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Snipe MD

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Everything posted by Snipe MD

  1. Ah, onsokumaru is the new promotional staff member...... WHAT IS THIS SORCERY?
  2. The voting booths are up, the ballots are yet to be signed, so VOTE FOR BECKONINGZEBRA1 AS THE NEXT FORUM PRESIDENT 2014!

    1. Snipe MD

      Snipe MD

      Also please note that this is a STATUS UPDATE. continuity FTW!

  3. Double thumbs up to you EK. wear your pink with pride...while you can (Sinister laughing)......(Sinister Laughing ceased)
  4. Snipe MD


    Welcome to the forums, don't get attacked by trolls, they are attracted to new members; so good luck!
  5. Good clans are hard to come by, you gotta have dedication, determination, and be able to prove your skills. hop into one of the other clan recruitment threads and see what you can do. good luck!
  6. I don't think it should have. remaking all the maps, despite how AWESOME that might have been, It would have cost 343 time and a whole lotta money, also perhaps delaying the game itself. If the maps had been implemented, it might have taken funding away from halo 4, who knows?
  7. Any of you guys notice that all this stuff started happening when Azaxx was declared moderator...
  8. Make it like halo wars...then people would actually play it.
  9. In all honesty, I don't believe video games to be "Violent", in that sense of the word, It's the things people do with and make from video games that is violent. like, you could just kill a grunt in halo 3, but some people like destroying it's backpack THEN killing it; the violence level is just a determinant of the individual.
  10. Here Is The Tip On How You Can Be The Best MLG Player In The World: Just don't play. If you never play, you never win or lose, then the fat MLG try-hards have to find another way to express there anger.
  11. quote of the month: If you make sure your the first person walking in the snow, It saves you the time of walking in another's footsteps

    1. Zaguroth


      But.. You spend more time trudging through the snow.. Better to be the 5th person so the first 4 create some sort of path..

    2. Snipe MD
  12. No jimmy...Video games don't make you violent, crazy Justin Beiber hallucinations make you violent...
  13. Firefight, because it gave you a sense of acomplishment when you give a brute a face full of the fist of rukt.
  14. This thread is in no way, shape or form a "joke", this is serious. The moderators are abusing there power, and should be confronted. THEY EVEN EDITED ANOTHER MEMBERS (Spyro) POST JUST TO PROVE A POINT! There's no fairity in that!
  15. NO, IT ARNET! THIS BE SERIOUS, BZ1 in, everyone else is in, RETURN TO YOUR LIVES!
  16. .........Hmmmm... Even If "RSR can totally change the rules, according to spyro", that does not mean that you can bar any non-banned, non-moderator member from running. According to Spyro, "your color means nothing here."
  18. Hello, members of 343i forum. I am SNIP3m101, and I am the political advocate for Beckoningzebra1 as the forum's next president. Recently, I had posted "The Top 10 Reasons Why BZ1 Should Be The Next Forum President Of 2014" on the "General Discussion" tab. Shortly after, The ENTIRE Topic was deleted, and it was replaced by a post by Redstarocket stating, quote: "KEEP CALM AND VOTE VITAMIN PWN."...... According to RSR, The post was deleted because "Staff members can't run for election", but I had in actuality looked at spyro's nomination thread, and it stated, Quote: "7. Literally ANYONE can run if they are nominated. Your color means nothing here. so don't be afraid to not be nominated because of your color." The only evidence I found that SLIGHTLY supports your statement is: "5. Moderators cannot run for election, with the exceptions of Azaxx and Drizzy_Dan due to a technicality." The only thing this proves is that moderators, suck as RSR, can't be nominated, not "New's Group" individuals. The deletion of the thread, then forcing the topic to support a member that I have no intention of supporting, is a huge misdemeanor on the moderator's part. I do not know if this was either a simple misunderstanding, or a malicious action, but now I want action to be taken. as political advisor for BZ1, I demand the following be done: 1: Put BZ1 back into the race (If he was to be taken out) 2: Return the forum topic I made back to it's original status, no edits, no alliterations, NO EXEPTIONS! 3: Post a PSA to all members of the forum that states what is stated in this topic. If these actions cannot be accomplished, even if it's for fun, this election is deemed VOID. I await your decision... Trying to sound as un-threatening as possible, SNIP3m101, Political Advocate for BZ1. If all works out, vote for Beckoningzebra1 as the next forum president of 2014!
  19. Honorable mention is awesome! I'll Get on the list next time, though. just you wait!
  20. And besides, look at how into the forum people are. HKG has been here no longer than 3 weeks and she almost has made more posts than I have made in 11 months.
  21. And that's why it's such a good idea, younger individuals need responsibilities to get a better understanding of the world around them, and this is the perfect way to do so. It's not as complicated as News Group, and it's not as tedious & time-consuming as Arts Department, you of all people should be able to see this.
  22. As of now, until the end of the event, I will represent Beckoningzebra1 as his political advocate. Be sure to vote for Beckoningzebra1 this Elections day.

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