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The Stig

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The Stig last won the day on February 10 2014

The Stig had the most liked content!

Profile Information

  • Location
    North Eastern America
  • Interests
    Driving, Gaming, Training, Travelling.

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The Stig's Achievements

343 Guilty Spark

343 Guilty Spark (19/19)



Single Status Update

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  1. Just saw the "Amazing Spider Man 2" in IMAX 3D.... Holy ****!!! BEST.SPIDERMAN.MOVIE.EVER! 11/10 stars! You HAVE to go see this movie! Please. Do yourself a favor and go see it! ;D

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. The Stig

      The Stig

      Did you guys stay until the very end? I mean the VERY end? There was an after credits scene....



    3. Azaxx



      Didn't watch it in the cinemas

    4. The Stig

      The Stig

      Oh. That explains it. lol.


      Part of the reason I liked it so much was also cause I saw it with my dad, and brother. Plus the theater was packed and everyone was super into the movie (Some were literally biting their nails and sitting on the edge of their seats!) and they even clapped at the end! So it "Enhanced" the experience for me! ^_^

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