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Everything posted by Critical

  1. Hi, this is a topic about the stuff i would fix on Halo 4. 1: Do Halo 3 remakes work with new weapons? My opinion, no they dont, i was playing swat on Shutout and I kept getting shot by two players who were hiding at one side of the hallway with their Dmr and since it has a better range than the Br its got more of an advantage. Especially on Ragnarok the Dmr's range gives it more of an advantage, but lets not put all the hate on the Dmr, what about the Boltshot? could you imagine how annoying that weapon would be on Guardian? I would rage, alot... 2: Connection I saw Nak3d Eli's new video about Halo 4 servers and how they work you should go check the video out, when i watched it i didnt understand why the previous Halo games had better connection than Halo 4. I black screen alot, even when a player didnt quit out. The Suddoth twins also have a video about Host in a Halo 4 lobby and game. 3: Boltshot GET RID OF IT!!!! 4:Ordnance I understand why my ordnance would kill me when its shot down on top of me, but when it gets teleported and i stand near it i still get damaged from it. 5: Sniper The sniper has always been a good weapon but when i use it im not as good with it as i was back in Halo 3, thats probably because ive lost my skill, but when i no-scope i cant see stuff to my right, why?, because there is a massive scope on top of it! so i try to avoid it... I hope they realize the mistakes they made in this game and learn from them for Halo 5, other than these 5 little problems im proud of 343 the game was alot better than i thought it would be. Thanks for reading!!! Bye.
  2. GaurdOfDestiny YourDestiny TheDestiny UnseenDestiny DreadedDestiny TornDestiny DestinysEnd Hope they give you some ideas
  3. Hello everyone, my name is Rob, Im 14 years of age and im a Bungie fan, ive played all the Halo's till Halo 4 and im going to get Bungie's new game Destiny. When 343i came along in Halo Reach I wasnt very happy with the updates they did to the game, but they have redeemed themselves in Halo 4 apart from the killcam and flood. These are the ranks I reached in each Halo Halo 3 brigadier grade 2 skill rank 50 in Lone wolf. Halo Reach Eclipse. and in Halo 4 Ive recently just reach 130. If i had to decribe my personality I would say funny, random and i rarely get annoyed. My favourite weapon on Halo 4 is the BR and always will be, my worst is the LightRifle. You have probably never heard of it but i live in Guernsey... Thanks for reading!
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