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Snipe MD

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Everything posted by Snipe MD

  1. Hello people of 343 forum. my name is SNIP3m101 and I am the founder of "101 Productions 2014". you may have seen my content on youtube, but if you have not, visit my page. Moving right along, this post may not be quite right for this column, but I'll put it here otherwise. about a week ago, I had visited "HaloKittyGirl"'s profile page and looked at her posts. I observed that she hung mostly around the "Introductions/Goodbyes" tab, and was quite welcoming to all the new members coming in, and I even commented on it. Because of this, I propose the creation of a new member color status: Community Greeters. Here is how it will work. The greeters will have the great job of meeting all the other new members that come onto the forums, and they lead them around the site and show them what's what. Despite having such a daunting responsibility, the Community Greeters will have some luxuries that are exclusive to them, such as the ability to use the shout-box immediately, as well as posts in the "Introductions/Goodbyes" tab to count towards there overall post count. If this works, It will save the moderators the time of touring around the new members and help them focus on making the website a better place for all. post your votes and we will see if the administrators agree with us. Thank you for the consideration! Sincerely, SNIP3m101 and the members of 101 productions 2014
  2. Something real sketchy is going on in the forum. I tried to edit a topic and it said "NO_SUCH_TOPIC!", even though I posted it 5 minutes prior. I have my suspicions...

    1. Azaxx
    2. Snipe MD

      Snipe MD

      yes. i found it, thank you...still fishy though...

    3. Azaxx


      I just moved the thread, you might've been editing while I moved it. Sorry about that.

  3. 101 productions 2014 presents...oh, the trauma.. Oh, the trauma... the trauma that is finding all terminals in halo 4, Oh, the trauma... Oh, the trauma... the trauma of once again not being M.O.M this month, Oh the trauma... Oh, the trauma... the trauma of watching the youtube video, "Don't hug me, I'm scared 2: TIME", oh, the trauma... Oh, the trauma... the trauma that is suicide grunts... Oh, The Trauma... ("Oh, the trauma..." was produced by the children's television workshop......in space) Sincerely, The good people of 101 productions 2014 (P.S: Don't watch "Don't hug me, I'm Scared"......you have been warned)
  4. Words of a machinimator: you may not know it, but you are a creator. you created a impact on this forum, it's just that you don't know it yet.

  5. Supperintendent said it first...
  6. Beaver creek once again. stand outside the door...wait for it...wait for it...wait foSHANK!
  7. Vote for Beckoningzebra1 as the next president of the 343i forum!

    1. BeckoningZebra1


      I approve this message.

  8. they should make a new color rank: Community Usher, they will be responsible for greeting the newcomers on the forum, and you'd be great at it.
    1. Buns


      Wow this is longer then some movies. Production value is good enough but you really should cut all of this up into 10 minute segements so you actually have content to upload to your channel and stay active and its easier to digest and more people will actually stay through the entire thing(I couldn't watch the whole thing at once wayyy too long)

    2. Snipe MD

      Snipe MD

      understandably. it's more to feel like a movie, but we will take that into consideration. our future videos won't be that long, but thanks for staying tuned.

    3. Snipe MD

      Snipe MD

      Thanks, it's more to feel like a movie, but I'll take that into consideration. our future videos won't be that long. thanks for staying tuned!

  9. Leet World Season 2: Special Edition is up on youtube, take a look-see when you get the chance.

  10. Wait... Hi, I'm SNIP3m101 and i am the 11th most popular person here. (Just kidding) If you need anything, talk to me or any of the other trusted forum members, such as Beckoningzebra1 or Bnus. ...oh and watch out for church (we have a rocky relationship, it's complicated.)
  11. HOLY [bleep] ON A [bleep] SANDWICH! but you can play beaver creek in halo CE,2, and they remade it for halo CE anniversary.
  12. He responded to MY post (Which was deleted for no atiquetly explored reason, seriously, I looked at the rules, There was no violations that I could see.) and he answered it, meaning it was not degrading towards any ethnic background, maybe it might have been bad for younger audiences, but it's not like that kind of post has not been done in the shoutbox or something, but, to appease everyone, I made a new one. To answer BZ1, Battlefield, because it's more realistic. Cartoons or Anime? (I had to censor this question twice to get it past practices and preferences.)
  13. what happened to you, brosky? you kinda......left.

    1. BaconShelf


      I lurk. Not that much discussion here anymore. If you get over on Bungie.net forums, be sure to message me there. I access there a lot as it's a lot more active.

  14. those moderators blocked my posts.......I will get my revenge......

  15. Imagine if the map had the lowest gravity setting? Ha!
  16. there's a more than great chance that one of the people writing on this forum shall be M.O.M next month, so we'll just have to wait and see. Wear your pink proud Onsokumaru......you earned it.
  17. The community is not surprised...why...because we all saw this coming.
  18. Not bad, It'd be good if you got it off the ground also note that this is my 100th post, and next is my 101st... I'm All Over 343i, Baby!......
  19. best map? beaver creak. good for a little 1V1 now and then...
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