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Void Howling

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Everything posted by Void Howling

  1. Alongside these amazing ideas, from a no life point of view. (That would be me.) I think Halo 5 needs more "incentives" to play longer. Halo : Reach has commendations (Reason I still play it.) Halo 4's Commendations were laughable, and the rank is laughable. CSR? Sure, it's harder, but where's the reward for getting 50's? So H5 just needs some incentives like the Haunted Helmet from Reach or getting 50's in every playlist like H3 for Recon. I really think a mixture of Armor (for reaching Max Rank) and EXTREMELY cool armor effect or helmet, nameplate, skins etc for getting 50's in playlists AND something for reaching 100% commendation progress. I would be on that like a fat kid loves cake.
  2. Halo Reach was great. Commendations were hard to get, I'm 98% and still getting my 100%, Matchmaking was fluent and fair, easy. Basically anyone that hates Reach is because they suck at it. It was a different game from Halo 3 and so many people got butthurt when H3 was lowering down.
  3. I've gotten over 113 in a match, Multi Team. My boosting friends can get 1,000 in a boosting match. They boosted 20k kills in a day in a half.
  4. Inheritor on Reach was fun indeed. 100% commendations here I come. 98% now. =) Should hit 99% next week.
  5. I love Halo : Reach. The commendations on there are hard to get; they take long to do, getting to Inheritor was fun. I have 98% Commendation Progress in Reach and going for 100%. I've played H4 less than 3 days total time and have 40% Progress already. The ranking system in Halo 4 is laughable. SR 130? Yeah, I play casually an hour a day for a month and still almost have my 130. The gameplay of H4 is laughable. If I want CoD; I would have bought it.
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