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The Stig

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Everything posted by The Stig

  1. Are we brains trapped inside a body, or a body being controlled by a brain? Am I controlling my own thoughts and choices or is part of my brain I can't control suggesting things to me? Who is thinking about these things? What is making me ask these questions?...

    1. Luke Hales

      Luke Hales

      Are the loops on my pants holding up my belt, or is my belt holding up my pants? Who is the real hero?

    2. Guts
  2. I just realized... It must be really hard for Sangheili to eat ice cream, or drink a milkshake... It would all just end up in their lap.... And C-could... Could they even chew gum?
  3. What if "Halo: Xbox One" is actually Halo 4 with a fresh coat of paint (new graphics), at 60 FPS, dedicated servers, all of the missing custom game options returned, and remakes of every Halo 2 multiplayer Map included.... And its shipped on a second Blu-ray disc along with Halo 2 Anniversary Campaign mode equip with a Skull menu that has some default skulls unlocked but the rest have to be found. And a meta-score so you can compete with friends to see who gets a higher score like Halo 3 and Reach, and 4 player online co-op over Xbox live, with full kinect voice features, and hand gestures... Maybe even a little window on the bottom corner of the screen that is like a webcam so you can see your friends face and reactions as you play...
  4. See the thing is Bungie was more active, and involved with their community... Bungie VS the World, Recon Armor, Blue Flames, Easter Eggs galore, better weekly updates, more active forum reps (that went by the alias Ninja or Flaming Ninja...). But see, Bungie didn't get like this until after Halo Combat Evolved... Until mid to late Halo 2.... That's when their forums exploded with frequent users, and more people discovered Halo (through Xbox Live)... After that everything was nothing but smooth sailing... They need time. Their first game put them on the radar, but the second put them on the map. Everything else was a gift. 343 is in the shadow of Bungie, and under the towering figure of the massive and intimidating Halo Community. They had a lot of high expectation and a almost perfect image and reputation to live up to... Rather than try to live up to it, they tried a different approach.. They broke away to do their own thing. Now that they did hopefully just like Bungie, their second game will make them a respected and feared company...
  5. With its current games, and future game line-up? Of course! The Wii U has better graphics capabilities than the Xbox 360 and PS3 (Not as much as a PS4 or X1 but still greater none the less). And it has great games now and down the road, so in all honesty, I don't see why not! Greater graphics and better audio quality than the Xbox 360 and PS3 both of which are still going to have games for the next three years, plus that awesome controller with a screen, and incredible games....
  6. No, Thank you for the video's and being so damn awesome!
  7. This has been a really sad year :(... First Breaking Bad ends... Then Marcia Wallace from The Simpsons dies... Then Brian Griffin of Family Guy dies... And now Paul Walker dies... :(

  8. "Daft Punk - Get Lucky" is my favorite karaoke song to sing a duet with my brother...

    1. TDM


      I like "Around the World".

    2. Sadly Just AL
    3. Guts


      Proclaimers Im on my way


  9. Since I have not gotten a chance to play it yet, Might I ask... Do the fish swim away, as were promised? And are the A.I and physics actually better considering its "New" engine?
  10. Good Luck to those brave enough to attempt to go shopping tonight on Black Friday!

    1. Silent Orbis

      Silent Orbis

      Oh god...

      Walmart had like $600 off of a 70" TV... one that we'd never dare normally attempt to buy. Now it's on sale, but we got some "visitors" over at our house. So... I guess we missed out.

  11. I will start playing again real soon. The Only reason I am not now is less time, and the little free time I have for video games, I spent it on other games... Like GTA V, Pokemon, Older Halo's, and the Free Xbox games from Gold reward program.
  12. Saw "The Hunger Games: Catching Fire" last night... As Wednesday nights are Movie nights... Great movie, but I missed the last minute and twenty-eight seconds of the movie because my bladder can only hold so much liquid... Curse my tiny bladder!

  13. Now we just need someone to make a Minecraft Mash-up Mod in Skyrim....
  14. The way everthing is made so cheaply nowadays... Thats why I always say, "Wait as long as possible before purchasing your New Console". The longer you wait, the better. Let everyone else be the "Beta Testers". Wait until the cosoles get awesome redisigns with improved parts, better software that doesnt glitch... And they will have a bigger library of games by then.

    1. The Stig

      The Stig

      Oh and did I mention the Price drops?!

    2. Elite


      Did you mention that you refuse to acknowledge the existence of Nottinghamshire?

  15. No body is excited for the next "Legend of Zelda" game on the Wii U? And what about Super Smash Bro's or Mario Kart 8? And how is nobody else psyched for the rumored games like, Half Life 3, Fallout 4, Pokemon Z version, The Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald Remakes, and the Grand Theft Auto Vice City Remake...
  16. This is why we need a "Halo: ODST 2". As long as we have at least one Halo game available on two different consoles it would help bridge the gap. Giving people the choice to either wait a little longer and stick with their current console and still enjoy new Halo's, or Upgrade their console and get the version with better graphics and A.I
  17. I don't just play any one game... I always mix it up. But I do spend a while on each game as I want to try to complete them and enjoy the ride... But I spend more time on the one's I really like. And I play almost daily (or weekly depending on my schedule) the ones I love. But out of all games, Halo 3 has my first, and longest Online multiplayer time invested....
  18. Same goes for Phones... There is an improvement in each and every new generation of phone, be it iPhone, or Samsung Galaxy, or whatever... The pixel density, pixels per inch, and screen quality and resolution improve, but they are currently at a point already where they look so good, that we cant even see the difference. Its there, and its minor, but its there. A small improvement, but an improvement none the less...
  19. Got my Haircut for the first time in Three months.... Yes I have a face under this helmet...

    1. Caboose The Ace
    2. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      I haven't gotten a haircut for a little while. Such a rebell with my 1.3 inch long hair.

    3. TDM


      Was it from a professional?

  20. Maybe, it just might! I mean sure, Microsoft can not allow a main series Halo Title be on both consoles, they need people to have a reason to buy the Xbox One... But when it comes to side games/spin-offs, anything goes! Having the game be on both consoles improves sales of both games and increases revenue generated by each console, and the extra profit can go to fueling the Main games on the New console.
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