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Snipe MD

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Posts posted by Snipe MD

  1. Name: Snipermaster101 (Pronounced snnnnipermmmmmmaster101)


    Weapon(s): A SNIPER'S (Not sniper, mind you.) Rifle and a SUBBY WUBBY (S.M.G in halo 3)


    Appearance: The Spartan on the right in my signature, but with cyan armor and E.V.A soldiers.


    Skills and Powers: Amazing luck of the draw, as well as the ability to escape from any sticky situation with the use of an internet meme.


    Bio: A mysterious, albeit respected member who's dark past is surrounded in mystery, Who Knows BeckoningZebra through some Deus Ex Machina sort of plot twist. the other members have suspicions about him.


    Make it T.E.A!




    My fellow forumians. Friends, family, Jedi, mudkips, dragons, breads, dogs, the uncooked moa, rockets of all colors, and of course Skummgummigube, the time of elections has come again. This is a wonderful time, a time full of betrayals, blackmailings, shootings, subliminal messages, lies, and under handed methods of becoming the next president of the forum.


    If I've yet to receive your vote, please allow me the chance to convince you that I am the President you're looking for with the reasons listed below:


    I'm  a Jedi.


    Honestly, does anyone remember the last time we had a Jedi for president? Jedi are used to handling things like mouthy politicians. We are the peace keepers, and peace will be maintained in the forum for the entirety of my term.



    I'm a zebra. 


    There has never in the history of our great Forum been a zebra to receive the title "President of the Forum." Hopefully this election we can change that, together.


    I'm not a Pirate. 


    Cling! Clang! Whewsh!- That, my friend, is the sound of pirates fighting. A sound that you'll be hearing throughout the next 4 months if you choose to elect a Pirate into the office of President.

    Pirates. They. Can't. Be. Trusted.


    I'm not the ruler of Hyrule.


    Hyrule, the land of legends. The realm where a great hero resides. Someone who fights so very hard to defends the ones he loves. He does everything in his power to protect the people of Hyrule and save the princess. So how does the princess repay him for his actions? She doesn't. DDDDDDD:

    Rather she names his entire franchise after herself and doesn't even reveal her heroes name. I will not add anymore to this, I'll let you ponder in your thoughts when it comes to the ruler of Hyrule.

    Hyrulians. They. Can't. Be. Trusted.


    I'm not a Pokemon. 


    I think we can all remember what the last term has been like with a Pokemon president. *cough*the mudkip*cough* 

    Pokemon. They. Can't. Be. Trusted.


    I'm not a Skylander.


    Skylanders are fierce creatures that inhabit Skyland. They're most famed member, Spyro, is a purple, fire-breathing dragon. This mess the forum dictator has created will take a someone a bit more experienced to clean up. 

    Skylanders. They. Can't. Be. Trusted.



    I'm not a vitamin.


    Vitamins may keep you healthy, but are they good for you? Well according to our trusted scientist here at 343i.org, Dr. B.S. Bularky, every time you swallow one of those dreadful capsules it attaches on to the walls of your stomach. It can't be dissolved by the gastric juices. Rather it stays on the walls if the stomach and builds up making you look fatter after every dose. Eventually, you die. 

    Vitamins. They. Can't. Be. Trusted.


    I'm not Silent.


    I won't be silent when the forum requires direction, but on the contrary I will do my absolute best to lead the forum through the voice of the members.

    Silence. It. Can't. Be. Trusted.


    I'm not a Yoshi.


    Yoshi has carried Mario many places, helped him solve many puzzles, and mad some pretty stellar jumps, but you know what? Every time Yoshi has ever been hit by a fireball, chased by a Chomper, Targeted by a Bill, or touched by a goomba, he's fled. He's left the battle, leaving the plumber in the red hat all alone, without a weapon.

    Yoshi. They. Can't. Be. Trusted.




    Vote BeckoningZebra1.

    -A President, you can trust.



    Please note that this is for fun and does not in any way, shape, or form, represent my actual views of these members. I like to consider each of these members my friend. I have deep respect for them and wish them nothing but the best of luck this upcoming election.





    If I had any respect for you before............THEN IT JUST DOUBLED!

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  3. i agree even though most games are violent they should look at the positives instead of violence because some youtube vids and a lot of movies hold a ton of violence but some people who are depressed and a lot of people play games because of depression and i know i did start playing games because of it


    In all honesty, I don't believe video games to be "Violent", in that sense of the word, It's the things people do with and make from video games that is violent. like, you could just kill a grunt in halo 3, but some people like destroying it's backpack THEN killing it; the violence level is just a determinant of the individual.

  4. Here Is The Tip On How You Can Be The Best MLG Player In The World:



    Just don't play. If you never play, you never win or lose, then the fat MLG try-hards have to find another way to express there anger.

  5. Hello, members of 343i forum. I am SNIP3m101, and I am the political advocate for Beckoningzebra1 as the forum's next president. Recently, I had posted "The Top 10 Reasons Why BZ1 Should Be The Next Forum President Of 2014" on the "General Discussion" tab. Shortly after, The ENTIRE Topic was deleted, and it was replaced by a post by Redstarocket stating, quote:




    According to RSR, The post was deleted because "Staff members can't run for election", but I had in actuality looked at spyro's nomination thread, and it stated, Quote:


    "7. Literally ANYONE can run if they are nominated. Your color means nothing here. so don't be afraid to not be nominated because of your color."


    The only evidence I found that SLIGHTLY supports your statement is:


    "5. Moderators cannot run for election, with the exceptions of Azaxx and Drizzy_Dan due to a technicality."


    The only thing this proves is that moderators, suck as RSR, can't be nominated, not "New's Group" individuals.


    The deletion of the thread, then forcing the topic to support a member that I have no intention of supporting, is a huge misdemeanor on the moderator's part. I do not know if this was either a simple misunderstanding, or a malicious action, but now I want action to be taken. as political advisor for BZ1, I demand the following be done:


    1: Put BZ1 back into the race (If he was to be taken out)

    2: Return the forum topic I made back to it's original status, no edits, no alliterations, NO EXEPTIONS!

    3: Post a PSA to all members of the forum that states what is stated in this topic.



    If these actions cannot be accomplished, even if it's for fun, this election is deemed VOID. I await your decision...


    Trying to sound as un-threatening as possible,


    SNIP3m101, Political Advocate for BZ1.



    If all works out, vote for Beckoningzebra1 as the next forum president of 2014!   

  6. And that's why it's such a good idea, younger individuals need responsibilities to get a better understanding of the world around them, and this is the perfect way to do so. It's not as complicated as News Group, and it's not as tedious & time-consuming as Arts Department, you of all people should be able to see this.


    And besides, look at how into the forum people are. HKG has been here no longer than 3 weeks and she almost has made more posts than I have made in 11 months. 

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