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Riku Arvoy

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    Riku Caboose

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Grunt (1/19)



  1. Craving knowledge about unknown stuff.

  2. I join in this complaint to. I am not so good at legendary on Halo 4 and I have FINALLY done it just so I can get the armor, but to my surprise I DIDN'T get it. The campaign on legendary was a pain in the a@$ to accomplish and I am pretty pissed I got jack s%&t save an achievement that only gave me gamerscore, but what good is that? As with all others who have complained before me I support them in saying that 343 Industries has to fix this problem, not just so we get what we earned but to also get us off of their backs/have one less complaint to worry about. Lets face it, this isn't going away till its resolved.
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