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I Mendicant Bias

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Everything posted by I Mendicant Bias

  1. I think for the very first halo game they have done a very good job. It isn't like people didn't have their amounts of complaints surrounding any other halo game. It would be best to wait until the next game to talk about how crappy they are. I don't think anybody here gets everything 100 percent right the first try not to mention it is rather rude to call somebody else's work poor when you cannot do it yourself. Never have i understood that until i started working with my own hands and do my own work. Even if you try your hardest you can still produce crappy work. does that me you suck? no, it just means you need to have a better understanding of what you are doing.
  2. I Am Mendicant Bias but i have gone by several names over the last 10 years or so. The main one being "Grey101" on the Halowars and Bungie forums. On The Waypoint forum was known as "Deva Path" and now my current name. I have been looking at this site for a while wondering if i wanted to join as i thought waypoint would be a good forum to spend my time. But I don't fit in with the attitude and mindset there and have been constantly misunderstood. Ever since the Bungie Forum stopped being a center for halo disscusion i have struggled to find a forum beside my own to spend my time. So here i am. I like that the mods here aren't so strict, I like that the community doesn't seem to get upset if you don't agree with everything, and i like the feel i get comming to this site. Hopefully i will have a better experiance here than on waypoint and i will act my part to make that happen. I Have been a halo fan since CE and have every novel,games,etc. I am a huge dark souls,and fallout fan. Right now i have been sucked into the defiance world and have been enjoying that. Feel free to add me on live to talk about these universes or to play games.
  3. I know that i am nearly 2 months late but the OP isn't that accurate. 1. There were many factors leading to what happened to the Didact and his encounter with the Gravemind was the tipping point. I wrote this prior to silentium but it went with everything stated in the novel. We see the strain on that his race pretty much turned their back him, His wife is with "someone else", and even with the precursors around them nobody wants to listen to him. It pretty much showed that the ones we never listen to are the ones we should have. If the Didact's choice for dealing with the flood was used from the get go it wouldn't have gotten to that boiling point. 2. I don't see anything suggesting that as he says in the epilogue "I hope our children will meet yours". The idea of forerunners surviving that long is a bit excessive if you ask me. not to mention having two didacts would indeed be too much. 3. The Flood are an unintended side affect of the powder some precursors degenerated into. It wasn't planned and was only later embraced. 4. Nothing in the book suggests that. We know she put her "soul" into our race as she did many others. If this was true her AI would have said something upon meeting Halsey. 5.Agreed. Though they seriously made a continuity error because in primordium Chakas made the distinction from 343.
  4. At this point i wouldn't be holding so dearly to the original canon to explain and fit with everything in the current. As a member later points out bungie did not have everything planned out from the get go. Ultimately Majority of the story elements were created after CE's success during the era of halo 2. Which is where the truth came out that the rings kill all lifeforms that have the capacity to infect the flood which are. A Central Nervous system Sufficient Calcium Deposits A Spinal Cord Cortana's statements weren't to ever be taken as factual seeing as she isn't a Forerunner AI and pretty much dumbed down the bad news for chief. We know from the novels (clearly shown in The Flood) that chief doesn't care much for details. As for Spark Bungie Labeled him as instable from the get go by saying "He isn't really crazy we just don't know what he is talking about". Later on we see that intellegence will not stop the flood from infecting a being nor do the rings have some arbitary method of selecting "intelligent" and "un-intelligent" races for destruction.
  5. She Travelled To "Path Kethona" Which is the large magellanic cloud later in the story Faber Fires a halo ring directly at that galaxy destroying all the precursors structures. I don't think bringing the precursors in would be smart since you have to activate a super weapon just to destroy their technologies. Unless the humans created weapons that emitted sheer amounts of radiation Instead. To Me The precursors were integral to the forerunners story and understanding what went wrong with them and how they weren't fit for the mantle. There wasn't much at in in silentium brought up about the humans and precursors other than they were chosen. I think the forerunners might be integral to us.
  6. Chief was going through portals the entire game and didn't die, we have several accounts of Spartans surviving falls from orbit as well. The forerunner novels clearly show that even the most basic armor barrier protects the user far more effectively than anything the humans currently have. It was noted that more important forerunners have stronger armors as well. Seeing as the Didact was the commander of forerunner forces i am sure that he wouldn't be killed from that. Not to mention the fact frankie was talking about him having character development so they aren't going to kill somebody extremely important in the first showing off screen. There is also the ending speech as well which isn't being said in the past tense.
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