I Am Mendicant Bias but i have gone by several names over the last 10 years or so. The main one being "Grey101" on the Halowars and Bungie forums. On The Waypoint forum was known as "Deva Path" and now my current name.
I have been looking at this site for a while wondering if i wanted to join as i thought waypoint would be a good forum to spend my time. But I don't fit in with the attitude and mindset there and have been constantly misunderstood. Ever since the Bungie Forum stopped being a center for halo disscusion i have struggled to find a forum beside my own to spend my time.
So here i am. I like that the mods here aren't so strict, I like that the community doesn't seem to get upset if you don't agree with everything, and i like the feel i get comming to this site. Hopefully i will have a better experiance here than on waypoint and i will act my part to make that happen.
I Have been a halo fan since CE and have every novel,games,etc. I am a huge dark souls,and fallout fan. Right now i have been sucked into the defiance world and have been enjoying that. Feel free to add me on live to talk about these universes or to play games.