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Everything posted by Zandril

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlevQkIW1Y8
  2. The last time Germany did this much damage, Hitler was in charge.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Unease Peanut

      Unease Peanut

      Why do I keep seeing your status updates on 9gag posts?

    3. Zandril


      'Tis the other way around, my dear peanut

    4. Is not JL

      Is not JL



      and i thought these jokes were original


      need to be on 9gag more

  3. Quick update! I fixed the map download link and added a video feature of the map in the OP.
  4. When the Hulk goes off into a vicious rage and destroys everything, he's "incredible." When I do it, I'm an alcoholic. Damn double standards...

  5. Just rewatched The Truman Show. Now I'm questioning my existence :P

  6. Nope. It's just for the Last Stand Flood gametype. It's probably for the best. CoD maps do not make good competitive Halo maps. But you can download the map and then make your own copy of it that's meant for Slayer, if you want.
  7. FINAL UPDATE -Added some cover in the outside areas of the map. -Changed the weapons that spawn. -There is now a Flood spawn behind the jeep area. -Red house has been turned into a spawning area for the Flood. -Minor aesthetic changes. -Fixed the map's breakable areas.
  8. Needler Cannon. So this needs to happen. Right? It just has to.
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knsVVgBBQ0U
  10. Lion King honest trailer :D

  11. Oh god, Spain. Why? Why, Spain, why? Not like this.

    1. Ranger Intel

      Ranger Intel

      I was surprised too.

    2. Coldfreeze



  12. The title says it all. This is Nuketown from Black Ops made for the Last Stand Flood gametype. I was inspired to create this by PA1NTS's map, Farm, which was also from a CoD game. Apparently, CoD maps can make for some good Flood maps. I couldn't make the map 100% similar to the original Nuketown. I had to alter some things for better Flood gameplay. I added some crates for cover and the very back of the houses aren't accessible to humans so that they could be used as Flood spawns. Hope you guys give it a download. Enjoy!
  13. Boarding Pass is a Hivemind map with a train station theme. As far as I know, this map is the first Flood map with a modern train station theme. There are several power weapons and holdout locations around the map which the humans can use to their advantage. The train is also very useful. Players can get on its roof and use it to traverse from one side of the map to another. It's not just there for aesthetics.
  14. I'm a featured interview and in the top 15 again? My mother will be so proud. Great wrapup, as always, Drizzorz. These are always a great read.
  15. 343 subscribers :D

  16. 7/10 The text could've been made easier to see. Or at least make it stand out from the rest of the image. Not too big of a fan of the lens flares.
  17. When you're riding in a slay And you hear something spray Diarrhea diarrhea When your sitting on a mountain and your butt becomes a fountain Diarrhea, Diarrhea When your stomach is in pain, and your making chocolate rain Diarrhea, diarrhea When you think it's chicken soup but it's really liquid poop. Diarrhea diarrhea When you think your friends are joking but your pants are brown and soaking: Diarrhea, diarrhea It'd be hilarious if it was. It's not an obsession. It's a way of life.
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