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The Stig

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Everything posted by The Stig

  1. The Custom Edition Side of Halo PC is the One game (Or one part of a game) that I never got to try. Between that and...
  2. I cast my vote for Zelda. She is the kindest, coolest, and most stunningly beautiful person on this forum! She is the best, and would be the best president hands down.
  3. Nothings better than driving down a long, windy road, through the woods, after a rain, with the windows down, while listening to your favorite song

  4. I never tell people what to do, I can only give my Advice... But in this one instance... You HAVE to buy the game again! Four or Five years ago, I bought Halo CE Platinum Hits Edition, it broke, so I bought another, my dog scratched that one so I bought one more, there was a problem with that one, so I bought two more... I ended up spending over $48.96 plus Tax on a $9.99 because I had to keep buying it from best buy... Point is, is that it was worth it, and I never regretted it. Anyways, if you are still interested in the Xbox version, then here... http://www.amazon.com/video-games/dp/B000067DPM
  5. Rock: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLrFlgcn8oI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXJWCjqNAk8&list=FLZ3IGyn3aRLU1L9hOMcDT-g&index=5 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRYABA0saFw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNIkLHwtL6g http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfUYuIVbFg0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LZzAOKPer4
  6. That will take you over two-hundred and eighty-five-thousand lifetimes to accomplish, lol. Or did you just mean every game that you have played?
  7. Seriously? There was not a nicer way for you to reply to him? Could you have not just said...
  8. Well so far for me, the only one I hate the most is, "Mile High Club" in Call of Duty 4.... It is the Only one left, I need to get 100% in that game!
  9. Banned for doing a math problem, when I don't have Mr.Spock with me to explain it, and then solve it...
  10. I can not compare apples to oranges. I also have a hard enough time deciding what I want to make my self for breakfast, now you are asking me to pick between my Two most favorite Halo's?... That's no fair!
  11. Well I found this in the 5.29.13 Bulletin on Halowaypoint...
  12. Darn! I was going to wait until after the first few Title Updates, and first DLC pack to buy the game.That way the first time I experience it, it would be far better than it was on launch day... But now that they are offering such nice incentives... I might just have to Pre-Order, and get the Collector's Edition.
  13. Yeah, your best bet is to Private Message BS Angel.
  14. Event number two should be Halo 3 Re-population day. Get as many people as we can on Halo 3's servers. Event number three should be Halo 3: ODST Firefight, One Billion Point challenge. We all play firefight on any map, at any difficulty, and try to hit a score of 1,000,000,000 points! Event number four should be Halo Reach Re-population day. Get as many people as possible on the Reach Servers.
  15. Good question... If anyone reading this, is going to be going to E3 this June, can you please be sure to ask them? Now I myself would normally say no, but then again if M$ does release a Xbox One version of Halo 4, then I would think they would be smart enough to know, not to break the already dwindling population of Halo 4 in half... They should unite the community for Xbox 360, and Xbox One, all the way until the end. (the point where the drop support for Xbox live on the Xbox 360 to force people to upgrade)
  16. Yeah, and remember in the DP series when Ash actually became encased inside of Pauls former Chimchars fire, once its Blaze became activated. Then he bit Ash in the arm... So Ash was set on fire, and bit, at the same time by his Chimchar and he still kept on hugging it and never let go, until Chimchar calmed down. And that is just one example... Or how about the time when Dawn would feed poffins to Mamoswine even though it hated dawn when it first evolved and would always disobey her. She kept at it, and treated it with love and affection by letting watch contests, protecting it, giving it peace offerings, complimenting it, and even saving it's life. It is almost as if some people in the world only look for the bad things, or evil in people, and then make them out to be some sort of criminal/monster. You can not overlook the good...In Pokemon 99.99% of the time, the good outweighs the bad, so PETA needs to get over it... Especially if all they want is money from a law suit..
  17. Agreed. The Elites in halo are nothing without the Arbiter. The Arbiter must come back, but in a way that is epic and exciting. In a way you could have never predicted or expected...
  18. Good day sir. Anyways, Yeah No problem man, don't mention it! We all enjoy making new friends! And that's what the internet is for, telling the world your problems, making new friends, and learning new things along the way! Please, Enjoy your stay! And Have a Great day! Namaste
  19. Post all your best jokes, or favorite funny image or video's here... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7tX4FFyvLgA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJPX7w-D0RU This is just the first of many...
  20. Reminds me of the Time Family Guy got cancelled for over two years straight, because of the F.C.C As soon as they came back on air, they got their revenge by make a little song to piss off the fella's at the freakin FCC... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2NDPT0Ph5rA
  21. I Concur. Destiny is going to be great! Lets just hope that Activi$ion and Micro$oft don't screw it up...
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