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  1. MEET UP TONIGHT!!!! IDS has a meet up tonight at 7pm est. If you would like to come and play with us to get a taste of what were about then send me a FR and well get you in! Cubanmilkshake IDS Recruitment
  2. Just a friendly reminder that IDS is still recruiting! Friend me or message me wit any questions! Cubanmilkshake IDS Recruitment
  3. IDS is a fun and competitive close knit community that is always looking for more players. Join the family today! www.instantdeathsquad.net -Cubanmilkshake
  4. MEET UP TONIGHT!!! 7pm est! if your interested in getting to know what IDS is about then send me a FR so we can get you in the meet up www.instantdeathsquad.net to check us out -Cubanmilkshake
  5. Hey guys, tonight IDS has a meet up at 7pm EST!!! Send me a FR or message if you're interested in playing some fun custom games with us or if your interested in joining a clan. our website is www.instantdeathsquad.net. hope to hear from you! -Cubanmilkshake
  6. Don't be afraid to send me a friend request. We can party up and show you around the halo division with some fun custom games or match making! Check out our website at www.instantdeathsquad.net -Cubanmilkshake
  7. Hey guys IDS has a meet up tonight at 7pm EST so if you're interested send me a FR! our website is www.instantdeathsquad.net
  8. Hello im a representative for IDS, an xbox clan. Our main games we play are Call of duty BO2, MW3, BF3, and halo4 (im a halo recruiter) I was wondering if you would like to come play some games with us we have over 100 active players with a very grown up and fun community (18+ exceptions are made) with a very professional website www.instantdeathsquad.net if you want sign up and take a look around your more than welcome or if you want to see how we play your more than welcome to come to a meet up and see if you like us before you join. Thank you for your time. -Cubanmilkshake
  9. Hello all, IDS is a fun/competitive clan that is extremely profession with ranks and all. We have other divisions that you are welcome to join such as COD and Battlefield. Apply at www.instantdeathsquad.net so you're never teamed up with a random again! Join the family! -Cubanmilkshake
  10. Hey guys, tonight at 7pm est IDS is having a meet up. We'll be playing fun custom games and trying out eachothers forge maps. Send me a friend request on XBL if interested and I'll send an invite! Anyone is welcome. IDS is still recruiting!!! www.instantdeathsquad.net -Cubanmilkshake
  11. Who wants to play with a bunch of randoms? NOBODY. Join IDS and you will never have to play with a random again...if you're interested in joining IDS go to www.instantdeathsquad.net -Cubanmilkshake
  12. Hey guys. IDS is still recruiting and if anyone is interested please feel free to visit www.instantdeathsquad.net or message me for any questions! -Cubanmilkshake
  13. Started in 2009, Instant Death Squad (IDS) is an XBOX 360 Gaming Clan with members from around the world. IDS is Currently Ranked the #23rd Top Gaming Clan on Xbox 360 by the Enjin Gaming Network, and the #8 Top Gaming clan by Top 100 Clans! and our mission is to provide an engaging and competitive environment for gamers of all ages and abilities. We are mainly a CoD , HALO & Battlefield Clan, , and we are looking for more Halo players to add to our ranks. What you can expect from IDS: - Both casual & competitive players of the Call of Duty, Battlefield, Halo, and FIFA Series - A professional website and forum facility. - Organized clan structure, and clan ranks updated monthly. - Active COD: Elite Founder Clan - Active Competitive teams on GB and other tournaments - Clanmates who are fun to play with, and place the team above themselves - Clanmates who are mature and treat all other players with respect - And most of all, Clanmates who want to have a fun time! To become a full member all we ask is that you: - Are active on XBL and our website for the required 2 week trial and thereafter. - Be at LEAST 18 years of age. (We will make exceptions for mature people 17 & up) Register and Apply at our Website: www.instantdeathsquad.net i hope to see you on the battle field! -Cubanmilkshake [E-3, Recruitment Officer]
  14. Here's a friendly reminder that we're still recruiting, please head on over to www.instantdeathsquad.net and register & apply if your interested! Any questions feel free to message me
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