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  1. Did you guys miss me while I was gone

    1. BeckoningZebra1
    2. The Stig

      The Stig

      You know it! Glad to see your back man!

    3. Caboose The Ace
  2. my birthday is coming and I still don't know what to do for it

  3. well crap I just realized something that was my wallet

    1. Is not JL

      Is not JL

      got lost and turned into

    2. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      a brute wearing a grunt's methane tank as a hat

    3. demondragonEx


      hah hah hah shutup you guys aren't helping

  4. Hsg you need to loosen up train with a gun or 2 you need to get use to the battlefield
  5. I found something interesting I was walking down my drive way and I found a wallet with 20 dollars what should I do

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. demondragonEx


      Ad this is actually legit wallet with no I.D.

    3. RedStarRocket91


      If you know where your nearest police station is, hand it in there: if someone reports it missing, they'll be able to trace it from there and you might get a reward! :)

    4. BeckoningZebra1


      is the reward better than $20?lol

  6. pretty good I looks like a maze world but I am sure you already had that in mind
  7. I try to get better but the ideas I come up with are coplicated something always goes wrong with a base I make I made one with the help of my brother A.K.A yep you guessed it blueboy 409 helped with one to make it successful but I let him keep it was more of his work than mine
  8. alright this is strange don't do anything but I have my yahoo and facebook on my profile and no weird people have shown up on friend request care to fill me in

    1. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      That's odd, a bunch of us got strange PMs. I was thinking that same person would have harassed you at least once.

    2. demondragonEx
    3. demondragonEx


      trust me whoever it is is messing with the wrong person


  9. this is a really cool looking map nice job
  10. forging is a hard skill to master I know how that feels I am very good at forging but not as good as my brothers instead of forging I think its easier to put a bullet through peoples heads in matchmaking
  11. feh squad fights ey hmph looks like I will have to get my sniping on
  12. new username new picture maximum awesome

    1. haloman 2

      haloman 2

      what was your old one and you have an awesome picture. i like it

    2. demondragonEx
  13. new username new picture maximum awesome

  14. well it went to someone who deserved it congrats
  15. I just got myself a summer job said to pay me 20 dollars per week I go

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Silent Orbis

      Silent Orbis

      You ARE getting ripped off. Over here, minimum wage is about $7.50. You could make more money at a fast food restaurant.


    3. demondragonEx


      actually to clear things up I am 14 so this is the best i got so At least I got a job


    4. Alfonzo Clement

      Alfonzo Clement


      When I was a student, I also found various summer jobs. Honestly, the work wasn’t easy at all, and it was quite time-consuming, but they paid very little because I was a student. It’s incredibly unfair, but when you need money, you have no choice.

      There are many good side jobs, as well as various vacancies that are open to those without work experience. Now you can and should be selective; otherwise, you’ll just be earning pennies. For job searching, it’s best to use trusted websites and platforms like https://layboard.in/vacancies/jobs-in-saudi-arabia/speciality/loader. In fact, there are a lot of international vacancies here, which is great, especially for those who don’t limit themselves to the country they want to live and work in.

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