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Snipe MD

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Posts posted by Snipe MD

  1. Hope to see you around!

    You can use the shoutbox once you reach 5 posts!(That aren't in offbeat or introductions) As for the rules you can view them here


    As for members all you really need to know is that Bnus guy is pretty rad. Azaxx is ok nothing cool. I don't even know the names of the rest of the members because they aren't as cool as me. 

    Although I am kidding everyone on here is an awesome interesting person. 


    There is I.

  2. Hey this is SNIP3m101 here with a issue that i'm sure everyone has dealt with at one point in there life...copyright.


    Copyrights a Bi :censored:, Copyrights are the rights that are reserved to a specific company or companies that prevents third-parties from getting profit from work they did not produce. as a machinimator, we pour our hearts, our souls and our time unto our videos, and what does youtube do? "This video has been deleted by [insert Bulls :censored:  company here] on copyright grounds...sorry about that.". Do they think we make money off these things? ask any machinimator, MIK3 WB, Arbiter617, Alexo, they don't make any money, and when we make a royalty-free video, with 500$-priced royalty music, Royalty-free sound effects, and a massive disclaimer at the end of our videos, the company(ies) that think that our products have copyright infringements look closely at the video, trying to find ANY copyright infringements, then when someone in the video says "that was almost as bad as the american version of the one-piece theme," bam! they delete the video. Halo machinima is a bit more lighted up on, despite Anime up-loaders & abridgers suffering the most from this.


    If we don't make money on our project, don't delete it. Just because we post season 1 of Naruto on youtube does not mean the person going to get on "The Ellen Degeneres show", or something, they just wan't to post and/or subtitle the videos that you lazy   :censored: s couldn't do.


    This post will probably be taken down for any number of asinine reasons, such as the constant use of censors, or the part about Naruto and/or One-piece, so enjoy this post while you can, because if people can't understand how big a deal this is, then a future machinimaor might have his/her hopes and dreams crushed by the Naggy B :censored: that is copyright.




    SNIP3m101 and all the people at 101 productions.


    (location is new BTW)


    P.S: Next week after I post "The Leet World: Special Edition", I will post the 3rd "Oh, the trauma" Post, so be sure to look for that.

    • Like 2
  3. 1. Classification [signature]

    2.Format [PNG (Static image)]

    3.Size [Default: 600x200]

    4.Style [sci-fi]

    5.Primary colors [light blue]

    6.IMAGE [http://jdars1804.fil...jpg?w=655&h=491]

    7.IMAGE [2]

    8.IMAGE [3]

    9.Background [your pick, if anything. preferably fitting with the overall theme of the picture]

    10. Writing [sNIP3m101 (colored cyan, above the Mk. V spartan); Mr. Whuppopopotamus (colored green, above EOD spartan); the word "&" in between both names] 

    11.Font [Eurostile, or anything stylish]

    12.Extras [none]

    13.Locations [your choice]


    Thanks again! :clap: 

  4. Not so much fix, but give Halo 2 a complete makeover. If we were able to play Halo 2 for Xbox 360 and Xbox One, it would be class. Well, I know you can play Halo 2 on the 360 but you have to be offline and can't get achievements for it. I think I can speak for most people when I say, we'd all love to play Halo 2 again except with the improved graphics and new achievements.


    It would be an interesting endeavor, I'd admit.

  5. Hey everybody, It's me, SNIP3m101 here and, despite how misleading the title might have been, I'm going to tell you guys about some new Machinima-related projects in our community.

    January 10: Our youtube channel, "101 productions" will be up and running. We will be posting all our videos, as well as any other mixed media in that location.

    January 13: For all of the fans of the 2008 counter strike series, The Leet World, Three days after the start of the youtube page we will post the Re-mastered, Re-edited version of the complete season 1 of the show, entitled, "The Leet World: Special Edition", with added sound effects, scenes, and at the end, we will reveal the teaser trailer to our newest halo machinima project, The Marathon Men, which will be on youtube in early March.

    January 17: Depending on the response of the youtube community, as well as you guys here at 343i forum, we will Post the Re-mastered and Re-edited version of the second and final season of The Leet World, Also entitled "The Leet World Season 2: Special Edition"

    January 20: We will post the theatrical trailer for "The Marathon Men", which will show a few scenes, as well as the final release date.

    Besides that, we here on the forums hope you come down to see us on youtube in January, And If you wan't to see the original version of The Leet World, Go to www.smoothfewfilms.com, but until then, Have a T.E.A Day!

    Merry Christmas,

    SNIP3m101 & Mr. Whuppopotamus


    (P.S: 101 productions is not affiliated with Smoothfewfilms or The Leet World. Used with permission. All rights Reserved.)

  6. Not really in that respect, I mean since the Xbox one is not backwards compatible, you can't play any of the hundreds of dollars worth of Xbox 360 games you may have lying around. Also, you never buy a system for just one or two games; you look at genres, and you see which ones would be available to you, and on what system. Not even halo is worth the purchase of Xbox one, and there may be even the slightest possibility that by the time halo 6 comes out, It, and every other halo title (excluding spartan assault), will be on both the Xbox one and Xbox 360. So, in all honesty, I wouldn't go with the hype, and I'd stick with the system I got now.

  7. the forums will never be the same. We will do the best to finish what you started, and make the forum a better place for all. you can be sure that we will pass on the word to other new members; and one things for certain, your services and work will not be forgotten, Because you are and always will be...a LEGENDARY MEMBER!


    May the force be with you,



    SNIP3m101 and all of the people here at 343industries.org

    • Like 2
    • Classification [signature] *
    • Format [PNG (Static image)]
    • Size [Default: 600x200]*
    • Style [sci-fi]
    • Primary Colors [light blue]
    • IMAGE [http://jdars1804.files.wordpress.com/2008/10/14.jpg?w=655&h=491]*
    • IMAGE [2]
    • IMAGE [3]
    • Background [your pick, if anything. preferably fitting with the overall theme of the picture] 
    • Writing [sNIP3m101 (colored cyan, above the Mk. V spartan); Mr. Whuppopopotamus (colored green, above EOD spartan); the word "&" in between both names ]
    • Font [anything stylish]
    • Extras [none]
    • Locations [your choice]


    text colored red so as not to be confused. sorry if your overworked, pal  :laughing: 

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