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Everything posted by Zandril

  1. Played this in my testing lobby today. I like the map and I can see myself featuring this in the future. Just a couple things I'd like to be changed about it first. - I discovered some frame drops. Can't remember exactly where. To be safe, just tone down the number of bushes and stuff like that. - I don't like the static-y filter. Remove it. It could even help with the map's performance because there's less effects for the game to render. - Biggest issue I have with it right now is that the entire area is really boring. There's only one cool part for the survivors to hide in and that's the ship. Everywhere else in the map is just a bunch of rocks sticking out and bushes on the ground. I'd like to see more interesting aesthetics in the main playspace. You could have more sunken ships that vary in design or other things that you'd typically see in an underwater setting. Point is, I want this map bedazzled. - If you have any budget left after making changes to the main area, you could make the Infected/Shark spawn prettier. Right now, it's just boring walls, ceilings, and a plain blue floor. This "issue" isn't a big one and I'd put more priority in fixing the issues I mentioned above. This suggestion is just something that would add to the map's quality As you see, most of my feedback is in regard to how the map looks. Gameplay-wise, I like it and I think you balanced it nicely. But the map's not feature-worthy to me until the aesthetics go up a notch.
  2. I assume this version is different from the aesthetic one that I featured?
  3. I haven't gotten the chance to test it yet. Not sure if @@Yoshi1176 was able to. Btw, are these updates being done to the same map and gametype variants you linked above? Or would I need to download new ones?
  4. Unless I find any game-breaking problems with the map, this is most likely the last update - The map post has been overhauled to include images that show the map's most recent version. - Now that we have 1600 available objects, I decided to add a new area/holdout in the map. It's by the opposite side of the restaurant. It was kinda weird that my train station-themed map didn't have a ticket booth and waiting area so that's what this is. And thanks to the pool noodle, I was able to make some nice looking line dividers. There's also a shotgun in there. - The two broken respawn points in the map that doomed anyone who spawned there to be stuck inside the map have been deleted. -Removed one of the pillars in the crate room to help with the humans' sightlines there. - Suitcase room has been expanded to make it stronger for the humans. There were more changes but they're not as important.
  5. Thanks m8. Just post your feedback, suggestions, etc here
  6. Did you intentionally theme the map after Amnesia or is this just a big coincidence? Either way, I'll get this tested and give you feedback when I can.
  7. @Drizzy_Dan You think you guys could test this out? I got my hands full at the moment.
  8. Sounds interesting. This is more of a minigame than an Infection map though. Just because the base gametype is Infection, doesn't make it an Infection map. @@Drizzy_Dan could you move this thread to "Minigames"
  9. Please edit your post and follow the guidelines
  10. Never stop, my man. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cy1BG2nD62g
  11. Totally forgot to pin this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kChyvUS2shw
  12. The Crew was garbage. I enjoyed the Need For Speed vibe at the beginning but it just got progressively worse.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ardent Prayer

      Ardent Prayer

      Yea, I just played it and I lost my interest in it fast.

    3. Zandril


      I'm surprised I got to the 9th mission before uninstalling the game

    4. TDM


      I beat the game. Honestly, if you're in it for the story that's a bit of an issue. HOWEVER I do give the game massive props for the amazing open world, and also just getting to drive around.


      Physics could use improvement though.

  13. *This map is ideally played with 10-12 players. 14 can work but it can get really fast-paced. Boarding Pass is a map I originally made in Halo 4. I made it again in Halo 2 Anniversary with a couple changes and improvements. And now, I've brought it to Halo 5 and it's bigger and better than it has ever been. Now that Forge is more powerful, I was able to make the map as I always envisioned it. Two trains instead of one, both trains extending outwards, two floors in the restaurant, and many more. Restaurant. Two floors, several entrances to watch. Crate room. Two levels. Humans can't camp the corners if they want to live. They need to constantly be checking the different entrances. Suitcase room. Three entrances into this area and it links to the second floor of the restaurant. You can move those small suitcases around btw Bathroom. Houses the Saw spawn. Ticket booth area More pics All holdout locations in the map were carefully planned to ensure balance. Humans will never feel completely safe in one spot and the Infected will always have multiple approaches in taking out the humans. Several power weapons are scattered around the map and some of the best ones(Saw & Magnum) are close to the Infected initial spawn. This allows the Infected to set proper traps by the power weapons and encourages the humans to be cautious and coordinated when they're moving across the map. Videos (Both videos show slightly outdated versions of the map) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNu79V478kQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wioMLG5RQQw
  14. The maps in these submission pages aren't the only ones I have to look at. There are a lot of maps that I look at and it makes things a LOT easier when a map post has screenshots. I playtest a map several times before I feature it. Most of the time, I relay feedback that I have to the map author. When I decide to feature a map, I exert time and effort to commentate, edit, render, etc. All I ask from these submissions are for them to simply follow the guidelines and that's it. I'm not going to form a visual picture from your description of the map so if you can't find the 5 minutes to embed your images in your post, don't expect me to find the time to consider your map. Feel free to edit your original post with images. Or don't. Up to you.
  15. Sorry but I won't consider a submission without embedded images. A description alone will never be adequate.
  16. Today on top 5 creepy XBL messages... http://i.imgur.com/36UM7eP.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Unease Peanut

      Unease Peanut

      At least it's a compliment of sorts. I usually get hate messages...

    3. Zandril


      @Yoshi Hahahaha I wouldn't be surprised if I got a similar one from him. This came from a squeaker fanboy of mine though.

    4. Ardent Prayer

      Ardent Prayer

      Probably me. Sorry Zan. Will probably happen again.

  17. Please embed the pictures of the map in your post
  18. Zandril


    Finally a racetrack
  19. I'm normally not a fan of Banshee battle minigames, but I am SOOO willing to make an exception for this. Good job CaptainDireWolf
  20. Here are some of the announcement videos! The nicely-edited one made by the foreigner https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJfH4Ions5s The formal/professional one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ltn4n8X9pHo The one with the dank meme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSOwHmXOCNo
  21. I'm liking that curvy architecture
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