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The Stig

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The Stig last won the day on February 10 2014

The Stig had the most liked content!

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  • Location
    North Eastern America
  • Interests
    Driving, Gaming, Training, Travelling.

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The Stig's Achievements

343 Guilty Spark

343 Guilty Spark (19/19)



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  1. Am I the only one who gets teary eyed when I see a proposal? I just saw a gentleman purpose to his girlfriend in the lobby of the movie theater... I couldn't even see because of all the tears. But the funny thing though, is I was smiling the whole time, but I was also wiping away tears. I hope that when I purpose someday to my future significant other, she says yes not because of some reason... But because I make her happy. I just hope I can make her happy enough...

    1. Azaxx


      I never get teary, then again, I don't involve myself emotionally into another's relationships status.

    2. I_Make_Big_Boom


      When I finally do it, I'll go out of my way to do it in the weirdest way possible.

    3. Frankenzer


      I'm never going to propose :/

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