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Everything posted by R3CL41M3R

  1. Halo 4's Personal Ordnance and Random Ordnance systems aren't without their flaws. I definitely think Personal Ordnance should be based mostly on points and not streaks, just not ALL points. Things like Distraction, Assist, etc. that don't really matter should not be counted. Things like standard kills, Splatters, and Melee Kills (all types) should be. Not completely sure about Objective based points like Flags and Bases. Streaks still deserve rewards in my opinion, so I would suggest that streaks have some effect on your gains for ordnance; maybe multipliers? (1.1x, 1.5x, just nowhere past 2x) I'll let everyone else decide on that. In my head, if they used Chris Hansen's idea, then with the combination of everything else Halo 4 has, it would be a complete rip-off of CoD, minus the regular vehicles. Might as well be Call of Duty: Black Ops 7. Also take into account that a destroyable Pelican would obviously require heavy weapons like Rockets or Spartan Lasers to destroy, and those would not be readily available if the Ordnance system was scrapped. I definitely understand the frustration TornadoFlame has. You deserve better than a Needler. This gives me the idea that you should be able to hold off on your Ordnance, and if you do, it upgrades to better equipment. That would be a major service to those who go all-out in their matches. At the same time, that brings to mind a "Deathstreak" idea that would be like a reversed version of the system I just mentioned. The more you die IN A ROW once you pass 5, the better it gets, but it resets if you call it in. I definitely think streaks should be rewarded, but a Personal Ordnance system based off of streaks would ruin both the system and the game at large, and this post shows why. If the scenario in the second "Paragraph" played out, one team would dominate, because the first to get their ordnance will be victorious, and that would definitely lead to camping. This was the exact system that I know caused a medley of camping for power weapons. This comes from my experience playing Halo which goes back to Halo 2. I don't think all map weapons should be randomized, though. If you're playing BT Slayer on Ragnarok, the Snipers should spawn on a timer the way they did before, along with the Spartan Laser, but not every single weapon.
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