjoy your month in the pink buddy!! And since Mario Kart 8 came out, I now have the music for us all to celebrate to!! *ENGAGE AMAZING NOSTALGIA CHILLS!!* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7aFsq648SM Trust me, this is the most important thing ever.
  22. My ending MoM speech will be up in a while. Sorry for the turn of events yesterday. Love, MoMy. :(

  23. 10/10 Like all the colors. And the weasels told me too.
  24. My Top 15 Weasels of the month!! Woo!! My song of celebration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HaN030c3AWU
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