Hello my name is Dark Rigel. I have put in weeks; no, months worth of work into making maps in forge mode. Competitive maps. Both in Halo 4 and Halo Reach. Especially Halo Reach. In Reach I've made probablly 10 quality maps that I am certain could have been on xbox live. At least a handul of them anyways. Including an almost perfect recreation of Halo CE and Halo 2's Wizard(Warlock) map. I called it Magnus. And now in Halo 4 I've made a handful of maps that are good as well. Including Magnus again.
The main problem is I did most of this work offline. And tried and tested them over and over again at friend's houses the lan party way. And sadly I may soon lose xbox live again for I am poor.
Now with all the hours of work put in I wish I could see just one of my maps make it to xbox live. In Reach and especially in Halo 4. Since I know the Reach crowd is dead compared to Halo 4 now. Does anyone know how I can do this? Can anyone tell me how to get my maps noticed and given a shot? It would basically be the one thing that can affirm all those hours of building and testing. To finally get noticed for what I've done. Thank you.
If you are curious about my maps and want to try them then just look up my gamertag Dark Rigel. Check out my maps in fileshare. (note: all of my maps are competitive style maps. no joke maps. no "just for looks" maps. lol)
In Halo 4 I have four maps.
Magnus - The affore mentioned Halo CE/Halo 2 map
Falkirk - My favorite creation so far in Halo 4. Really awesome for FFA, SWAT, team slayer, and capture the flag.
Ronin Island - An awesome team and king of the hill map.
Arius - My first Halo 4 creation.
In Halo Reach I have 8 maps in my file share.
Magnus - Same as above. Seems to play better in Reach though.
The Pleisiades - My most amazing creation in either game. I have no idea how long it took me to make it. It's in the air, above water, looks awesome, and plays well. Good for any slayer game type but I Dare you to try King of the Hill on it with your friends.
Nemesis - Very large map. But fun. Betting capture the flag would be awesome on it.
Hiroshami Town - It literally looks like a little village/base kinda place. Small size. Plays awesome.
Zenith Station - A snipers paradise. Though you don't need a sniper rifle to own. Long and not very wide is the best description of it's shape and size.
The Madhouse - Explosions and fun for everyone! People seem to gravitate to the crows nest.
Gemini Complex - My first forge map ever. Very well rounded indoor map.
F.X.L. Arena - Crazy small arena meant to actually mimic an indoor sports arena. Bleachers and all! Shield door protected lockerooms for spawning. lol. To be honest looks like a paintball arena. Small only begins to describe it. No more than 8 on this map and that would be a crazy hectic match.
Well I hope someone gets some enjoyment out of my creations. And I hope someone responds back soon on how I can get my maps looked at. Thank you so much for your time. Have a blessed day.