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Everything posted by Moose93

  1. i have tried setting up multiple testing sessions but nobody replies. any good places to get some people together?
  2. basically all of my maps have been ignored. they get views but no feedback, its annoying but i dont bump. personally, my screenshots and descriptions dont do my maps justice
  3. Gamer Tag- SUPER MOOSE93 Map name - Sandbox download link >HERE< i was having a mental block for new map designs, so decided to remake sandbox from halo 3. its not a perfect remake, but its pretty close. i remade the forge version of sandbox so the weapons and vehicles respawn times are quite short. this was the design i was aiming for. here is what i got. since the map doesn't take up the full island, i marked out the safe zone with capture plates. players have 10 seconds to return to the battlefield before dying. all weapons and spawns are in the same locations as they are in the halo 3 version, the missile pod has been replaced with a rail gun, and the brute shot replaced by concussion riffle. the brute chopper is replaced by a ghost, and equipment is removed. weapons -battle riffle (10 spawn time / 2 spare clips) -carbine (10 spawn time / 2 spare clips) -needler (90 spawn time / 2 spare clips) -concussion riffle (60 spawn time / 2 spare clips) -rail gun (180 spawn time / 3 spare clips) -rocket launcher (90 spawn time / 1 spare clip) -plasma grenades (60 spawn time) vehicles -warthog (120 spawn time) -mongoose (90 spawn time) -ghost (120 spawn time) gametypes -slayer (6v6 max) -KOTH -oddball -CTF please check out the map and give some feedback. if you feel something needs changing, just say and i will get onto it.
  4. Finally got around to editing the map, tried to give it a 'derelict lab' feel but it didnt really work here are the changes changed the colour scheme of the map. purple area is now grey. green area is now orange. </li> added 4 Colosseum windows to make certain areas of the map brighter</li> removed the lighting and structures surrounding them. added in research stations to take their place added general decoration and cover i will link the new version in the OP, along with the new images>
  5. nice, from the screen shots i would say some areas need a little more cover, but i will download the map and take a proper look
  6. I'm sorry but comments like this annoy the crap out of me. Clearly its not his fault so why even mention it if it can't be helped? did you read that sentence and ignore the rest of what i said? i clearly stated it wasnt his fault due to the limitations of forge
  7. could do with a bit more detail or decoration, looks a bit bare
  8. i cant help think it would look better if it wasnt all the same colour. i know thats not your fault since you are limited to what is included in forge, but it is a great remake, congratz
  9. i know this is completely off topic, but is there anywhere i can ask for help with my maps? anyway, i checked out the map and it looks great. the only problem i see is the carbine that has been fixed to pillar on the yellow tower. from personal past experiences, fixed weapons tend to hover in mid air when dropped until they respawn. other than that, it looks great
  10. well. i have seen how far the fog is off the floor and i dont think it will be worth moving my map. it wasnt as high as i thought it would be off the ground
  11. Thank you for your comments Sometimes you have to reforge your entire map to make it as good as it can be that's what I did with mutant Its a real pain but it is work it trust me i havent finished the map yet, but what i have got so far was a real pain to make. i dont often come up with good designs so i dont want to move it all and mess it up
  12. looks good. shame i cant move my map as one big object, it could do with an eerie atmosphere
  13. looks great. how did you get the smokey effect at the bottom of the map?
  14. i will play around and see what can do with it.
  15. yeah, i do agree. i will do that later today. i dont usually add colours, but it needed a way to identify which part of the map you are in, and it looked a bit too dull without the colouring
  16. Gamer Tag- SUPER MOOSE93 Map name - Delta Facility map download Delta Facility is a large indoors map, made primarily for slayer, its is also set up for KOTH, CTF, and oddball. this map can handle up to 5v5. this is the basic map layout finished map Placed weapons -sniper riffle -needler -concussion riffle -shotgun -plasma pistol ordnance -frag grenades -plasma grenades -BR -DMR -carbine -overshield
  17. 25 views and no feedback what so ever?
  18. GT - SUPER MOOSE93 Map name - Nab Tower Download link at bottom Nab Tower is a medium size FFA map. the design is a small lighthouse in the centre of the map, surrounded by natural formations and man made structures. the map offers plenty of areas to hold or take cover in. each area/building has multiple entrances some being safer and others being more risky. Power weapons -rockets: 180 spawn time -shotgun: 140 spawn time normal weapons (random ordnance) -light riffle -battle rifle -DMR -needler -assault riffle -suppressor -storm riffle -plasma grenade -frag grenade -pulse grenade Gametypes -FFA slayer variants -oddball -king of the hill *map could be used for team gametypes but spawns are not set up for teams. i could not find suitable spawn locations for each team Map Download
  19. GT - SUPER MOOSE93 Map name - Roughneck download link at the bottom Roughneck is a small/medium map, primarily designed for team slayer. power weapons -rocket launcher: top middle, 180 spawn time -sticky detonator: on crate, random supply drop power ups (random drops) -overshield -speed boost -damage boost -active camo weapons (random drops) -light riffle -carbine -battle riffle -DMR -needler -plasma grenade -frag grenade compatible gametypes -capture the flag -king of the hill -oddball -slayer (5v5 teams max) *while the spawns aren't set up for FFA, the map could be used for FFA gametypes download link - http://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/players/super%20moose93/halo4/fileshare#!/?section=GameMap&SearchDate=7&SortBy=2&view-select=Tile&startIndex=0
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