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Everything posted by Moose93

  1. okay. i will add some more cover when i can
  2. GT - SUPER MOOSE93 Map name - Plateau Download link - Here Plateau is a small 4v4 map, designed for slayer and objective gametypes. weapons -shotgun (bottom middle) -sniper riffle (base of each tower) -concussion riffle (end of each walkway) -needler (under base balcony) -DMR -BR -light riffle -frag grenade -pulse grenade -plasma grenade Gametypes -slayer -CTF -KOTH -oddball please check out the map. any feedback is appreciated
  3. i have added tracks. personally, i dont really like them since they get in the way, but i would like to see what you think
  4. okay. i will put in some bridges to see how it looks
  5. okay, i will change the track colour. not sure what i will do to replace the braces since i have run out of building blocks but i will take a look *Changed track colour to neutral (grey). replaced the braces with 5x5 blocks that follow the track
  6. GT - SUPER MOOSE93 Map Name - Metro Download link - Here Metro is a medium size, 5v5 map, designed for slayer and objective gametypes. the map is based on an abandoned Metro station. view of the map layout map proper weapons -shotgun -saw -carbine -BR -DMR -frag grenade -plasma grenade Gametypes -slayer -KOTH -oddball -CTF check out the map. any feedback is appreciated
  7. if only that was true. a lot of my old reach maps were small and simple, but they were mediocre. thanks for the comment though, its nice to know my map creations are good and not sucky thanks, where is this sunken bridge though?
  8. thanks for all the help. i will send you a FR when im next online.
  9. i have updated the map to fix the problems you pointed out. changes: -changed the rock pathway to blue, now you can run the whole thing smoothly. -edited the colours for the hunts. there is now a blue hut, red hut, and green hut -removed the windows looking out of the map. they were initially there to add some light into the uts but they didnt really make a difference -removed the cover under red spawn and moved the concussion riffle up to the pillar -edited the ramp side of red hut. there is now a small balcony and 2 ramps down to the grass area. -made the windows wider on both huts, blue hut now has a longer window too. it is much easier to get a grenade into the huts to flush players out -removed the shields covering red hut window -removed the the 2 large brace objects. added a rock for some cover -removed the tallest tree out of the 4 in the middle *- edited spawn times and ammo available for the sniper riffle, shotgun, concussion riffle, and needlers new map link - here
  10. thanks, i will get to work on the changes as soon as possible.
  11. i made some minor changes to the red spawn. new map link
  12. okay, i will take a look and see if i can spot anything that needs tweaking. i will also put the map in my fileshare, it seems i forgot to do that part
  13. GT - SUPER MOOSE93 Map name - Granite Download link - Here Granite is a small 2v2 slayer map (the spawns are set up for 4v4 max, but i wouldn't suggest it due to the size of the map). The gametypes available on Granite are Slayer, OddBall, and KOTH. Weapons -sniper riffle -shotgun -concussion riffle -needler -carbine -DMR -BR -light riffle -frag grenades -plasma grenade -pulse grenade Please check the map out. any feedback would be appreciated
  14. how do i use the fonts? i have installed them all, just wondering were to find them
  15. thanks. zandrill, when is you next custom session for map testing? wouldnt mind jumping in on one
  16. thanks. i didnt expect it to turn out that good, i started out just fixing stuff together. just so you know, you can sprint jump across the gap at bottom middle, or you can walk across the edges
  17. GT - SUPER MOOSE93 Map name - Distress Download link - here Distress is a small figure of 8 map, designed primarily for 2v2 slayer games, although the spawns are set up for 4v4 max. slayer, CTF, KOTH and oddball are the gametypes set up on Distress. *players are able to sprint jump across the gap at bottom middle, or you can cross via the ledges* weapons -DRM -BR -Carbine -Sniper riffle -Saw -Frag grenade -Plasma grenade http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWs8hBAeAi4 thanks to Delta5624Productions for making the video
  18. had a look around in forge. nice layout, not sure about the tree placement though. i know some of them are used for cover but they dont look right
  19. had a quick run around in forge. great layout, and great detail. colour scheme suits the map but im not sure about the fog effect around the bottom of the map but thats just personal preference love the jumps you have put around the map, adds a lot of different ways to transition to areas of the map, clearly spent a lot of time thinking about this map. i do get the feeling you could be shot from many different locations at once if you dont have a good setup going, which is a good thing during competitive play, encourages working together and playing properly
  20. cant really tell much from the overview shot, i will download it and check it out.
  21. thanks. will get myself in a few sessions then try and get some of my maps played
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