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Snipe MD

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Everything posted by Snipe MD

  1. Febuary vaycay! #YOLO

  2. Banned because the reasons justifying your Ban warranted your inevitable Ban because you could not Ban the person who coincidentally had evidence that could potentially have Banned you...but now you are Banned......kudos for you.
  3. Ha! It looks like another halo clone..................................Oh wait....
  4. Valentine's day...the day of love...the day of women...the day of loving women...and for the metaphor of the month: "If you don't take the initiative to go first, you are only as fast as the person in front of you."

    1. Is not JL

      Is not JL

      Since when was VT the day of women?

    2. The Stig

      The Stig

      But you should love and respect women everyday... Not just Valentines day... On Valentine's day you show your love but you make it extra special. Its the day I feel so alone... sad face... :(

    3. Composite Armour

      Composite Armour

      The day of epic LAN gaming with mates.

  5. Why would they make it in the first place though. even though it's good, the game was not broken to begin with, so why re-create?
  6. I only teabagg after i assasinate someone, or If I beat someone with a T.E.A move, like jumping from a banshee......ahh...delicious ultra-violence.
  7. the CD-ROM Drive is for playing "T.N.T" & "Back In Black" while teabagging the fu out of the competition. Also, EOD FTW!
  8. I say that he will come back. It like the geth from mass effect, there are some good geth and some bad geth. Vis-a-Vis, there are some good covenant and some bad covenant.
  9. Meanwhile, star wars prepares a court case against bungie for obvious reasons.
  10. Meanwhile, thousands of pimply nerds run towards the sword with thousands of there mother's dollars and demand it to be sold, to which the blacksmith stabs them in the eye with a fork....... ......I'm First by the way, so you know that I was going to say something Fu ed up. Censorship FTW!
  11. This statement could be miscomprehended, so your lucky that I caught it. Double-Enteritides FTW! I also remember a time when Azaxx was not a moderator......It was a simpler time...
  12. Snipe MD


    I don't think that someone would go out of there way to hack armor off of halo 4, but the large majority of the armor can be unlocked as you progress through the game's spartan ranks. good luck!
  13. It is a glitch that usually occurs when you go to a specific game mode, such as spartan ops. the same thing happens in halo 3 when you play on the mythic maps, then go back to the maps that came with the game. It's annoying, but easy to fix. just put back on all of your armor. If the problem persists, it is perhaps you have not "Unlocked" the armor yet, as what happened in halo 3 with the security armor, but good luck!
  14. Blue team has been going downhill ever since this "Rivalry Issue"
  15. for future reference, not to be detrimental, but when you say "Boss's" you are supposed to say it "Boss' " a person who's name ends with "s" you put nothing after the apostrophie.

    1. D-38 Boss

      D-38 Boss

      I wanted it to say Bosseses. it was intentional. :3

  16. May the force be with our new presidents...Beckoningzebra1 & Vitamin PWN!

    1. HaloKittyGirl
    2. Jack Of Harts
    3. Spyro


      Force or no force, I still run things. ;)

  17. Beckoningzebra vs. Vitamin PWN...two titans head to head, the next step for one or the other is victory, so all the members who hold everything dear, Support Beckoningzebra1 as president this year. may the force be with us all...

  18. Name: Snipermaster101 (Pronounced snnnnipermmmmmmaster101) Weapon(s): A SNIPER'S (Not sniper, mind you.) Rifle and a SUBBY WUBBY (S.M.G in halo 3) Appearance: The Spartan on the right in my signature, but with cyan armor and E.V.A soldiers. Skills and Powers: Amazing luck of the draw, as well as the ability to escape from any sticky situation with the use of an internet meme. Bio: A mysterious, albeit respected member who's dark past is surrounded in mystery, Who Knows BeckoningZebra through some Deus Ex Machina sort of plot twist. the other members have suspicions about him. Make it T.E.A!
  19. FTW is my new catchphrase...KNOW ABOUT IT!

  20. If I had any respect for you before............THEN IT JUST DOUBLED!

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