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  1. I think you make some good points Twinreaper but maybe the reason we didn't see so much of this behaviour ten years ago wasn't because it didn't exist but because things like reddit and gaming forums weren't as popular? I only used waypoint a little bit but it always seemed like there was a lot of criticism there of the newest game, except the developers didn't really openly reply to it, which they do on things like team beyond and reddit. Plus isn't it fair to expect that you at least get what has been advertised to you? What upset me most about Halo 5 was that the story was completely different from what the advertising said it was going to be about, and I don't think the problem is with me being entitled just because I want the game to stand up to the standards it set for itself. And then there are things like the Master Chief collection which just didn't work at all but because I had it on a digital download I couldn't even return it, so I'm stuck with it and the only thing I could do was complain and hope they fixed it. Maybe we do complain too much but is it really entitled to expect that you actually get what you pay for?
  2. It's really sad. Feels like 343 are losing a lot of their staff these days, I really hope they find someone good to replace him and we don't end up with what happened after all the writers left after Halo 4
  3. It's a really big shame, but I guess it might be a way of trying to sell more consoles? If you can only have one person on a screen you need to buy another one after all, though I don't know how that would work with no LAN. I hope it's just a technical limit though. Would really love for it to come back once the super xbox one is out and has more power!
  4. Hey everyone! It's been awhile, how has everybody been? :)

    1. I_Make_Big_Boom


      Gerd. How bought you?

    2. HollowPseudonym


      Been a weird few years really but glad to be back now :) so what's going on around the forums these days?

    3. I_Make_Big_Boom


      Not much really. It's been awful slow the last year, and it's getting worse.

  5. HollowPseudonym

    Test Album

    This is just a quick test album so I can see how this stuff works! :)
  6. I think apart from the six anniversary edition maps (which are running on a new engine) all of Halo 2's multiplayer maps will still have their original graphics and it's just that they'll be running in widescreen with more pixels (so everything will be a bit clearer) and at 60fps. It's a bit of a shame, but at least it means that it's probably not going to feel any different from how it was back then!
  7. Happy birthday Hollow!

  8. AR by a long, long way! While I think the SR and suppressor can actually get a kill quicker, it can reliably get kills over a MUCH longer range and ammo tends to be easier to find, plus no worries about overheating in the middle of a fight. Slap a dexterity package on it an it basically rivals the combat evolved AR in terms of firepower!
  9. Nope, Ragnarok and Exile are definitely still there, they just seem to come up a lot less frequently than they did before - and as someone who enjoys maps like Vortex and Settler (minus the obvious horrifying spawn problems, of course!) I think the change is quite welcome. Much as Exile and Ragnarok are fun, I got pretty sick of playing nothing but them after the first four months. The lack of objective modes also really didn't help, big team objective has always been the most fun you can have in Halo. Agreed on slayer pro, though. It's not really a terribly fun gametype to begin with, and the style of play simply doesn't work well with big teams and big maps. I know some people like to play it, but we really do have more than enough slayer in our big team already, putting more in isn't going to make the rest of us feel any better.
  10. I don't know if the DLC maps count, but if they do it's a lot harder because I just can't pick out a favourite from the majestic maps. I guess as an absolute favourite I'd have to go for Skyline, because it's just so much crazy fun for small teams and free for alls. Without the dlc, I'd probably go for Abandon, because it's really well balanced and just tends to play really well. Some of the sightlines in the corridors could do with being broken up a bit, but overall it's definitely a personal favourite and I always look forward to playing it Least favourite map is probably Meltdown. I like the concept, but it just doesn't seem to work properly. I can't really put my finger on exactly why it feels so broken, there's just something about it that doesn't seem to work. Maybe it's because there just isn''t a very good balanced between infantry and vehicles, and in dominion the central base is way too exposed. Could be a lack of mid-map power points, too, and that the bases at either end just don't flow very well.
  11. Even better! Boast about how amazing you are to someone you've never met and have never played against and totally miss the point by conflating skill with analytical. And frankly, I don't give a toss what you claim anyone else thinks. Speak for yourself and let other people come to agree, or shut up. I'm sick of being told by strangers what I'm allowed to believe in because of what I've played. I like Halo 4: you don't, that's fine. But don't put your opinion in the mouths of others.
  12. Oh wow, that's REALLY helpful. Let's just accuse someone of lying because we don't understand why this has happened to them and are too lazy to find out, but are also so egotistic we feel the need to comment anyway instead of just staying shut up. OT: Unfortunately, there's not really anything you can do about it. Longtime loyal fan or not, you've got to consider that what you do in-game affects other players, too: other players who've paid just as much money as you for this particular game, and who are just as entitled to a good round of matchmaking as you are: by quitting, you're hurting that experience for them, and while the resulting ban is probably on the harsh side, it's a pretty good deterrent. Sometimes life does get in the way, and that sucks, but at the end of the day all you've lost is an hour of a video game that will still be there tomorrow and the day after. Plus you've got to remember, it's much better to have a system where you can't basically just bribe your way past the rules than one where giving handing over money gets you an advantage. Just because you've been with Halo for a long time doesn't give you the right to hurt someone else's game: how would you feel if every game, someone on your team would quit leaving you a man down, and that these people wouldn't be punished just because they'd spent money on it? I've also heard that there are much harsher bans for quitting multiple matches in a very short space of time than it if you quit often, but fairly spaced out. It's possible that you've just fallen afoul of one of these bans: if so, it probably won't happen again as long as you try not to quit multiple games in a row in the future.
  13. You know, I hate stuff like this. Just casually dismissing anyone who disagrees with you and saying that it's because they didn't play the previous games. As though everyone who played the original trilogy of games has the exact same bloody opinions. Plenty of people who played the first three games are happy with Halo 4. Plenty of people who've never touched those aren't happy with the newest instalment. As a very longtime fan of the Halo series, the thing that irritates me most is when other people claim to speak on my behalf if they don't share my opinion, or dismiss my affection for the series just because of that conflict.
  14. Well, the 'Best Answer' is based on the opinion of the OP: 'best' is a very subjective thing. Maybe you should suggest that it's chosen by the highest number of likes in a thread or something instead? Well, if you want a really good discussion, maybe you shouldn't say that everyone who disagrees with you is acting like a child. It generally doesn't foster a very good atmosphere for talking. Not being competitive is completely fine. If you just want to start up a game and have fun, and don't care if you win or lose as long as you're enjoying yourself, then that's great to hear and don't let anyone take that away from you. But if that's really what you think - if you genuinely don't care about any rank - why are you so opposed to it? Some of us feel don't get the most fun possible out of a game just because we're playing it: we need the adrenaline that comes with risk, with something being on the line. It's the difference between a friendly game of poker for chips, and playing a game of poker with real money at stake. That's how we get our fun - that excitement, that feeling that however this game turns out can and will have real consequences, rather than everything just going back to how it was before as if the game had never been played. Most of us aren't making a fuss over a skill ranking system because we want to show off how great we are, or make fun of people who aren't as good, or whatever - though undoubtedly that's the case for a few people. Most of us just want it because it makes the game more fun for us - and is letting us enjoy ourselves really such a bad thing?
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