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  1. I posted plenty of threads giving Halo 4 an incredibly hard time. But, I decided to sit down for hours and hours and just play the game \ get used to it a bit. And, for some reason, after forcing myself to just vibe with it for a while, it started to feel more and more like Halo. I don't know why. The enjoyment level increased and it actually became fun. However, I do not quite understand why we can't have our CSR at least show up in our Service Record. I really hope that they take this into consideration. It'd be so much more epic, smooth, convenient, and add to the excitement more; and with it only showing in each player's service record, no one can be bashed for their ranks, no one can know for sure what the other person's rank is if they try to sell an account, and I really don't think boosting would be an issue. Just some thoughts...
  2. I have a feeling that I may receive a crap-load of backlash for this. But, I'm going to drop my thoughts anyway. Halo 4 is a cool game. 343 took Halo to an entirely new place, and I see nothing TOTALLY wrong with this because they did it in a new way; and ultimately, it's their call on what gets created. However, with the incoming of the new, there's some old elements that got literally crushed into oblivion that could have sent the game to an incredibly high level. I also feel that since we're the ones consuming / purchasing their product, we should have a SAY in the game. The in-game ranking system is totally destroyed, they've removed the classic X on the radar, etc. The community has fallen apart in such an awful way as a result of this all, too (from what I've come to notice.) There's so much that has degraded the fun of Halo, the value of Halo, the competitiveness of Halo. Halo 4 isn't that bad, but it really lacks that core; to the point that it's heartbreaking to me as a dedicated player of the game. I know I'm not the first to post something of this fashion, and I won't be the last, but it's really sad to see where it has all went. And I really want 343 to see what guys like myself have to say about this. From Reach up to H4, these games seem like nothing but fillers for cash. But, even with that, with some simple changes / additions to the Matchmaking experience, we could build something so amazing off of what we have. Until then, it'd be awesome to see people rebuild the Halo 3 Community up again. Like I said, I may receive nothing but hate for this, but it's a desire of mine. Me and my friends get way more of a thrill when we play Halo 3 even to this day. I don't know if anyone else feels this way, but I hope so. Would be amazing to see people take a step BACK from wherever 343 is trying to take this game, and let them physically see that "progression" isn't always a good thing, and doesn't necessarily mean to remove all classic elements. /endrant
  3. Is it possible that 343 would consider it if they see that enough people have this inner-craving for it? I'm grateful for all that the game consists of now, but that would give it such an "unf" in the right direction even more to be honest. It'd give it that sweet tip over the edge into greatness, haha. You know? I'm curious...
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